Sunday, 27 March 2011


I'd like to introduce to a group of very special people who can turn into pokemon.

Gemma aka Madam Mystery
Occupation:  TV Psychic.
Favored pokemon type:  Psychic.
Most trusted pokemon: Alakazam.
Pokemon form:  Alakazam.
Personality:  Intelligent and rather wise.

Occupation:  Up and coming popstar.
Favored pokemon type: Normal.
Most trusted pokemon:  Clefairy,  Jigglypuff.
Pokemon form:  Jigglypuff.
Personality:  Sweet,  energetic and high spirited.

Occupation:  Biker.
Favored pokemon type:  Dark.
Most trusted pokemon:  Mightyena.
Pokemon form:  Mightyena.
Personality:  Tough, strong willed and aggressive at times.

Occupation:  Deviantartist.
Favored pokemon type:  Water.
Most trusted pokemon: Mudkip or any other water type.
Pokemon form:  Mudkip.
Personality:  Cynical and a tad bitter.

Occupation:  Dancer.
Favored pokemon type:  Water.
Most trusted pokemon:  Vaporeon.
Pokemon form: Vaporeon.
Personality:  Shy.

Occupation:  Pokemon Breeder.
Favored pokemon type: Normal.
Most trusted pokemon: Any cat-like pokemon.
Pokemon form:  Meowth.
Personality: Optimistic and playful.

Geena (her older sister)
Occupation:  Model.
Favored pokemon type:  Normal.
Most trusted pokemon:  Same as her sister's.
Pokemon form:  Persian.
Personality:  Sort of like her sisters.

Occupation:  Up and coming actress.
Favored pokemon type: Fire.
Most trusted pokemon:  Ninetails.
Pokemon form:  Ninetails.
Personality:  Good natured but slightly naive.

Occupation:  Deviantartist/troll slayer.
Favored pokemon type: Electric.
Most trusted pokemon: Pikachu.
Pokemon form:  Pikachu.
Personality:  Loyal and very protective of her friends.

Occupation:  Fighter.
Favored pokemon type:  Fighting.
Most trusted pokemon:  Machoke.
Pokemon form:  Machoke.
Personality:  Fearless but at the same time caring.

Occupation:  Video Game Tester.
Favored pokemon type:  Normal, Psychic, Electric.
Most trusted pokemon:   Rattatta.
Pokemon form:  Rattatta.
Personality:  Slightly geeky but fun-loving.

Occupation:  Up and coming rockstar.
Favored pokemon type:  Fire.
Most trusted pokemon:  Arcanine.
Pokemon form:  Arcanine.
Personality:  Rebellious.

Occupation: Deviantartist.
Favored pokemon type: Ghost.
Most trusted pokemon:  Gengar,  Misdreavus,  Duskull.
Pokemon form:  Misdreavus.
Personality:  Quirky.

Occupation:  Daredevil.
Favored pokemon type:  Dragon, Flying.
Most trusted pokemon:  Salamence,  Pidgeyotto.
Pokemon form: Pidgeyotto.
Personality:  Brave and unafraid of anything.

Occupation:  Pokemon Expert.
Favoured pokemon type:  Psychic.
Most trusted pokemon:  Mewtwo.
Pokemon form:  Mewtwo.
Personality:  Cunning,  crafty and sarcastic at times.

Occupation:  Dancer.
Favored pokemon type:  Grass.
Most trusted pokemon:  Bellossom,  Gardevoir,  Ivysaur.
Pokemon form:  Gardevoir.
Personality:  Artistic.

Occupation:  Deviantartist.
Favoured pokemon type:  Dark,  psychic,  electric, fighting.
Most trusted pokemon:  Lucario,  Purrloin,  Meowth.
Pokemon form:  Purrloin.
Personality:  Adventurous.

Occupation:  Bug Collector.
Favored pokemon type:  Bug.
Most trusted pokemon:  Butterfree,  Ledyba,  Volbeat.
Pokemon form:  Ledian, also Volbeat on some occassions.
Personality: Elegant.

