Friday, 31 December 2010

About rumours

Although Anon may be gone from deviantart she still trolls me here on blogger and she has 7 or 8 or 9 failblogs including the BAAAAW Blog  and a couple where she has tried to impersonate Natter (including one where she took some of his supposed artwork without permission and posted it there) and one in which she tried to rip-off my own blog with Inside The Lab With Doc G.

I'd also like to point out that nothing she said on her BAAAAW blog entry about me from November 16th of last year is remotely true,   and that i'm not a necrophiliac - i wouldn't even dare think about digging up the body of a dead celebrity i like and doing stuff to them or even think about bringing them back to life.    Also if you are wondering who started the whole blood-sucking, hamster-eating,  two-headed lizard-tailed succubus rumour thing  I did -  as a means of poking fun of myself.

And also it was a sort of Drake and Josh reference as well,  in the beginning of the episode Eric Punches Drake, Drake says that he spread a rumour about Josh telling everyone at school that Josh was on a squirell diet and he spread more rumours about Josh.    

This is the quote i was referencing when i made up those rumours about myself:

Josh: Suddenly, everyone got the idea that I EAT SQUIRRELS!
Drake: I told people at school Josh is on this new squirrel diet.
Josh: Then the rumors got even worse!
Drake: Then, I made up worse stuff.
Josh: Someone told people that after I eat the squirrels, I use their fur to make my own underwear!
Drake: It was all lies.
Josh: Oh! The new rumor about me, and I don't get this one at all. It says that I have an extra toe growing out of my belly button!
Drake: People will believe anything!
Josh: For crying out loud, my belly button is toeless!

And as for the repeating the last word of my sentences for emphasis thing,   that was also a Drake and Josh reference as  Josh did that during seasons 1-3 of the show,    in fact it's kind of a trademark trait of his,    in fact most of the werejoshpecks featured in my monster world stories have that trait too (including Werejoshpeckprince)  and Jason the werejoshpeck and one of the newer recruits of the attic monster gang,    he is also based on a friend of mine who happens to be named Jason and looks like a pre weight loss Josh Peck and has similar traits,    there's also a second werejoshpeck in the group too -  his name is Warwick and he is named after one off my mom's friends who happens to look like a more mature Josh so because of this the character is a more evolved werejoshpeck form known as the Werejosh2.0 (based on the more mature post weight-loss Josh)


Hello  fans i  hope you all have a happy new year and that you are well,   i'm sorry i  haven't posted in the past several hours and that i've been making fewer posts,   it's just  i've been so very busy and everything.   I had a great christmas and i hope you all did too.

I've been having  lot of fun here and in real life,    for the last couple of weeks i've been visited by this nice woman named Vera (usually on Wednesdays)  and sometimes her friend Betty visits me,   and one of my mom's friends came to visit.

I've been watching a lot of the Nostalgia Critic recently and he is brilliant,  i've also been working on some new photomanips since last time including a koala girl one.

I'll be working on a pig morph for draw2012 sometime today or either tommorow or during the week which will be fun because i've haven't done an Ungulate morph before,   i tend to steer clear of any animal that has hooves -   mainly because of this one nightmare i have in which i get visited by a demon cow.    But the pig morph should be fun to do.

By the way,   I entered the Despicable Me Minion Madness sweepstakes,  i have 431 minions in my army so far and have posted my Mastermind Resume along with a short story and three Halloween Minion drawings as well as playing a few games and watching a few clips.

In case you don't know what the Minions look like,   they are these little guys here

Monday, 27 December 2010

monster power

Despite what you may have heard on metokur,  i  am not a pedophile and i certainly have never worked at McDonalds  - to be honest i don't even go there to eat anymore,   i  haven't been there since the early nineties and i only went there for the happy meals with the toys in them and nothing else,    also  none of my characters are mary sue types.

The reason my monster gang members have superpowers is because they are monsters and the powers that they have match with what kind of monsters they are,    for instance Mitchell is a spellcaster like the Maestro from Ghosts so he can conjour up spirits,  possess people,   turn himself into a ghoul,   turns others into ghouls and stuff like that,      Grincherella is a shegrinch so she has super strength and very keen senses,   she can also turn other people into grinches by scratching them.       Presto has genie-like powers,    Bruce has god-like powers,   Edgar is a Tim Burtonesque demon -  he can turn into his demon form to scare enemies and also can drain their souls.

