Here is a Villain Sucks song about Rennets of Slapstich Anarchy.
Mr Rennets is a cruel insensitive jerk.
His website is a web of lies..
He's evil and mean.
He has no heart or soul.
He'll make fun of anyone.
He'll ruin your life.
He's worse than TVTropes or Encylopedia Dramatica.
He's more ruthless than Hitler and dumber than Bush.
He makes Perez Hilton's blog look like a masterpiece
He is a prick and a meanie and he should rot in hell.
Nobody gives a damm about what he thinks.
He makes up nasty rumours about you..
Then makes you the butt of his jokes..
He makes Seltzer And Friedberg look like geniuses..
He has no sense of style..
He has no sex appeal..
He has no heart or soul..
He's mean, he's bitter, cruel, evil and nasty.
He is the nastiest man on the web..
He makes Simon Cowell seem polite by comparision.
Don't go on his site or he'll rip you to shreds...
He's a villain and he sucks...
So that is why i am singing this villain sucks song about him..
He's a villain and he sucks..
He's a villain and he sucks..
Which is why i'm singing this song about him.
Friday, 29 January 2010
You know at first I didn't get the movie Blues Brothers 2000.
Now I fully understand the movie in general. I may have made a few exxadurations about the movie.
I know that John Candy passed away - he died of a heart attack in his sleep on March 4th 1994 on the set of his last film Wagon's East. Hench why his name is mentioned in the "Dedicated To" bit that came up during the opening credits.
I also know that Cab Calloway died as well so that's why he's mentioned in the "Dedicated To" bit during the opening credits.
I'm not entirely sure about Jake's death though, while it may seem possible that he may have died of a drug overdose like his actor - I really don't think that it may have been the cause - i suspect something else must have happened. I know that Belushi is mentioned in the "Dedicated To" bit at the opening credit.
If Dan Akyroyd was to die - which I hope doesn't happen - he's doing quite well despite being around nearly the same age as Jay Leno - i'm not sure what Elwood's death would probably be caused by. If Elwood was to die, then there would be no more blues brothers - period. He's one of the only surviving members of the band.
Now I like Mighty Mack - for the main part he is an okay character - he's a good substitute for Jake.
The vooodoo queen Mousette did indeed turn the russian guys into mice as well as turning the band into zombies. Probably why her name is Mousette.
Now I know that the Bluesmobile is super and has a remote control and is able to survive through practically anything - the town flooded thus the bluesmobile converted to a submarine mode when it went underwater.
The kid was an orphan, I know that one. He was a very good addition to the band mind you.
I didn't find Dan's performance to be wooden in the movie at all, Dan is and always will be the best Elwood. I know in the original that Jake is the one that does all the talking while Elwood is the one who does all the driving. Elwood did give a pretty damm good speech though. I respect Dan as an actor, i like almost anything with him in it including Nothing But Trouble which is very underrated and certainly a LOT better than those so called movies Seltzer and Friedberg spew up. I also loved Earth VS The Spider which I thought was very cool and quite similar to The Fly - and had quite a few similiarities including the main character slowly mutating into a giant human/insect (or in this case arachnid) hybrid.
I quite enjoyed the music especially Aretha Franklin's song R.E.S.P.E.CT and James Brown's (r.i.p) number during the end credits. Funky Nassau was pretty infectious too.
I read about an early draft of the script that had John Belushi's younger brother Jim as a character named Zee Blues. Jim Belushi had to pull out during to scheluding conflict probably to do with his television show According To Jim (which i'm suprised is still running)
Now I fully understand the movie in general. I may have made a few exxadurations about the movie.
I know that John Candy passed away - he died of a heart attack in his sleep on March 4th 1994 on the set of his last film Wagon's East. Hench why his name is mentioned in the "Dedicated To" bit that came up during the opening credits.
I also know that Cab Calloway died as well so that's why he's mentioned in the "Dedicated To" bit during the opening credits.
I'm not entirely sure about Jake's death though, while it may seem possible that he may have died of a drug overdose like his actor - I really don't think that it may have been the cause - i suspect something else must have happened. I know that Belushi is mentioned in the "Dedicated To" bit at the opening credit.
If Dan Akyroyd was to die - which I hope doesn't happen - he's doing quite well despite being around nearly the same age as Jay Leno - i'm not sure what Elwood's death would probably be caused by. If Elwood was to die, then there would be no more blues brothers - period. He's one of the only surviving members of the band.
Now I like Mighty Mack - for the main part he is an okay character - he's a good substitute for Jake.
The vooodoo queen Mousette did indeed turn the russian guys into mice as well as turning the band into zombies. Probably why her name is Mousette.
Now I know that the Bluesmobile is super and has a remote control and is able to survive through practically anything - the town flooded thus the bluesmobile converted to a submarine mode when it went underwater.
The kid was an orphan, I know that one. He was a very good addition to the band mind you.
I didn't find Dan's performance to be wooden in the movie at all, Dan is and always will be the best Elwood. I know in the original that Jake is the one that does all the talking while Elwood is the one who does all the driving. Elwood did give a pretty damm good speech though. I respect Dan as an actor, i like almost anything with him in it including Nothing But Trouble which is very underrated and certainly a LOT better than those so called movies Seltzer and Friedberg spew up. I also loved Earth VS The Spider which I thought was very cool and quite similar to The Fly - and had quite a few similiarities including the main character slowly mutating into a giant human/insect (or in this case arachnid) hybrid.
I quite enjoyed the music especially Aretha Franklin's song R.E.S.P.E.CT and James Brown's (r.i.p) number during the end credits. Funky Nassau was pretty infectious too.
I read about an early draft of the script that had John Belushi's younger brother Jim as a character named Zee Blues. Jim Belushi had to pull out during to scheluding conflict probably to do with his television show According To Jim (which i'm suprised is still running)
Full moon friend
Hello boys and girls. Chumsley here. You know it is a full moon tonight. And you know that means? That means that you might possibly get a visit from me or one of my relatives - perhaps Cassie might visit you. And if you are a werejohncandy yourself then you might possibly experience your first transformation tonight. Our friend Dr M is already becoming more and more like a real werejohncandy - he seems to be enjoying it a whole lot.
And Andria was right about that werejohncandy with the red mane - she's nothing but trouble. She's doing really horrible things. She's twice as evil as my evil counterpart Boris. There is something seriously scary about her, especially that evil laugh of hers - no werejohncandy i know has a laugh like that.