Occupation:  Biker.
Favored pokemon type:  Dark, Fire.
Most trusted pokemon:  Mightyena, Houndoom.
Pokemon form:  Houndoom.
Personality:  A bit of a trouble-maker.

Occupation:  Stage performer.
Favored pokemon type:  Psychic,  Ghost,  Bug.
Most trusted pokemon:  Drowzee,  Beedrill, Gengar.
Pokemon form:  Hypno.
Personality:  Reclusive but brilliant.

Friday, 25 March 2011

The full moon

It was a full moon night last week and if like me you stayed awake to actually watch it,  you would have noticed that there always seems to be a spooky supernatural feel to it.    I'm not ashamed or afraid to say this but I love werecreatures and yes I believe,   no I don't believe I am one -  as I am a human like everyone else.   But I do like pretending to be a werecreature of sorts and making up my own.

Quite a lot of my dreams have transformation scenes in them and there's a couple in which I was a Na'vi,    I also got turned into a tyranosaurus in one of my much earlier ones as well as a Godzilla-like creature,     recently due to my recent Rowan Atkinson kick i've been dreaming that i've been turned into Edmund Blackadder,     i've been turned into a punk-rock skeleton in my nightmares (after trying to turn into John Candy or some other dead celebrity),   I've also been turned into a grinch,  weregrinch,   Bruce Campbell,  Ash from the Evil Dead series,   a half human/half pig monster,   a naga, a  vampire,   a gorilla,  a werecheetah,   a werepanda,   a few Disney characters,    a gremlin,   a koala (a cartoony one),   a wereowl,  a living Buzz Lightyear action figure,  a puppet,  a frog,   a hobbit,  a shark,   a plutarkian,  a martian mouse,  a rat,  a werebird of some kind and also the cat -  I turned into my cat in one of them.   I also was morphed into a demon like the ones from the live action Scooby Doo movie,  as well as a zombie,  deadite,  living Mushabelly and a  TY Beanie animal.      In one of my more recent ones I turned into one of my own characters -  Professor Rowan Tiberius,  a British werecat who looks like Rowan Atkinson with long hair.

If you were turned into a werecreature what would you choose to be turned into?  If I really was one I'd choose to be a member of the werebelushi family or a weregrinch perhaps,    as for the ones i'd least like to be morphed into i'd say any kind of werebirds  because the beak growing part would be kind of well...disturbing,  a wereinsect because it would be echoing The Fly too much,  werereptiles would be a problem because of the skin shedding thing,    werefish would be as a problem because I would constantly need water in order to survive,    any werecreature with hooves would be a no-no for me.

Things I've been turned into in dreams:

  • Michael Jackson 
  • Scooby Doo movie style demon.
  • Werepanda
  • Werecheetah
  • Godzilla-like monster
  • Werelion
  • Tyranosaurus Rex
  • Half man/half pig monster.
  • Punk rock skeleton
  • Werebelushi brawler
  • Na'vi
  • Bruce Campbell
  • Vampire
  • Ash Williams
  • My cat Nico
  • Gaston
  • Genie
  • Scar
  • Pete
  • The Grinch
  • Edmund Blackadder
  • WereOwl
  • WereElephant
  • WereRhino
  • Wererat
  • Weregrinch
  • Zombie
  • Deadite
  • Ghoul
  • Cartoony koala.
  • Judge Doom style toon/mutant human hybrid thing.
  • Power Ranger (the Black Mighty Morphin Ranger)
  • Power Ranger (Green Turbo Ranger)
  • Professor Rowan Tiberius (own character)

Thursday, 24 March 2011

About the weregrinch

Hi,   Nathan here.  

Now you're probably why I came up with the werejohncandy and weregrinch and all those others,   well they are my original werecreature creations and all,   but you see I was trying to poke fun of the whole werecreature genre in general.  

As you know the were in werewolf means man so I decided to lampoon it a bit when I came up with the werebelushis and werejohncandy.    