Each monster has a power that matches with what kind of monster they are.

Sunday, 26 December 2010


Greetings monster lovers,  Dr Music here.

And do not worry i will not give up my monster stuff, because much like fellow monster lover Blackbluedawg I do love the concept of a monster living in someone's closet.

How many of you believed that there was a monster in your closet when you were younger?

I certainly did and still do - in fact I have a whole gang of them in there and even though they fight a lot and sometimes do things that get me in trouble I still love them. Except for Scare Bear though, and that's because he's a possessed teddy.

Like I said before there is absolutely nothing wrong with believing in monsters or that you are one yourself.

Monsters, ghosts and the paranormal have facinated people for centuries. And it still continues to facinate and captivate people today.

Sometimes just for fun I watch really bad b-grade horror/sci fi films like the ones on MST3K and laugh at how silly they are - even though they are actually rather fun to watch.

And much like my friend Marionut247 I love the show Beetleborgs, in fact I watched it all the time when it was on Fox Kids. I especially loved the antics of those wacky house monsters - of course Flabber is my favourite.    I wanted the action figure of him so badly,  unfortunately i never got him but now i've got the doll of him.

I also sometimes watch the dvds of Tales From The Crypt which was one of the gifts I got from a friend - mainly season 1-7. My favourite season 7 episode is the one with Eddie Izzard in it - that and I love the Third Pig - that little animated one is pure gold. Poor Dudley is the only smart one in the lot while Drinky and Smokey are idiots.

Friday, 24 December 2010


Hello Dr Music here,  i am here to wish all my friends both human and non-human a merry xmas and i hope you have a happy new year.    I've got some pretty good presents today and here is what i got:

  • Gremlins II (dvd)
  • Evil Dead II (dvd)
  • A Christmas Carol (DVD,  Robert Zemeckis)
  • Some block thingy (I have no idea what it does)
  • The Sims 3 (ps3 game)
  • The Art Of Bee Movie (book)
  • If Chins Could Kill (book)
  • Simpsons calendar
I'm sure i  am bound to get a lot more where those came from,    for me everyday is like christmas.

Thursday, 23 December 2010


I'd like to make a shoutout to some one of my friends here on deviantart.

Blackbluedawg -  He is my best friend on here and an avid monster-lover like me, he is always fun to be around and so are his monster gang members.

DPMoonwalker33 - This guy is one of the biggest gargoyle fans i know and he kicks ass - he is an incredibly awesome dude to talk to and he is a pretty badass gargoyle too.

Natter45- This guy is another one of my best friends, he is a hell lot of fun and his superpower characters are amazing and entertaining as well.

Midnight-Oyl - At first i really hated this dude and we fought like well..cats and dogs but now we are patching things up and it is working rather well - he's got a top notch gallery too;.

Rebeccachuc1992 - Always loyal and protective of her many friends myself included, Rebecca is always a wonderful person to have as a friend on here as she is always ready to help.

Marionut247 - I couldn't ask for a more entertaining friend than her, she loves Beetleborgs as much as i do and getting to talk about it as well as having my monsters interact with Flabber and the house monsters is pretty awesome in itself.

Nibblahfrog - His killer power rangers monster designs are awesome and not to mention rather fun to see, as a member of his yahoo power rangers monster club i am glad to tell you that he is pretty kickass at this monster creation stuff.

Bunnyboogrl15 - One of the biggest MJ fans around and a huge supporter of mine, this deviantart is one of the kindest people on here and i hope she stays that way.

GrayJaeger - Biggest TF fan i know of and he's a very fun, charming and not to mention incredibly badass guy - he is simply amazing.

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Disney songs

Growing up i was always a Disney fan,  along with watching shows like Fireman Sam and Postman pat -   i used to watch Disney movies on video over at a friend's house.

One of the first disney movies i ever saw was the Hunchback of notre dame-   that was after i saw Toy Story and later the cinematic re-release of the Little Mermaid and the live action 101 dalmations movie.

But to me Beauty and The Beast is my personal favorite,   so much so that i have memorized every single song from the movie as well as the lines and can recite them well off by heart,    i have quite a few songs from that movie stuck in my head -    mainly Be Our Guest,   Belle,   and the Gaston song.   In fact i can sing the Gaston song extremely well and sing Gaston's parts in a brilliant impersonation of the character's voice.