She tricked me into hugging her by using a voice manipulation spell to sound like a lonely 8 year old girl.
She plans on taking over Happy Valley.
But don't you worry - i'll put a stop to her evil plan once and for all. And luckily Dr M and his brother are also helping out - the werejohncandy council member known as Lance has given him a napsack containing various useful quest items including weapons and several werejc tf items.
Luckily I know of one thing that never fails to calm down a werejohncandy gone bad and that is the Happy WereJohnCandy Cubby Buddy Song. It's a super happy tune that is irreistably infectious and catchy - it's also a magic song and can make even the most grumpiest werejohncandy happy again - it also works in turning a bad werejohncandy good.
If you have ever seen the tv show Chumsley's Clubhouse then you'll know the lyrics to this super happy ditty by heart. If not then you'll find them as one of the bonus prizes in boxes of Chumsley's Choco Hearts Cereal - also comes with a cute little toy of me which roars happily when you squeeze his tummy.
There's also a happy dance to do, the steps are very easy to do.
Remember to leave a big old bowl of Yum Yum Cookies out for any werejohncandies that might stop by.
And Andria was right about that werejohncandy with the red mane - she's nothing but trouble. She's doing really horrible things. She's twice as evil as my evil counterpart Boris. There is something seriously scary about her, especially that evil laugh of hers - no werejohncandy i know has a laugh like that.
She tricked me into hugging her by using a voice manipulation spell to sound like a lonely 8 year old girl.
She plans on taking over Happy Valley.
But don't you worry - i'll put a stop to her evil plan once and for all. And luckily Dr M and his brother are also helping out - the werejohncandy council member known as Lance has given him a napsack containing various useful quest items including weapons and several werejc tf items.
Luckily I know of one thing that never fails to calm down a werejohncandy gone bad and that is the Happy WereJohnCandy Cubby Buddy Song. It's a super happy tune that is irreistably infectious and catchy - it's also a magic song and can make even the most grumpiest werejohncandy happy again - it also works in turning a bad werejohncandy good.
If you have ever seen the tv show Chumsley's Clubhouse then you'll know the lyrics to this super happy ditty by heart. If not then you'll find them as one of the bonus prizes in boxes of Chumsley's Choco Hearts Cereal - also comes with a cute little toy of me which roars happily when you squeeze his tummy.
There's also a happy dance to do, the steps are very easy to do.
Remember to leave a big old bowl of Yum Yum Cookies out for any werejohncandies that might stop by.
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Airdna On The Loose part 2
Here's part 2.
Where we last left off the evil Airdna had hatched her plan to take over Happy Valley - she entered the realm, tricked Chumsley into hugging her so that she would become a werejohncandy and now is continuning on her evil plan.
My brother and I were playing the Happy Valley Tales adventure game when we got a distress message from Chumsley and Cassie.
"What's the problem?" I asked.
"It's Airdna! She's invading our happy home. Even worse news is that she's also now a werejohncandy and she's doing all sorts of horrible things. We need your help!" Cassie explained.
"You and my brother must find a way to access a portal to our realm so that you can help us save it from Airdna and her goons." Chumsley informed us.
"Okay then. Bro, activate the super mega computer and get out that cd rom of Happy Valley Tales." I instructed.
"You've got it bro." My brother replied, smiling.
My brother activated the super mega computer and got out the Happy Valley Tales cd rom game, he then inserted it into the disc drive.
"Good. Now click on Load Game. When you've done that, select Book 1." I instructed.
My brother clicked on Load Game and selected Book 1.
"Now all that there is to do now is click on the Activate Portal button to transport both of us into the game." I told him.
My brother clicked on the Activate Portal button and a swirling vortex appeared in the middle of the screen - my brother and I jumped into the vortex and got transported into the game.
"It worked bro! We're in the game!" I exclaimed.
"Do not fear werejohncandies of Happy Valley - we are here to save you all." My brother assured them.
"Hurray! Thank goodness you're here." Cassie cheered. "Airdna's been up to no good."
"You called us just in time then." My brother added.
"Well if you're going to help us defeat Airdna and her goons - you're going to need these." Werejohncandy council member Lance explained.
"What are those?" I asked.
"A napsack containing various items needed for heroic deeds like battling evil, it's got a selection of weapons, a couple of potions, an ancient book of wisdom and superpower moves containing the elements of Awesome and Cuteness, a lucky charm, a map and several other useful items." He replied.
"Nice." I complimented.
My brother and I put the napsacks on our backs and got out our weapons..
"Cool! I got the Sword Of Virtue!" I exclaimed.
"I have the Glove Of Valour!" My brother exclaimed. "It's the most powerful hand weapon in the game."
"Hey look! There's some werejohncandy transformation items here. There's a Heart Stone, a box of Yum Yum Cookies, a lucky medalion, and even an essence of Cute vial." I observed.
"Cool. But I don't know how we're going to fit in here. We're human right now, how are we going to turn ourselves into werejohncandies?" My brother inquired.
"Leave that to me. I've baked two different sets of Yum Yum Cookies. The first are chocolate chip and the second is oatmeal raisin - both are extremely sweet and are strong enough to give any human who eats them a strong werejc transformation." Cassie explained.
"Sweet." I cooed.
"Yeah they are. But just make sure that you and your brother share them." She told us.
So we followed Cassie and Chumsley to Airdna's evil fortress.
"The door seems to be locked or something. I can't get it open." My brother said.
"Leave this to me. Hmm there seems to be some sort of picture or sign on the door - it is of a werejohncandy handprint." I told him. "I know just the move to take this door down."
I then stood in front of the door, held my hands out and focused..
My hands started to change, brownish fur sprouting on my palms as my fingernails grew into long black claws while my hands reshaped and became plump John Candy-like werejohncandy hands.
I then knocked the door down with a powerful punching move.
"Good job bro." My brother complimented.
"Thanks." I said.
So my brother and I entered the inside of the fortress and got ready to take on Airdna and her goons..
Where we last left off the evil Airdna had hatched her plan to take over Happy Valley - she entered the realm, tricked Chumsley into hugging her so that she would become a werejohncandy and now is continuning on her evil plan.
My brother and I were playing the Happy Valley Tales adventure game when we got a distress message from Chumsley and Cassie.
"What's the problem?" I asked.
"It's Airdna! She's invading our happy home. Even worse news is that she's also now a werejohncandy and she's doing all sorts of horrible things. We need your help!" Cassie explained.
"You and my brother must find a way to access a portal to our realm so that you can help us save it from Airdna and her goons." Chumsley informed us.