That  and all of the other good werecreatures had already been done to death,   well except for weredinosaurs or weregodzilla types,   although the Oozaru from Dragonball Z could qualify as a weremonkey/weregorilla of sorts as it is a king kong type creature.

There was no way I was going to be a werebird,   not only does my mother hate them but I also don't like the idea of turning into one,   the beak growing part would be rather gruesome if you ask me.

Also wereinsects of sorts would be too much like The Fly and said transformation process would be quite grotesque,  almost David Cronenbergish.

As for werereptiles,  they're okay but the constantly shedding of the skin would be a constant nightmare,  although it would be cool to be a chameleon,  they can change their colour so they can blend in with their surroundings.

As for any wereungulates of any kind such as sheep,  cows,   pigs,  or goats would be sort of a nightmare come true for me as I have an aversion to them.    Especially cows.   Goats wouldn't be too much of a problem,  unless of course they're either a weregoat or a demongoat (no not DG of that-site-that-shall-not-be-named).

Any sort of were-version of a mythical animal would be quite difficult to accomplice as seeing as some of them are already half human.

I'm happy with any wererodent really even wererats or werebeavers or anything like that,   even a werechipmunk would be kind of cool.    Wonder if you can teach one to sing.  

I have heard many stories about werepokemon,   like a werepikachu now that would be cute and frightening. Of course the one pokemon you can't do a were-version of would be Ditto since Ditto can already shapeshift.

Also it saddens me that there aren't any werepandas mentioned in stories or in the movies,  same with weremarsupials for any kind -   well except for that Howling film Howling III:  The Marsupials.

The werebat thing would be kind of cool but then again,   it would be kind of like being a vampire except without the thirst for human blood.

Monday, 21 March 2011

TftW: Scaring Them Straight

This is one of the newest TftW episodes.


There was once a notorious group of cyber bullies known as the Mega-Creeps,  they had a website called  and would use to make people on Deviantart feel miserable -   the way they did it was simple,  they posted nasty rumours about the artists on their website and they went too far when they spread rumours about Nathan and his friends. 

One night Nathan decided that he had enough of them and so he thought of a cunning plan to get rid of them once and for all,  and he also enlisted Rebbecca aka Becky to help as well as Dan McCloud and famed British comedian Rowan Atkinson.

They decided to put their cunning plan into action that night,  the Mega-Creeps were on their way home one night when their car broke down.    They got out of the car and looked around,  they were in a graveyard.   

Not just any graveyard though, this was a deviantart graveyard -  this is where all the previous accounts of their poor victims laid.

"Where are we?"

"I have no idea but man,  this place gives me the creeps."

"Yes - let's get out of here."

An eerie wind blew as black smoke rose up from one of the tombstones,  a black and purple platform materialized and on the platform stood Rowan Atkinson - dressed like his character from the Scooby Doo movie,  Nathan was standing right next to him in a black suit and pants,   along with Rebecca who was dressed like an evil version of her pokesona.

"Ah Mega-Creeps.  Welcome to my little End Of Mega-Creep party,  you pathetic sods."  Mr Atkinson sneered in a sinister tone.

"What's going on?"

"You're all here because you've been absolutely horrid,  spreading nasty rumours about Nathan and various other people on that repulsive piece of toxic waste you call a website."

"That's riiiight,  you have been very bad."  Rebecca added, in a ghost-like tone.

"And now you're in for the ultimate punishment.  Enjoy your night here for it will be your last.   Arise,  my undead army,  arise!"

RA then turned to face the grave and his hands began to glow as lighting came out of his fingers -  the lightning struck the graves and the deviant dead start rising from their graves.



"You spread those rumours about us and now you must pay!"



The Mega-Creeps tried to fight off the deviant dead but they were surrounded and outnumbers,  Stefanie - the female Mega Creep tried to run back to the car,  but a tree grabbed her with it's vines,  slammed her around and tossed her back towards the graveyard.

Slobermann and the others tried to fight them off,  but they were also outnumbered by the deviant dead who were closing in on them.

"Noooo! Nooo!"

"Please no!"

"And now.... it is time for you to meet your doom.   Get them!"  Mr Atkinson commanded.