Now this may seem weird but unlike most i wasn't rooting for the princess or the hero -   i root for the villain everytime,    and that doesn't just for animated disney films -   that goes for non disney animated films too,  because the villains always seem to have the best song in the movie.

But i still have Prince Ali,   Poor Unfortunate Souls,   Be Prepared,   The World's Greatest Criminal Mind and many other disney songs stuck in my head and i  can sing the lyrics to those perfectly -  i   can also sing Be Our Guest and Les Poissons brillantly.

Sometimes i sing to myself and sometimes i sing to my stuffed animals,   now some of you make think it's weird but hey.... it's the closest thing i have to an audience,   i  can sing rather well i'm told but i don't do it often because i rarely get the chance too.

In addition to writing song parodies on Amiright i also have written a few original songs too including one about Simon Cowell.    One of the first song parodies i ever sang was a parody of the song Solitare by Laura Brannigan,,  titled Baudelaires -  the song was about the three orphan children from the Lemony Snicket books -    i even had it recorded on a tape recorder.

And if i may confess,   there is one Disney song that made me cry -  it was Can You Feel The Love Tonight from the Lion King -   it was the part towards the end where Timon sings: "And if he falls in love tonight,  *sniff*  it can be assumed"  and Pumba responds:  "His everydays with us are history"  and both of them sing: "In short our pal is dooooomed."   and the two of them start crying,   and believe it or not that part always makes me cry -   i'm not sure why if it's either because i'm happy because Simba got reunited with Nala around that part or because i'm sad because Timon and Pumba are going to miss their best friend.

But in a big way,    Disney has been a big part of my childhood and i'll never outgrow it,   i don't think anyone will.

Saturday, 18 December 2010


I myself am a fan of Jay Leno,   but how i first became a fan of his actually started after my dad presented me with a news article -   this was a Michael Jackson article that was published around the time of his 2005 trial,    and the article mentioned that was Jay was going to be one of the people testifying at the trial.    My mum said at the time that she thought that Jay reminded her a bit of Flabber,    in case you don't know -   he's that blue genie-like ghost from that show Beetleborgs (he's the one with the Elvis hairdo),    it wasn't until i looked up him that i became a fan,   and i became an even bigger fan after reading his book Leading With My Chin.    I also found it interesting that he used to do funny character skits on the tonight show too,   in fact a couple of his characters are featured in his How To Be The Funniest Kid in the world book  -  mainly Mr Brain and Iron Jay (it even has pictures of those characters in it),    i tried looking for pictures of what all the other characters he played look-like but unfortunately the only things i could find were two t shirts with Mr Brain and Iron Jay on them.

I pictured Iron Jay as being this macho he-man type like Gaston from Beauty And The Beast with some Bruce Campbell style bravado,  who works out vigorously and admires himself in the mirror -   after watching the clips i found of him on youtube -   turns out i wasn't too far off,     he's a musclebound fitness guru who has great physical strength but lacks in the brain department.    

I pictured Mr Brain as sort of a scientist type with a large brain and a massive intellect,   turns out after watching that clip of him -   i wasn't too far off -    he is indeed a brainy scientist type with a large brain and high IQ but also with a dry sense of humor like Blackadder.

I pictured Beyondo as being like Genie from Aladdin,   turns out my description of him isn't too far off from the clips -     the clips show him as being a magical being - specifically a spirit or floating head who can speak to people from the great beyond.

As for Billy Tuttle,  i kind of pictured him as being either like Elvis Presley in his fat Elvis days,   Fat Bastard or the classic disney villain Pete,    from the clip I saw of him he isn't too far from my description -   he's an overweight guy with a large butt and he works at a burger bar and he likes cheese,   and he has sort of a southern sounding accent and a wheezy laugh -    so in a way he kind of reminds of Mayor Shelborne from Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs.

As for the  Bob Johnson character,  i imaged him being like Smithers from the Simpsons,   now i have not seen any clips of him as of yet but i really do hope my description isn't too far off from what he's like in the sketches.

Evil Jay was pretty obvious,   he is described as Jay's evil twin who comes out at full moon nights and so i imagined him as either a dark magic user or a vampire type,   neither of them are far off from how he is in the clip of him on youtube,    in the clips he is Jay's evil twin -  and interestingly enough in the opening part of that one clip it says that Jay turns into him when it's a full moon akin to a werewolf,  and he does possess dark magical abilities -   in the one sketch he's in -  he's on the set of the show F.R.I.E.N.D.S and he uses his magic to change the title on the door to F.I.E.N.D.S,   causing Ross and Rachael to start hating eachother and become enemies rather than friends.