"Okay then. Bro, activate the super mega computer and get out that cd rom of Happy Valley Tales." I instructed.
"You've got it bro." My brother replied, smiling.
My brother activated the super mega computer and got out the Happy Valley Tales cd rom game, he then inserted it into the disc drive.
"Good. Now click on Load Game. When you've done that, select Book 1." I instructed.
My brother clicked on Load Game and selected Book 1.
"Now all that there is to do now is click on the Activate Portal button to transport both of us into the game." I told him.
My brother clicked on the Activate Portal button and a swirling vortex appeared in the middle of the screen - my brother and I jumped into the vortex and got transported into the game.
"It worked bro! We're in the game!" I exclaimed.
"Do not fear werejohncandies of Happy Valley - we are here to save you all." My brother assured them.
"Hurray! Thank goodness you're here." Cassie cheered. "Airdna's been up to no good."
"You called us just in time then." My brother added.
"Well if you're going to help us defeat Airdna and her goons - you're going to need these." Werejohncandy council member Lance explained.
"What are those?" I asked.
"A napsack containing various items needed for heroic deeds like battling evil, it's got a selection of weapons, a couple of potions, an ancient book of wisdom and superpower moves containing the elements of Awesome and Cuteness, a lucky charm, a map and several other useful items." He replied.
"Nice." I complimented.
My brother and I put the napsacks on our backs and got out our weapons..
"Cool! I got the Sword Of Virtue!" I exclaimed.
"I have the Glove Of Valour!" My brother exclaimed. "It's the most powerful hand weapon in the game."
"Hey look! There's some werejohncandy transformation items here. There's a Heart Stone, a box of Yum Yum Cookies, a lucky medalion, and even an essence of Cute vial." I observed.
"Cool. But I don't know how we're going to fit in here. We're human right now, how are we going to turn ourselves into werejohncandies?" My brother inquired.
"Leave that to me. I've baked two different sets of Yum Yum Cookies. The first are chocolate chip and the second is oatmeal raisin - both are extremely sweet and are strong enough to give any human who eats them a strong werejc transformation." Cassie explained.
"Sweet." I cooed.
"Yeah they are. But just make sure that you and your brother share them." She told us.
So we followed Cassie and Chumsley to Airdna's evil fortress.
"The door seems to be locked or something. I can't get it open." My brother said.
"Leave this to me. Hmm there seems to be some sort of picture or sign on the door - it is of a werejohncandy handprint." I told him. "I know just the move to take this door down."
I then stood in front of the door, held my hands out and focused..
My hands started to change, brownish fur sprouting on my palms as my fingernails grew into long black claws while my hands reshaped and became plump John Candy-like werejohncandy hands.
I then knocked the door down with a powerful punching move.
"Good job bro." My brother complimented.
"Thanks." I said.
So my brother and I entered the inside of the fortress and got ready to take on Airdna and her goons..
Airdna On The Loose part 1
Here is the first part of our 3 part fantasy story Airdna On The Loose.
It was a hot bright sunny day, my brother and I were playing our favourite adventure game Happy Valley Tales.
"Looks like everything is fine and dandy." My brother said as he moved his game piece.
"Our werejohncandies are as happy as can be. Hey Chumsley how is it going down there?" I asked.
"Oh just fine, thanks for asking." Chumsley replied from across the other side of the board. "So far there's been absolutely NO sign of Mr Misery or his ilk and everything is peachy keen."
"Good. Keep up the good work guys." My brother told Chumsley.
"Will do." Chumsley said cheerfully.
"That's what I like to hear." I said.
Meanwhile deep within the confines of the trailer park...that evil red headed, over the top diva Airdna was plotting her latest evil scheme..
"Ug! Get in here you big nincompoop!" She yelled.
"Coming your evilnessness." A voice replied.
Ug entered the room, Ug was a dimwitted greyish orc-like creature with big bat-like wings, scaly skin, ram-like horns, yellow eyes and blackish stripes on his stomach, shoulders, and tail.
"You yelled you evilnessness?" Ug inquired.
"Yes I did. As you know, my attempts at trying to ruin Nathan F's reputation have always ended up being foiled by that goody two shoes werejohncandy Chumsley and his family and friends including that so called girlfriend of his. But now I have thought of the perfect plan. I shall invade the Happy Valley realm. If you can't beat them, join them.." Airdna replied.
"That sounds like a good plan boss. But how are you going to do that?" Ug asked.
"Easy. Once i'm in there, i'll be transformed into one of them." She replied.
"Oh I see. Sounds like a most excellent plan." Ug stated.
Airdna got out her book of evil spells and recited a spell which opened up a portal to the Happy Valley realm..
She leaped into the portal and got transported to the Happy Valley...
"Ah ha! Excellent. Now to make myself into one of these creatures. But how?" She thought. "I've got it!"
She then used her voice manipulation spell..
"I'm a sad, lost little girl. I have no friends and i need a hug." She cried, in her best little girl voice.
"Don't worry little girl. I'll hug you!" A cheerful John Candy-like voice exclaimed.
That voice was coming from none other than Chumsley, the happy go lucky werejohncandy.
"Here you go little girl. A nice big hug to make you feel better. Hug hug hug." Chumsley cooed as he gave her a hug.
"Ha ha! Fooled ya you big hairy oaf!" Airdna exclaimed as she chuckled evilly.
"Airdna! What are YOU doing here?' Chumsley shouted.
"Isn't it obvious? I've come here to invade this happy little valley." She retorted.
"Well i'm not going to let you!" Chumsley exclaimed. "You can't do that!"
"Oh yes I can!" She said with a sly look on her face.
She then sported an extremely creepy Cheshire cat grin that would give Jack Nicholson a run for his money.
She started to develop a warm feeling inside and suddenly became very hungry.. she knew that her transformation was going to take place..
Her shoes started to get increasingly tight as her feet started to grow larger from within them, her shoes burst at the seams to reveal that her feet had grown much larger, had sprouted brownish fur on them and had black clawed toenails.
Her hands started to change as brownish fur sprouted on her palms, her fingernails grew into long black claws as her hands grew larger and more like Chumsley's hands.
Her green blouse was beginning to get tight as her body began to expand to more John Candy-like proportions, the buttons struggled to stay on until they all popped off..
Her gold belt was begining to get tight as her belly started to grow, her belt burst off with a snap to make room for her growing tummy which had sprouted brownish fur..