The deviant dead moved towards the Mega-Creeps,  closing in on them and get ready for the kill.   Slobermman's boys backed away like cowards and fell into the open graves,   where Rebecca buried them.

Stefanie,  IvoryKiller and the others tried to run but they were soon dragged down into the grand tomb of the deviant dead -  where more deviant dead army members chased them.   They decided to try and hide somewhere.

"This is seriously freaky man."

"Yeah - let's get out of here Mr S."

"Ah come on.   Don't tell me you're scared!"  Slobermann quipped.

"You're probably right,  there is nothing here and there's nothing to be afraid of."

"I would rephrase that if I were you!"  Nathan sneered.

Nathan turned to face the Mega-Creeps,  Mr Slobermann tried sending his other creeps on him but Nathan fought them off easily.

"Tsk tsk tsk Mr Slobermann.  Those minions of yours are pathetic!  But now since we're in here -  I think it's time I got my own back on you for those nasty rumors you spread about me.   The one rumor who spread about me -  what was it again?  Oh yes -  you said I was a werejohncandy.  Well i'm sorry to tell you this but you're wrong.... dead wrong."  Nathan snarled,  his eyes glowing an eerie yellowish colour.

A Wicked Jack Nicholson-like grin appeared on his face as he started to transform, green fur growing all over starting with his hands as it sprouted on his palms with his fingernails growing into long black claws and his hands becoming more grinch-like,  his shoes bursting at the seams to reveal his feet also sprouting green fur,  clawed toenails and becoming more grinch-like,  he grew taller and wider as he changed and became more grinch-like,  his hair turning dark green and growing into a long mane,  his ears stretching out and becoming pointed as his eyebrows became bushy and green,  his eyes turned an eerie yellowish colour and he grinned revealing his canine teeth growing into fangs,  and finally his nose turned black and shifted upwards as his grinch-like muzzle formed on his face.   He was now Growler the weregrinch and he was ready to start kicking some mega-creep ass.


"Yes it's me.  Growler.  And i'm your worst nightmare."   Growler snarled.

Mr Slobermann tried to fight Growler but his attempts were in vain as Growler outmatched him,  backed against the wall,  he was now scared and had no way to go.  As he was backed against the wall, he stumbled upon a switch -  and unfortunately curiosity lead him to pull it -  the wall spun around and he and the other mega-creeps got transported to the other side of the grave where Rebecca stood right in the corner with a rather sly look on her face.

"Yipeee! It's my turn!"

An electrical aura started appearing as she started to transform, yellow fur grew all over her body as well as a few brown stripes on her back and her hands and feet become semi pikachu-like paws, she grew taller as well and a lightning bolt shaped tail grew out,  her ears becoming like pikachu ears as two red sacks appeared on her cheeks and her nose turned small and black.   When her transformation was completed, she was her pokesona except something was different, she had glowing red eyes and looked slightly more badass.

"This is going to be fun.  Now who's up for a game? I think a nice little game of Shock Tag sounds like fun.   It's real simple,  all I have to do is chase you and then use thundershock on you -  are you ready?  Let's go!"

Rebecca then started to chase the Megacreeps around with superhuman agility before she shocked a few of them.  "Tag! You're it!"

"Come back here you little!"  Slobermann yelled.

Slobermann tried to catch up with Rebbecca but failed miserably as she tripped him over and sent him and the others towards a room filled with coffins.

"Uh oh..."

One of the coffins opened up,  and a vamprified version of Dan rose out of it.

"Ah what a beautiful night."

One of the other coffins opened up as well and Count Fangula walked out of it.

"It certainly is,  but I am feeling really peckish."

The third, fourth and fifth coffins opened up and Vincent of the attic monster gang along with Sylvester, and Vincent's vampire biker friends jumped out.

"Well looks like we're in luck.  We've got us a big juicy morsel over there."

"Ooh.  He would do nicely."

"I wonder what his blood tastes like.  I bet it tastes divine."