Johnny Allegro i always pictured as being a parody of the Prince Charming character archetype from fairy tales,   in the clip he is in -   he is an Antonio Banderas style latin lover type who works as a garbage man.

Virtual Jay -  well he's a CGI version of the real Jay so he looks a bit like a character from a dreamworks or pixar film.


  • These are all the blogs i am currently following:

  • @ That mushabelly site**
  • A Goat Walking A Tightrope
  • Alec D's Art
  • Alexandra Sokoloff
  • An eye for Motion Graphics
  • Andy's Movie Dome
  • Anonymous_X
  • Atop the Fourth Wall
  • Bee Movie Fun Facts
  • blogger beware: the goosebu...
  • Blue Sky Disney
  • Cartoonatics
  • Chen Chan Productions
  • Dan Lacey The Painter Of Pa...
  • Doris the Ugly Stepsister
  • Drawing is Life.
  • Fanboy Wife
  • Flamemario12's random blog
  • Fwoe's Gweat Blog
  • Grizzly Tales
  • Hallucina
  • How To Become A Vampire
  • I Blog Dead People.
  • Joe's Horror Face
  • John Candy
  • Life/with/iji
  • LIVE GREEN... Google GloZel...
  • Long-Forgotten
  • Look At This...
  • Michael Aushenker's CARTOON...
  • Ms Divine is blogging in th...
  • My Reading List
  • My Transylvania
  • Natter45's Blogs of persona...
  • Parka Blogs
  • pixeloo
  • Plan9 from
  • Pop Culture Petri Dish
  • Popped Density
  • Power Rangers Recaps
  • Power Rangers Union
  • Room 5's Magic Mushabelly A...
  • Scar Stuff
  • Scared Silly: Cl...
  • Shock & Awe
  • Sideshow Cinema
  • Suburban Vampire
  • The Bo Schitt Blog
  • The Cartoon Geeks' Blog
  • The Girl with the Panda Tattoo
  • The Haunted Closet
  • The KOSART Effect - The Blo...
  • the manchester morgue
  • Toon Club
  • Toy Alert
  • Toyin' Around
  • Unofficial Disney Character...
  • Werekoala Watches...
  • White Stuff

Friday, 17 December 2010

Mushabellies vs squishables

I've lot of toys over the years, but the ones I adore the most are Mushabellies. Mushabellies are simply adorable. And they make such delightful noises when you squeeze them. There also different kinds of mushabellies too, there's Mushabelly Chatter, Mushabelly Snooze-Ums, Mushabelly Alienoids, Mushabelly wrestlers, Mushabelly monsters and Mushabelly adorables. They come in all different shapes and sizes and are all unique.

And they aren't just animal ones, there's also aliens and monsters too. Also there are special holiday themed ones like for Halloween there's a witch, frankenstein, ghost, pumpkin, a bat and a spider and for christmas there's a snowman, a Santa, and a polar bear and a reindeer. There's even a koala bear one and a panda as well. One of the ones I have is a brown bear named Timber, when you squeeze his stomach he makes this really cute laugh which kind of sounds a lot like John Candy.

There's also these mushabelly Expys called Squishables, I'm not sure if they are made to be either a rip-off or a homage to them but  some company obviously tried to clone the mushabellies. Squishables may look the same as mushabellies do but they are not as fun as mushabellies are. Mushabellies make noise, squishables do not.

So next time you are in a toy shop and you see a big, round stuffed animal give it a squeeze, if it makes a noise then it's a mushabelly, if it doesn't it's a squishable.

Thursday, 16 December 2010

character makers and other programs

Sometimes when i surf the web i like to play some of the flash games on deviantart like the Na'vi avatar maker by dolldivine,    there's quite a few others i  like as well that aren't on deviantart and here's what they are:

2.South park character creator

I only wish that someone would come up with a Family Guy character maker or a Disney one -  where you could turn a photo of yourself into a disney style cartoon character,  i  think that would be pretty cool.   I like the Simpsonize me site but i don't think it's working anymore.     Now this may seem a little weird but if i was a disney character i'd choose to be male AND a villain.


Every good story needs a bad guy and my Carlos Castaneda fan story has quite a few,  i hope you like these guys.