Her blouse was getting tighter as she began to fatten and expand..
Then it ripped off her body to reveal her much larger frame and a large, round, furry tummy.
Her skirt was getting increasingly tight as her legs began to grow large and chunky and started developing brownish fur..
Then her skirt ripped to reveal her large, chunky, fur covered legs.
The last thing to change was her face as brownish fur started to sprout on it, her red hair stayed the same but grew longer and longer until it became a mane, her nose turned black, her eyebrows became bushy, her canine teeth grew into small fangs, her ears grew pointed, her eyes glowed an emerald greenish colour and her features morphed and become more like those of Cassie the female werejohncandy.
Her voice became more like Cassie's except a lot more evil sounding, when the transformation was completed- the now werejohncandyified Airdna roared..
"Raaaaaawr! Now this is power. A woman could get use to this." She exclaimed.
"You'll never get away with this plan of yours!" Chumsley shouted.
"Oh but I will...thanks for the hug. See ya later big boy, i've got some invading to do." She replied. Then she laughed evilly..."Muwahahaha!" and disappeared.
"Oh no. This is terrible. I better warn all the others about this!" Chumsley murmured.
Chumsley stood ontop of the hill and roared..
All the other werejohncandies stopped what they were doing and flocked to the top of the hills..
"What is it Chumsley? What's going on?" Cassie asked.
"I have bad news for you all. Airdna is on the loose, she plans on invading our happy home." He replied.
"That is terrible. What shall we do?" Terry asked.
"We must warn our friends about this threat including our good pal Dr M." Chumsley replied.
To be continued...
It was a hot bright sunny day, my brother and I were playing our favourite adventure game Happy Valley Tales.
"Looks like everything is fine and dandy." My brother said as he moved his game piece.
"Our werejohncandies are as happy as can be. Hey Chumsley how is it going down there?" I asked.
"Oh just fine, thanks for asking." Chumsley replied from across the other side of the board. "So far there's been absolutely NO sign of Mr Misery or his ilk and everything is peachy keen."
"Good. Keep up the good work guys." My brother told Chumsley.
"Will do." Chumsley said cheerfully.
"That's what I like to hear." I said.
Meanwhile deep within the confines of the trailer park...that evil red headed, over the top diva Airdna was plotting her latest evil scheme..
"Ug! Get in here you big nincompoop!" She yelled.
"Coming your evilnessness." A voice replied.
Ug entered the room, Ug was a dimwitted greyish orc-like creature with big bat-like wings, scaly skin, ram-like horns, yellow eyes and blackish stripes on his stomach, shoulders, and tail.
"You yelled you evilnessness?" Ug inquired.
"Yes I did. As you know, my attempts at trying to ruin Nathan F's reputation have always ended up being foiled by that goody two shoes werejohncandy Chumsley and his family and friends including that so called girlfriend of his. But now I have thought of the perfect plan. I shall invade the Happy Valley realm. If you can't beat them, join them.." Airdna replied.
"That sounds like a good plan boss. But how are you going to do that?" Ug asked.
"Easy. Once i'm in there, i'll be transformed into one of them." She replied.
"Oh I see. Sounds like a most excellent plan." Ug stated.
Airdna got out her book of evil spells and recited a spell which opened up a portal to the Happy Valley realm..
She leaped into the portal and got transported to the Happy Valley...
"Ah ha! Excellent. Now to make myself into one of these creatures. But how?" She thought. "I've got it!"
She then used her voice manipulation spell..
"I'm a sad, lost little girl. I have no friends and i need a hug." She cried, in her best little girl voice.
"Don't worry little girl. I'll hug you!" A cheerful John Candy-like voice exclaimed.
That voice was coming from none other than Chumsley, the happy go lucky werejohncandy.
"Here you go little girl. A nice big hug to make you feel better. Hug hug hug." Chumsley cooed as he gave her a hug.
"Ha ha! Fooled ya you big hairy oaf!" Airdna exclaimed as she chuckled evilly.
"Airdna! What are YOU doing here?' Chumsley shouted.
"Isn't it obvious? I've come here to invade this happy little valley." She retorted.
"Well i'm not going to let you!" Chumsley exclaimed. "You can't do that!"
"Oh yes I can!" She said with a sly look on her face.
She then sported an extremely creepy Cheshire cat grin that would give Jack Nicholson a run for his money.
She started to develop a warm feeling inside and suddenly became very hungry.. she knew that her transformation was going to take place..
Her shoes started to get increasingly tight as her feet started to grow larger from within them, her shoes burst at the seams to reveal that her feet had grown much larger, had sprouted brownish fur on them and had black clawed toenails.
Her hands started to change as brownish fur sprouted on her palms, her fingernails grew into long black claws as her hands grew larger and more like Chumsley's hands.
Her green blouse was beginning to get tight as her body began to expand to more John Candy-like proportions, the buttons struggled to stay on until they all popped off..
Her gold belt was begining to get tight as her belly started to grow, her belt burst off with a snap to make room for her growing tummy which had sprouted brownish fur..
Her blouse was getting tighter as she began to fatten and expand..
Then it ripped off her body to reveal her much larger frame and a large, round, furry tummy.
Her skirt was getting increasingly tight as her legs began to grow large and chunky and started developing brownish fur..
Then her skirt ripped to reveal her large, chunky, fur covered legs.
The last thing to change was her face as brownish fur started to sprout on it, her red hair stayed the same but grew longer and longer until it became a mane, her nose turned black, her eyebrows became bushy, her canine teeth grew into small fangs, her ears grew pointed, her eyes glowed an emerald greenish colour and her features morphed and become more like those of Cassie the female werejohncandy.
Her voice became more like Cassie's except a lot more evil sounding, when the transformation was completed- the now werejohncandyified Airdna roared..
"Raaaaaawr! Now this is power. A woman could get use to this." She exclaimed.
"You'll never get away with this plan of yours!" Chumsley shouted.
"Oh but I will...thanks for the hug. See ya later big boy, i've got some invading to do." She replied. Then she laughed evilly..."Muwahahaha!" and disappeared.
"Oh no. This is terrible. I better warn all the others about this!" Chumsley murmured.
Chumsley stood ontop of the hill and roared..
All the other werejohncandies stopped what they were doing and flocked to the top of the hills..
"What is it Chumsley? What's going on?" Cassie asked.
"I have bad news for you all. Airdna is on the loose, she plans on invading our happy home." He replied.
"That is terrible. What shall we do?" Terry asked.