The vampire group then circled Mr Slobermann and his boys,  all of them licking their lips and with bloodthirsty looks on their faces. 

"Uh oh...we're done for."


They then ran began to run as fast as they could from the vampire group but the vampire group caught up with them,  they tried running through all the different rooms but there were booby traps in each room,  and then they came across a door which seemed to be marked exit.   They forced the door open and made a run for it.

"Phew! That was close!"

"Yeah - thank god there's an exit here."

Just when they thought they were safe, the familiar tune of Toccatta and Fugue started playing as another coffin started opening up -  this time the person emerging from it was Rowan Atkinson himself - dressed up like his famous Blackadder character but with a cape made to look like a pair of bat wings.

"Leaving so soon gentlemen?  We were just about to have dinner.   Hmmm... I think i'm going to enjoy this."  Mr Atkinson sneered. 

A group of small yellow Minions flew out of the shadows -  they looked just like Despicable Me minions except they had bat-like ears,  wings, and small fangs.  They were Bat-Minions.

"Get him my lovely minions! Get them!"

The Bat-Minions flew around Slobermann and the other mega-creeps,  screeching at them and using their sonar attacks to knock them onto the ground.   Mr Atkinson smiled evilly,  revealing that he was now sporting a pair of fangs.  

"Let's get out of here, man."

"Yeah this is too freaky! I want to go home!"

"I don't want to die."  Mr Slobermann cried.

"Well then. Have you learned your lesson?"  Mr Atkinson asked.

"Yes yes yes - we have.  We're sorry,  we'll never spread rumours about anyone from deviantart on our website ever again!"


"Well that is good.  You now know that what you did was wrong and that you'll never do it again."

"Good job everyone!"  Rebbecca exclaimed.

"Man this was a hell lot of fun!"

"And the fun has only just begun for us...  Oh boys! It's dinner time!"  Nathan/Growler called.

Nathan/Growler called out into the shadows and Wolfie, Mums and Frankenbeans appeared.

"Roh boy runchrime! Ri'm really rungry!"'

"Wolfie says he's really hungry."  Fangula said.

"Come to think of it. So am I."

"Me too!"

"Well then boys you're in luck -  have a gander at that tasty morsel over there."

"He looks delicious."


"His friends look delicious also."

"Yeah - huh huh."

And with that the Hillhurst monster gang began to chase the Mega-creeps around and around,  Flabber appeared mid way and tried to talk them out of it - but Nathan/Growler said it was okay.

"Looks like fun.  Hey guys,  can me and Rebecca join in?"

"Sure! The more the merrier!"

Nathan/Growler and Rebbecca joined in the chase and chased the Mega-creeps around once more,  the chase went for a few more minutes before Nathan/Growler stopped and pulled a black lever -  a platform appeared before them and they stepped on it and were transported back to the graveyard.   There,  Mr Rowan Atkinson stood there once more but he was smiling at them.  

"Well I certainly had fun tonight,  how about you?"

"We certainly did."

"We didn't we were scared of our wits."

"Good.  That means we did a wonderful job of scaring you lot straight."

Rebbecca then turned to the mega-creeps and said in a sinister tone..."Do you want to see something really scary?".   Her cute pikachu face took on a more demonic look and she hissed at them.


The Megacreeps then fled as fast as they could and left the graveyard for good and headed for home.

"Good riddance."

"And now what do we do?"

"I know.  Let's have a monster party!"

"What a fantastic idea."

"We can have it here!"

Flabber then used his phasm magic to turn the graveyard into a monster party atmosphere,  and the other house monsters helped with the food along with Nathan/Growler,  Rebecca,  Dan McCloud,  and Rowan Atkinson and the Bat-Minions. There was music and plenty of monstrously entertaining festivities including scaring contests,  and a special performance from Mitchell of the closet monster gang as he lead the Deviant dead in a reinactment of the Thriller zombie dance.  and they all celebrated all through the night.

As for the Mega-creeps,  they decided to post nice things rather than spread nasty rumours,  most of the megacreeps were burried but Mr Slobermann and the others survived and they had a change of tune -  no longer were they mean to people on DA,  but instead they were generous and helpful.