Empress Uma:

Uma is an empress with magical abilities,   she looks a bit like Angelica Houston and acts a bit like Rita Repulsa,   she is always sending new monsters to destroy Carlos and the other heroes,   most of her monsters get defeated by Carlos and so do some of the villains she sends after them except for Cowellconstrictor who is the only one who wins.   Uma is particular inspired by Yzma from the Emperor's New Groove but with Rita from Power Rangers thrown in.     Her footsoldiers often vary from bat-like creatures like the Batlings to armoured beast-like warriors.

Leo D. Leopardo:

A leopard-like monster who is incredibly strong and agile.    He and Diablo are a comic monster duo but he serves as the straight man of the group.


A monster axolotl who can walk on land as well as swim in water and does exactly what he wants,  he speaks in a mexican accent and kind of serves as the silly comedian of the duo.


A large crocodile like monster that can eat almost anything,   he is probably the one that is rarely ever seen fighting the good guys because most of the time he prefers to just swim around in his little mud pool or raid temples and try and steal food.


Uma's trusted monster-maker,   he makes all the monsters that Uma sends to destroy the heroes -  but sometimes the monsters he makes often end up changing sides.   He is described as looking quite pig-like.


The only member of Uma's villainous team to successfully win a battle against Carlos and his hero team,   this cold hearted fellow is half man half snake -  his human half (head, neck and upperbody) resembles Simon Cowell black t shirt and all -  he also has Simon's voice and his snake half is black with red scales -  with a tail and a venom tip at the end and no legs,    he is brutally honest and extremely sly and intelligent.    Making him the only smart one in the group.    His footsoliders are similar to the armoured beast warriors Uma has except his have snake-inspired armour.    His two main attacks including his tail attack where he injects his victims with the venom tip on his tail -  this causes the victim to slowly become part snake themselves including developing a snake-like lower body similar to his as well as snake-like eyes and of course fangs as well as the victim developing more snake-like instincts and starting to speak in snake talk (with extra s'ssss and everything).     Oddly enough he himself doesn't speak in snake talk or have any snake-like instincts,  although his eyes do become like a snake's eyes at times especially when he's about to attack,  and his teeth do kind of become fangs as well.    His second attack is his constrict attack where he wraps himself around his victims tightly and drains all their powers out and their energy,   leaving the victims powerless.    The emblem of said victims then appear on his chest like medals.    When he usually enters a temple,   the statues change into statues of snakes.

Evil Ira:

A female Ai-Ai-like monster with brown fur and two very big eyes -    she is very good at hypnotising her victims using her sweet and cuddly looks and large adorable eyes -   any victim who looks directing into those big old eyes of hers becomes hypnotized and succumbs to her cuteness,   while her victims are in their hypnotized state -  she latches on to them and scratches them with her claws,  a scratch from one of her claws can cause said victim to permanently be put under her spell.


My mother has been telling me about a book series by someone named Carlos Castaneda and in some of these stories there are shapeshifters and shaman types,   so inspired by this i decide to do my own little fan-story.

And these are the main heroes:


Carlos Castaneda is the leader of the group,   he is a philosopher with a great knowledge of shapeshifting and ancient Incan shamans.    Carlos and his friends were given their powers by the good godess Ti'ala and her advisor the shaman.    His mystical animal warrior armour is based on the tiger and his mystic animal magic includes performing moves like a tiger's roar,  several wolverine style claw attacks and to channel the tiger's power.


A fellow adventurer and shapeshifter fanatic,    he is Carlos's best pal and he has gone on many adventures with him.    His mystic animal warrior armour is based on a bison and his mystic animal maic includes performing attacks like a bison charge/stampede attack,   a bison's bellow,  and an energy blast which comes out of the horn on his helmet,    he can channel the bison's power and use it his advantage.    Unfortunately during their first battle with Cowellconstrictor he got his powers drained and so did Natalia.


Natalia is a musician,    she is married to Trolse and her mystical animal warrior armour is based on a hawk,  and her mystic animal magic includes performing several wind attacks,   sprouting hawk-like wings to fly in the air,   and use her special brand of singing on her enemies to either keep them busy or to win them over -  which will especially come in handy if she were to ever encounter Cowellconstrictor again,   unfortunately she did get her powers drained by him the first time they faced him.


Shana is an archelogist,   and one of Natalia's closest friends -   her mystic animal warrior is based on a chameleon and her mystic animal magic includes the chameleon-like camouflage ability,   channeling the power of the chameleon,   and the ability to stretch her tongue out really long so it's like a chameleon's.