"We must warn our friends about this threat including our good pal Dr M." Chumsley replied.
To be continued...
Red alert
Attention all werejohncandies, this is not a drill. Andria's bizzaro evil counterpart Airdna has entered the Happy Valley realm - is now a werejohncandy and plans on invading the valley.
This is terrible. I hope she doesn't team up with the evil sorcerer Mr Misery and plan on using the power of his Staff Of Misery to turn Happy Valley into a sad, scary, depressing place called Gloomy Valley. I hope she doesn't use the same spell that Mr Misery used to make Chumsley turn into his weak not at all cuddly human form - because only the joy of children can fix that - and we'd have to visit the land of the lost children.
This is terrible. I hope she doesn't team up with the evil sorcerer Mr Misery and plan on using the power of his Staff Of Misery to turn Happy Valley into a sad, scary, depressing place called Gloomy Valley. I hope she doesn't use the same spell that Mr Misery used to make Chumsley turn into his weak not at all cuddly human form - because only the joy of children can fix that - and we'd have to visit the land of the lost children.

Werejohncandy tf
As i have stated in my previous post i am becoming and more like a real werejohncandy, and are starting to look more and more like Chumsley than my human self.
This werejc tf takes a lot longer than my previous werejohncandy transformations did. I guess it's because i've always been one deep down inside, and also to some extent i started fully transforming in late october of last year.
But i gotta admit, i like the way it is going.
Not many people will recognise me after my transformation is completed - but Andria will. Even though by then i'll probably be looking a lot like Chumsley and talking in John Candy's voice.
It's going to take a while to adjust to my large frame.
But i've got to admit, i love being fat, furry and cuddly. Plus my stomach is so big, round, furry, warm, and soft.
Plus you'll probably be wondering how i'm able to type with such large John Candy-like hands and sharp black claws.
I've kind of gotten cravings for Ultra Happy Yum Yum Cookies, Werejc chow, Happy Plums, Super Happy Yum Yum Cake, and Choco Hearts Cereal.
These are the top ten 10 drawbacks to being a canadian forest werejohncandy.
1. It is hard to find clothes that won't rip when you transform.
2. Trying to squeeze into small spaces is murder.
3. Can't go anywhere without being mistaken for John himself.
4. Often get stuck when in small cramped spaces.
5. Too big to fit through the door.
6. Those stupid food cravings.
7. Parents have to replace furniture such as chairs or beds because you've accidentally smashed them while transforming.
8. Fat jokes can be murder.
9. The warm feeling is hard to ignore.
10. No good seating arangements at the movies.
Now i'm probably wondering if i'm going to need bigger clothes after I end up bursting out of the ones i'm wearing now..
This werejc tf takes a lot longer than my previous werejohncandy transformations did. I guess it's because i've always been one deep down inside, and also to some extent i started fully transforming in late october of last year.
But i gotta admit, i like the way it is going.
Not many people will recognise me after my transformation is completed - but Andria will. Even though by then i'll probably be looking a lot like Chumsley and talking in John Candy's voice.
It's going to take a while to adjust to my large frame.
But i've got to admit, i love being fat, furry and cuddly. Plus my stomach is so big, round, furry, warm, and soft.
Plus you'll probably be wondering how i'm able to type with such large John Candy-like hands and sharp black claws.
I've kind of gotten cravings for Ultra Happy Yum Yum Cookies, Werejc chow, Happy Plums, Super Happy Yum Yum Cake, and Choco Hearts Cereal.
These are the top ten 10 drawbacks to being a canadian forest werejohncandy.
1. It is hard to find clothes that won't rip when you transform.
2. Trying to squeeze into small spaces is murder.
3. Can't go anywhere without being mistaken for John himself.
4. Often get stuck when in small cramped spaces.
5. Too big to fit through the door.
6. Those stupid food cravings.
7. Parents have to replace furniture such as chairs or beds because you've accidentally smashed them while transforming.
8. Fat jokes can be murder.
9. The warm feeling is hard to ignore.
10. No good seating arangements at the movies.
Now i'm probably wondering if i'm going to need bigger clothes after I end up bursting out of the ones i'm wearing now..
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
JC Items
We've got lots of John Candy transformation related items. Now if you're lucky you might see some of these in stories.
John Candy tf potions:
These are potions that turn the drinker into one of John Candy's many characters from film and tv. Now we haven't labelled them yet unfortunately but we can usually tell which one the drinker drank and which character he's morphing into.
John Candyification potion (the one we tried selling on Amiright, it really works)
Super John Candyification potion (same except it lasts forever)
Werejohncandy potion
Buck (Uncle Buck)
Del (Planes, Trains and Automobiles)
Wink (Little Shop Of Horrors)
Barf (Spaceballs)
Frank (Armed And Dangerous)
Pinky (Kavik)
Tom (Volunteers)
Freddie (Splash)
Johnny LaRue (SCTV)
Yosh Schmenge (SCTV)
5 Of the 5 Neat Guys (SCTV)
Billy Sol Hurok (SCTV)
Irv (Cool Runnings)
Dewey "Ox" Oxberger (Stripes)
Kalishak (Boris and Natasha)
Jack Gable (Delirious)
Dennis (Nothing But Trouble)
Burton Mercer (Blues Brothers)
John Borginin (Goin Beserk)
Simonson (Silent Partner)
Ollie (Clown Murders)
Paule (Class Of 44)
Yuri (Hostage For A Day)
Augie (Once Upon A Crime)
Spider (David Steinberg Show)
2nd Son (Last Bride Of Salem)
Kopek #1 (It seemed like a good idea at the time)
Kopek #2 (Find The Lady)
Dean Andrews (JFK)
Pvt Foley (1941)
C.D Marsh (Career Oppotunities)
Danny (Only The Lonely)
Bud (Canadian Bacon)
James (Wagons East)
Harry Crumb (Who's Harry Crumb)
Charlie (Speed Zone)
Chet (Great Outdoors)
Gus (Home Alone)
WereJohncandy tf items:
Moon Jewel
Heart Stone
Chumsley werejohncandy hands (turns your hands into Chumsley's large, pudgy furry John Candy-like hands - complete with claws).