Remember if logic and reason don't work in getting creeps to change their ways,  then scaring them straight is sure to do the trick.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Under matience

I would be posting on deviantart again but unfortunately it's under matience once again.   Sheesh.   How much construction must it go through?    How many changes must it undergo?

All I want is to post my work and work on some stories and stupid DA keeps holding me up,   yeesh.    Come on guys,   hurry up so I go back to posting my work.     What's next?   Are they going to change the colour scheme to purple and crename it Floogleart?

I am growing impatient.

Saturday, 19 March 2011

A little bit dull

You know,   my blog is really starting to look a bit more bleak and depressing,    i'm starting to miss all the comments I used to get.     

I want more comments and more visitors and by visitors I don't mean people who found about this blog because it was mentioned on my ED page or that site-that-shall-not-be-named or that crappy werejohncandy site that you-know-you set up.

I'm not really as bad as they say I am,   i'm actually quite a nice person -     you should take a look at my blog more often,  it's not as bad as that werejohncandy website says it is.

Please,   I don't ask for much -  all i'm asking for is a comment or two,  maybe a few more visitors.

To my fans

I'd just like to appologize for my behaviour before,     I did not mean to offend anyone.      I'm not a troll,  but I do have a history of being trolled and if it is anything I have learned from this experience it's that trolling is wrong.

The truth is that I am not a werejohncandy or a weregrinch,  i am a human just like everyone else here and I deserve to be treated with the respect that I so rightly deserve to have after not getting any all these years.

I'd also like to apologize if any of my posts on here have offended people,   I am just merely having fun and there is no need to take any of it seriously.

And I just want the troll war to end,   and for that-site-that-shall-not-be-named to just leave me alone and to stop stalking me and to stop screencapping my work.

I realize know it was foolish of me to try and white knight for Werekatt's work,   I tried telling them it wasn't so bad but they mistook it as trolling and they didn't listen to me.

It is too bad I don't have a time machine so I can go back and fix what I did wrong in the first place,   but I must keep moving forward rather than looking back at the past.

To all my dearest followers and fans,   I hope you all can forgive me and that you will not leave this blog.

Yours sincerely Mariana Hanks/Nathan Forester aka Monstermaster13.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Infected? You gotta be kidding me

My computer is really acting up on me today,   whenever I go to some other websites for pokemon images it goes through some fake scan thingy and claims my computer is infected when it's been virus free for weeks now.

I would usually blame Hack CKC for this or that-site-that-shall-not-be-named,   but I feel that this must be a scheme that's too advantaged for the likes of them.

I feel like this is some kind of prank,   i'm being punked.   Luckily it's only a minor problem and nothing to get worked up about.

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Feeling Blackadderian

I'm mostly known for liking 80's movies and music especially John Candy movies but there has one show that has always had a special place in my heart and that is the extremely clever British comedy series Blackadder,  in fact is the very show that made me a fan of  Rowan Atkinson in the first place.     It's such a hilarious and brilliant series,   and so many memorable lines are in too.    I know the lines from every episode by heart and can recite them rather well,    I especially do Edmund's lines well and almost in a near perfect deadpan impersonation of Rowan's voice.      

 In fact when I read them out with my friends I always choose to play Blackadder,  that way I can always be sure that i'm the smartest one in the group.

I use a lot of Blackadder's lines in conversation sometimes including insults,   one of my alledged usernames on Blues Brothers Central was Blackadder IIII,   and I used a Blackadder line to voice my opinion on a plot concept another forum made up for a Blues Brothers prequel,    unfortunately like all the other times I got scolded at and got unjustly banned.    I guess the people on that forum didn't understand British humour,  either that or they hadn't heard of Blackadder.     But you know...Takkuneg and the others shouldn't have done it when I wasn't even trying to troll them,    I was just giving my honest opinion on them.