Natalia's beloved husband,  he is a scientist and his mystic animal warrior armour is based on the timberwolf,   his mystic animal magic includes performing moves such as a wolf's howl,   several super fast claw attacks as well as channeling the power and attributes of the timberwolf.    Unfortunately in their fight with Cowellconstrictor,  he got injected with his venom and slowly transformed into an evil half man half snake-like monster much like Cowellconstrictor himself,   but hopefully in their next battle -  they'll find a way to get him back to normal.


James is the strongest member of the group but unfortuntely he's not the smartest,   his mystic animal warrior armour is based on a silverback gorilla,  his mystic animal magic includes performing a series of ground attacks including a ground and pound strike,   a gorilla stomp attack and  channeling the abilities and characteristics of a gorilla.   He is a bit of an idiot though and sometimes he can get the others into trouble.

About toys

As you know i'm sort of a geek and i'm hope you guys are okay with that,   i collect a lot of movie action figures as well as beanie babies and such. 

Movie action figures i have:
  1. Jason Voorhees
  2. Chucky
  3. Freddy Krueger (New Nightmare)
  4. Victor Van Dort
  5. Jack Sparrow
  6. Will Turner
  7. Zorro
  8. Sebastian Haff aka Elvis (Bubba Ho-tep)
  9. Jareth
  10. The Corpse Bride
  11. Austin Powers
  12. Gandalf
  13. Legolas
  14. Frodo
  15. Merry and Pippin
  16. Lurtz
  17. Bruce (My Name Is Bruce)
  18.  Ringwraith
  19. Aragon
  20. Buzz (Toy Story and Beyond)
Movie action figures i once had:
  1. Lord Farquaad mascot (Shrek)
  2. Poison Ivy (Batman and Robin)
  3.  Han Solo
  4. Luke Skywalker
  5. Obi Wan (old trilogy)
  6. Obi Wan (New trilogy)
  7. Princess Leia
  8. Jar Jar
  9. Darth Maul
  10. Han Solo w/Jabba the hutt
  11. Buzz (old toy story figure line)
TV series figures i have:

  1. Wildmutt
  2. Benwolf
  3. Fourarms
  4. Vinnie
  5. Throttle
  6. Modo
  7. Lawrence Limburger
  8. Karbunkle
  9. Greasepit
  10. Fred the mutant
  11. Catacyslm (new biker mice series)
  12. Hurley
  13. Charlie.
  14. Dr Nick (the Simpsons)
  15. Donatello
  16. Raphael
  17. Michaelangelo
  18. Leonardo
  19. Splinter
TV series figures i used to have:

  1.  Mr Freeze (Batman: The Animated Series)
  2. Batman (Batman:  The Animated Series)
  3. Almost all of the Street Sharks figures
  4. All of the Captain Simian figures.
  5. Every Reboot figure
  6. Jo/Red Striker Beetleborg
  7. Drew/Blue Stinger Beetleborg
  8. Roland/Green Hunter Borg
  9. Almost every Mighty Morphin Power Rangers figure.
  10. Almost every Zeo Power rangers figure.
  11. A couple of Lost Galaxy power rangers figures.
  12. Rhinox (Beast Wars/Beast Machines)
  13. Stanley Ipkiss/Mask (The Mask cartoon series)
  14. Milo (also from the Mask)
  15. Beetleborgs Metalix morphing figure:   Roland/Titanium Silver Beetleborg
  16.  Digivolving Agumon
  17. Digivolving Gabumon
Toys i wish to get:

  1. Army Of Darkness:  Pit Battle Ash figure
  2. Movie maniacs figure - Brundlefly
  3. Gizmo Furby (Gremlins)
  4. Hulk Hands
  5. Spiderman Web Shooters
  6. MJ action figure (Bad era)
  7. MJ action figure (Thriller era)
  8. Johnny Depp as Sweeney Todd figure
  9. Shaun (Shaun Of the Dead)

Wednesday, 15 December 2010


I'd like to thank the following people for supporting me on my online adventures:

  • Andria Kilgore
  • Blackbluedawg
  • Rebbecachuc1992
  • Liam aka Natter45
  • My dear brother Sampson
  • DPMoonwalker
  • My parents
  • My monster gang
  • And everyone else who makes my online life complete.
You guys are all the best and now that i'm back on DA,  i hope you're all very happy for me and that you'll stay tuned for more.