Chumsley werejohncandy feet (same except it changes the feet into large furry werejohncandy feet)
Cassie Werejohncandy hands (turns your hands into Cassie's hands)
Cassie Werejohncandy feet (changes the feet into Cassie's feet)
Cassie Werejohncandy mane (gives you Cassie's mane)
Chumsley werejohncandy mane (gives you Chumsley's long brown mane)
Chumsley's Choco Hearts cereal (turns the eater INTO Chumsley himself)
Chumsley's Lucky Collar (gives the user the power to turn into a werejohncandy)
Cassie's Choco Heart Tarts (turns the eater into Cassie)
Ultra Happy Yum Cookies
Werejohncandy Chow
Super happy yum yum cake
Happy plums/Super happy plums.
Game of Change: JC Edition (a john candy themed transformation dvd board game)
John Candy tf potions:
These are potions that turn the drinker into one of John Candy's many characters from film and tv. Now we haven't labelled them yet unfortunately but we can usually tell which one the drinker drank and which character he's morphing into.
John Candyification potion (the one we tried selling on Amiright, it really works)
Super John Candyification potion (same except it lasts forever)
Werejohncandy potion
Buck (Uncle Buck)
Del (Planes, Trains and Automobiles)
Wink (Little Shop Of Horrors)
Barf (Spaceballs)
Frank (Armed And Dangerous)
Pinky (Kavik)
Tom (Volunteers)
Freddie (Splash)
Johnny LaRue (SCTV)
Yosh Schmenge (SCTV)
5 Of the 5 Neat Guys (SCTV)
Billy Sol Hurok (SCTV)
Irv (Cool Runnings)
Dewey "Ox" Oxberger (Stripes)
Kalishak (Boris and Natasha)
Jack Gable (Delirious)
Dennis (Nothing But Trouble)
Burton Mercer (Blues Brothers)
John Borginin (Goin Beserk)
Simonson (Silent Partner)
Ollie (Clown Murders)
Paule (Class Of 44)
Yuri (Hostage For A Day)
Augie (Once Upon A Crime)
Spider (David Steinberg Show)
2nd Son (Last Bride Of Salem)
Kopek #1 (It seemed like a good idea at the time)
Kopek #2 (Find The Lady)
Dean Andrews (JFK)
Pvt Foley (1941)
C.D Marsh (Career Oppotunities)
Danny (Only The Lonely)
Bud (Canadian Bacon)
James (Wagons East)
Harry Crumb (Who's Harry Crumb)
Charlie (Speed Zone)
Chet (Great Outdoors)
Gus (Home Alone)
WereJohncandy tf items:
Moon Jewel
Heart Stone
Chumsley werejohncandy hands (turns your hands into Chumsley's large, pudgy furry John Candy-like hands - complete with claws).
Chumsley werejohncandy feet (same except it changes the feet into large furry werejohncandy feet)
Cassie Werejohncandy hands (turns your hands into Cassie's hands)
Cassie Werejohncandy feet (changes the feet into Cassie's feet)
Cassie Werejohncandy mane (gives you Cassie's mane)
Chumsley werejohncandy mane (gives you Chumsley's long brown mane)
Chumsley's Choco Hearts cereal (turns the eater INTO Chumsley himself)
Chumsley's Lucky Collar (gives the user the power to turn into a werejohncandy)
Cassie's Choco Heart Tarts (turns the eater into Cassie)
Ultra Happy Yum Cookies
Werejohncandy Chow
Super happy yum yum cake
Happy plums/Super happy plums.
Game of Change: JC Edition (a john candy themed transformation dvd board game)
Inner beauty
Today's society is very shallow and some people can only see the appearances of a certain person and yet they think they know all there is to know about them.
Acceptable targets for jokes related to this kind of subject are the brainy, the goofy looking, and the overweight.
But as Disney's Beauty And The Beast shows is what is on the inside that matters.
A lot of the really beautiful celebrities these days are utter pricks on the inside including a certain heiress. I hear Johnny Depp is quite an interesting guy though.
The one movie star I recall who was likable both on and off camera was John Candy - he was something special - he was a really nice big cuddly guy.
Michael Jackson was a very clever performer and a very misunderstood person - often the victim of the media especially during the 90's and althrough the 00's. Michael indeed was unique and they'll never be another singer like him.
Even though if someone looks or acts differently than you do - it is advisable that you get to know them before you jump to conclusions.
Remember not to judge a book by it's cover, it's what on the inside that counts.
Thank you.
Acceptable targets for jokes related to this kind of subject are the brainy, the goofy looking, and the overweight.
But as Disney's Beauty And The Beast shows is what is on the inside that matters.
A lot of the really beautiful celebrities these days are utter pricks on the inside including a certain heiress. I hear Johnny Depp is quite an interesting guy though.
The one movie star I recall who was likable both on and off camera was John Candy - he was something special - he was a really nice big cuddly guy.
Michael Jackson was a very clever performer and a very misunderstood person - often the victim of the media especially during the 90's and althrough the 00's. Michael indeed was unique and they'll never be another singer like him.
Even though if someone looks or acts differently than you do - it is advisable that you get to know them before you jump to conclusions.
Remember not to judge a book by it's cover, it's what on the inside that counts.
Thank you.
Sunday, 24 January 2010
The origins of Cassie
This is the origin of our female werejc Cassie. I hope you enjoy it.
Ever since she was a little girl Katie Lee had been a fan of Chumsley's Clubhouse - the children's television series about a big lovable Canadian forest werejohncandy named Chumsley who lived in the happy valley with all his friends.
This kiddie show was unlike most, it was educational and fun for both children and adults.
Katie Lee had a lot of Chumsley merchandise including a t shirt and a plushie from the Chumsley Live Stage Show.
One day while she was getting ready to go shopping, she decided to sit down and watch some tv..
She was flipping through the channels when she noticed that Chumsley's Clubhouse was on…
"I love this show!" She exclaimed as she sat down.
On the screen she could see Chumsley the werejohncandy coming out of his clubhouse to say hello to the viewers..
"Hi there boys and girls! It's me, your old pal Chumsley. Raaawr!" The jolly werejohncandy said, roaring happily. "Are you having fun today? I sure am."
He was holding a basket full of his favorite treats, Happy plums and super happy cakes.
Katie Lee decided not to shop and to stay and watch the show…
"Last week we had to say goodbye to our new friend Billy. It was a very sad day indeed. We will miss him terribly. But today I will pick out someone to be my new playmate." Chumsley told the viewers.
Chumsley then took out his favorite hat.
"I will pull out the name of the person who gets to be my new playmate out of this hat." He explained.. "And the lucky person who gets to be my new playmate is……..Katie Lee!"
Katie could not believe it, it had been her dream to be on Chumsley's Clubhouse.