Blackadder has inspired many of my stories,   I once did a Blackadder fanscript set in the days of Vlad the Impaler with Blackadder as a vampire,    I also wrote a Blackadderish retelling of the Oddysey inspired by an  episode of Blackadder Goes Forth.       There's a If Yugi-Oh was a British comedy skit I wrote which was Blacckadder inspired.

I've written quite a few transformation stories involving myself turning into Edmund Blackadder and also did one of my dad turning into Blackadder as well,    one of my most recent was a Blackadder take on the classic fairy tale The Frog Prince -   which was gender reversed and it was a Princess who was turned into a frog.

John Lloyd once stated that Baldrick represents the everyman but I don't think Baldrick represents me in the least,   I'd have to say i'm more like Blackadder.    

Call me crazy but I think I may have some Blackadderian blood in me,    I might in fact be a descendant of the Blackadder family.     Which probably explains why i'm so damn smart and the fact I tend to sound like Rowan Atkinson when I talk,  and also my sense of humour.  

Of course if you know-who and his blog were still active and not removed off Wordpress,   he'd probably be posting all sorts of nonsensical articles about me and my love of Blackadder like those other insulting articles he wrote.    

But if he knew what a Blackadder family member is capable of,    I would probably have blackmailed him and wrote up an article all about HIM,   thus humility the poor bloke and he'd have to hide away in shame.

I hear they're planning to redo Blackadder in America and have it set in New York with Steve Martin as the Blackadder role and Rob Schneider as Baldrick,      but don't fear Blackadder fans -   it is just a rumour and probably won't happen.      Blackadder is perfect the way it is,   and that is how it shall stay and how it shall always be remembered -   as the pure piece of British genius that it is.

I heavily recommend watching the show as I think it's brilliant,    and that anyone who doesn't like it should just sod off and die.

Here are some good Blackadder website links:

And here are some great Blackadder videos,   now be sure to share these with your mates:

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Frog dream

A couple of nights ago I dreamed about a musical frog monster that could sing a variety of tunes including opera,   he used his singing to put a group of people under his power and then had some of them transform into amphibianoid creatures to serve as tenors.

I can't remember the rest of it,   but this is what I recall the most. 

There was also  a transformation sequence or two mainly into a frog-like creature.

This frog-like monster is now one of my Power Rangers monsters, I have his bio in my gallery -   if you're interested you should take a good look.

Friday, 4 March 2011

works of mine

Completed works

TftW: Addicted To Blood (Vamprification)

Legend Of Blackadder Hall (Blackadder TF)

Wolf Guy Meets Wolf- Girl (Romance)

Vincent Bloodmane (monster bio)

J.P (monster bio)

Andria (monster bio)

Midnight Hour (Character TF me into Werecat professor Rowan Tiberius)

TftW: It's Hero Time (Superted TF)

Staten's Origin (Gargoyle TF)

Night Of The Thriller (MJ Tribute poem, Thriller)

Bruce VS The Weregrinch part 1 (Weregrinch TF)

Bruce VS The Weregrinch part 2 (Weregrinch TF)

Bruce VS The Weregrinch TF part 3 (Weregrinch TF)

Bruce VS The Weregrinch part 4 (Weregrinch TF)

Stone Of TF 1: Koala Kylie (Anthro Koala TF)

Blackadderfied (Blackadder TF)

TftW: Scaring Em Straight (Weregrinch and Pikachu monster TFS, also includes horror theme and appearances by Flabber and the hillhurst monsters, Rebeccachu-chan, Minions, Vincent of my attic monster gang and Rowan Atkinson)

Finding The Pokemon In You (Pokemon group TF)

Legend Of Madam Mystery (Pokemon TF - Alakazam)

TftW: Owner Becomes Pet (Rat TF)

Wolfman Trolse (Werewolf TF)

Works I intend to do sometime this week:

Guardians of Blackadder Hall (Blackadder TF)

Stone Of TF 2: Pika Power (Pikachu monster TF, Rebeccachu to be star of it)

Stone Of TF 3: The Blackadder's Return (self TF me to Edmund Blackadder)

Natalia The Demoness (Demon TF)

Reese Riding Hood (Wolf-like monster TF)