"Me?" Katie exclaimed.
"Yes…you!" Chumsley replied. "You get to be my new playmate."
"Oh, thank you so much. It is an honor…I've always wanted to be on the show." Katie responded.
"There's no time for that. Just come with me to the happy valley." Chumsley explained.
A strange swirling vortex appeared in the middle of the tv screen, Katie could feel herself being sucked into it…
Katie then looked around…
"Huh? Where am I?" She asked, confused.
"You are in the happy valley. And you have the honor of being my new friend." Chumsley replied.
"Okay. So when do we start playing?" She inquired.
"Well usually right away but since you're new here….I think I should give YOU a big Werejohncandy cuddle before we started." Chumsley replied.
Chumsley then walked up to her and gave her a really big werejohncandy hug….
"Aaaaw. That's sweet big guy. Now let me go." She said.
But Chumsley wouldn't let go.
"Why are you hugging me so tightly?" She asked.
"Well…there's something I have to tell you, you see….even though you are my new playmate, you are still human….I need you to be a werejohncandy like me. Because it gets lonely being a werejohncandy. Us werejohncandies have a rather friendly way of transforming others into werejohncandies, we hug them." Chumsley explained.
"So that means….." She thought..
She started to feel incredibly warm inside and very very hungry….
She looked down at her shoes and saw how tight they were getting…..her feet seemed to be growing larger from within them…
"Oooh. Isn't this exciting boys and girls? Our new friend Katie Lee is starting to change. Soon we will have another werejohncandy to play with." Chumsley exclaimed, happily.
Katie's shoes were getting tighter still until…..BUUUUUUUUUUUURSST! They burst at the seams, revealing a pair of large feet with brownish fur and black clawed toenails, just like Chumsley's feet.
"My feet…..they're huge! And furry." She uttered.
Her hands started to change as well, brownish fur started to sprout on her palms as her fingernails started to grow into long black claws, her hands then grew larger and more like Chumsley's hands - she also now had plump fingers like Chumsley's - with black claws.
"I see she's got her werejohncandy feet and hands. Don't they look nice on her?" Chumsley cooed.
It wasn't just her hands and feet that grew, all of her started to grow as she began to bulk up to the same size and weight as Chumsley.
Her shirt was getting very very tight, and the buttons were struggling to stay on….until POP! POP! POP! Three of them popped off her shirt and landed on the ground.
"Hey look boys and girls. She's starting to grow. Isn't that wonderful? And look at how big, fat, and cuddly she's becoming." Chumsley cheered.
Three more buttons popped off her shirt as her shirt got tighter and tighter unable to hold her growing bulk…
Her belt was starting to stretch and strain, her belly was starting to feel warm and was slowly starting to grow…
"Aaaw. Look at her tum tum, it's growing to be as big, round, soft and furry as mine. Isn't that wonderful?" Chumsley sighed.
Her belly ballooned out, ending up snapping her belt clean off - thick brownish fur starting to sprout all over it .
"Look at her big furry tum tum. She's turning into a big beautiful werejohncandy isn't she? Yes she is." He cooed.
Her shirt ripped clean off her body which had now grown to be just like Chumsley's.
Her jeans were getting extremely tight as her legs grew large and chunky to support her tummy.
"She's getting her werejohncandy legs. Aaaaw, isn't that cute?" He cooed.
Her jeans were getting skin tight as her legs started growing to be more like Chumsley's legs, and brownish fur was starting to sprout on them.
Then her jeans ripped open with a…………SHRIPPPPP to reveal her much larger, fur covered legs.
Her face was the last to change as brownish fur started to sprout on it as her hair turned a dark brownish colour and grew longer until it grew into a long mane, her canine teeth grew into cute fangs, her eyebrows became rather bushy, her eyes glowed a beautiful emerald greenish colour, her ears grew pointed, her nose turned black and her facial features become more like Chumsley's, in addition to that she also developed cute small black eyelashes and a beautiful pair of red lips.
"Aaaaw. Look, she's looking more and more like a werejohncandy now. Isn't that sweet?" Chumsley sighed.
Katie's voice started to change too…..she was starting to sound more and more like Chumsley except a bit more feminine.
When the transformation was completed, there was a big beautiful female werejohncandy standing where Katie once was..
"Aaaaw. Look boys and girls, there's another werejohncandy here to play with." He cheered. "Tell me Katie, how does it feel being a werejohncandy like me?"
"I like it. It feels great, in fact…" She stood up and released a big, loud happy roar. "Raaaawr!"
"Now that you're a werejohncandy, what do you want your special name to be?" He asked.
"Let's see….Cassie!" She replied, happily.
"That's a lovely name!" He responded. "Cassie it is."
And from that day on, Katie Lee was no longer referred to by her old name - but instead by Cassie the big beautiful female werejohncandy.
The two werejohncandies spent many times together and now the two of them are in love.
Ever since she was a little girl Katie Lee had been a fan of Chumsley's Clubhouse - the children's television series about a big lovable Canadian forest werejohncandy named Chumsley who lived in the happy valley with all his friends.
This kiddie show was unlike most, it was educational and fun for both children and adults.
Katie Lee had a lot of Chumsley merchandise including a t shirt and a plushie from the Chumsley Live Stage Show.
One day while she was getting ready to go shopping, she decided to sit down and watch some tv..
She was flipping through the channels when she noticed that Chumsley's Clubhouse was on…
"I love this show!" She exclaimed as she sat down.
On the screen she could see Chumsley the werejohncandy coming out of his clubhouse to say hello to the viewers..
"Hi there boys and girls! It's me, your old pal Chumsley. Raaawr!" The jolly werejohncandy said, roaring happily. "Are you having fun today? I sure am."
He was holding a basket full of his favorite treats, Happy plums and super happy cakes.
Katie Lee decided not to shop and to stay and watch the show…
"Last week we had to say goodbye to our new friend Billy. It was a very sad day indeed. We will miss him terribly. But today I will pick out someone to be my new playmate." Chumsley told the viewers.
Chumsley then took out his favorite hat.
"I will pull out the name of the person who gets to be my new playmate out of this hat." He explained.. "And the lucky person who gets to be my new playmate is……..Katie Lee!"
Katie could not believe it, it had been her dream to be on Chumsley's Clubhouse.
"Me?" Katie exclaimed.
"Yes…you!" Chumsley replied. "You get to be my new playmate."
"Oh, thank you so much. It is an honor…I've always wanted to be on the show." Katie responded.
"There's no time for that. Just come with me to the happy valley." Chumsley explained.
A strange swirling vortex appeared in the middle of the tv screen, Katie could feel herself being sucked into it…
Katie then looked around…
"Huh? Where am I?" She asked, confused.
"You are in the happy valley. And you have the honor of being my new friend." Chumsley replied.
"Okay. So when do we start playing?" She inquired.
"Well usually right away but since you're new here….I think I should give YOU a big Werejohncandy cuddle before we started." Chumsley replied.
Chumsley then walked up to her and gave her a really big werejohncandy hug….
"Aaaaw. That's sweet big guy. Now let me go." She said.
But Chumsley wouldn't let go.
"Why are you hugging me so tightly?" She asked.
"Well…there's something I have to tell you, you see….even though you are my new playmate, you are still human….I need you to be a werejohncandy like me. Because it gets lonely being a werejohncandy. Us werejohncandies have a rather friendly way of transforming others into werejohncandies, we hug them." Chumsley explained.
"So that means….." She thought..
She started to feel incredibly warm inside and very very hungry….
She looked down at her shoes and saw how tight they were getting…..her feet seemed to be growing larger from within them…
"Oooh. Isn't this exciting boys and girls? Our new friend Katie Lee is starting to change. Soon we will have another werejohncandy to play with." Chumsley exclaimed, happily.
Katie's shoes were getting tighter still until…..BUUUUUUUUUUUURSST! They burst at the seams, revealing a pair of large feet with brownish fur and black clawed toenails, just like Chumsley's feet.
"My feet…..they're huge! And furry." She uttered.
Her hands started to change as well, brownish fur started to sprout on her palms as her fingernails started to grow into long black claws, her hands then grew larger and more like Chumsley's hands - she also now had plump fingers like Chumsley's - with black claws.
"I see she's got her werejohncandy feet and hands. Don't they look nice on her?" Chumsley cooed.
It wasn't just her hands and feet that grew, all of her started to grow as she began to bulk up to the same size and weight as Chumsley.
Her shirt was getting very very tight, and the buttons were struggling to stay on….until POP! POP! POP! Three of them popped off her shirt and landed on the ground.
"Hey look boys and girls. She's starting to grow. Isn't that wonderful? And look at how big, fat, and cuddly she's becoming." Chumsley cheered.
Three more buttons popped off her shirt as her shirt got tighter and tighter unable to hold her growing bulk…
Her belt was starting to stretch and strain, her belly was starting to feel warm and was slowly starting to grow…
"Aaaw. Look at her tum tum, it's growing to be as big, round, soft and furry as mine. Isn't that wonderful?" Chumsley sighed.
Her belly ballooned out, ending up snapping her belt clean off - thick brownish fur starting to sprout all over it .
"Look at her big furry tum tum. She's turning into a big beautiful werejohncandy isn't she? Yes she is." He cooed.
Her shirt ripped clean off her body which had now grown to be just like Chumsley's.
Her jeans were getting extremely tight as her legs grew large and chunky to support her tummy.
"She's getting her werejohncandy legs. Aaaaw, isn't that cute?" He cooed.
Her jeans were getting skin tight as her legs started growing to be more like Chumsley's legs, and brownish fur was starting to sprout on them.
Then her jeans ripped open with a…………SHRIPPPPP to reveal her much larger, fur covered legs.
Her face was the last to change as brownish fur started to sprout on it as her hair turned a dark brownish colour and grew longer until it grew into a long mane, her canine teeth grew into cute fangs, her eyebrows became rather bushy, her eyes glowed a beautiful emerald greenish colour, her ears grew pointed, her nose turned black and her facial features become more like Chumsley's, in addition to that she also developed cute small black eyelashes and a beautiful pair of red lips.
"Aaaaw. Look, she's looking more and more like a werejohncandy now. Isn't that sweet?" Chumsley sighed.
Katie's voice started to change too…..she was starting to sound more and more like Chumsley except a bit more feminine.
When the transformation was completed, there was a big beautiful female werejohncandy standing where Katie once was..
"Aaaaw. Look boys and girls, there's another werejohncandy here to play with." He cheered. "Tell me Katie, how does it feel being a werejohncandy like me?"
"I like it. It feels great, in fact…" She stood up and released a big, loud happy roar. "Raaaawr!"
"Now that you're a werejohncandy, what do you want your special name to be?" He asked.
"Let's see….Cassie!" She replied, happily.
"That's a lovely name!" He responded. "Cassie it is."
And from that day on, Katie Lee was no longer referred to by her old name - but instead by Cassie the big beautiful female werejohncandy.
The two werejohncandies spent many times together and now the two of them are in love.
Here is a list of shapeshifters we know of:
Good shapeshifters:
- Me (werejohncandy)
- My brother (various)
- Lance (weremoose)
- Kirsty (tigeress)
- Daniel (gargoyle)
- Sam "Chinstar" Leno (Wereleno - the ONLY good guy one)
- Darwin "Captain Comedy" Chance (anthro grinch)
- Dan McCloud (lizard-like creature)
- Joshua Louis Belushi (werebelushi family member: Werejosh)
- Jade Belushi (werebelushi family member: Werebelushi)
- Andria (various)
Evil shapeshifters:
- Dr Madness (Tyranosaurus rex)
- Tazmin (werekitty)
- Tyrone The Terrible (demon)
- Keith Darby (dragon-like beast)
- Stephanie Haddingham (werefox)
- Darth Rangoon (Alien style space creature)
- Sinistra Sisters (werecat, vampire bat, cobra, spidertaur, demoness)
Saturday, 23 January 2010
JC and mj
One of my two favourite things i loved about the 80's and 90's were John Candy movies and Michael Jackson.
I respect both JC and MJ because to me they were my idols. My brother and I met both of them as well. We spent the whole week with JC during the early 80's, we met him. We also met MJ in the early 90's when he was doing his Dangerous tour.
If I could put together a series of music videos on Youtube consisting of John Candy movie scenes set to MJ songs heres' what mine would probably be.
The Clown Murders (one of John's earliest film appearances)
Songs i would use: Thriller, Ghosts or Is It Scary.
Uncle Buck
Songs i would use: Billie Jean, Threatened (For the scenes where Buck pretends to be threatening and imtimidating - also for the scene where he drills a hole in the door at the party).
Songs i would use: Liberian Girl, You Are Not Alone.
Canadian Bacon
Songs I would use: Stranger In Mosco, They Don't Care About Us.
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Songs I would use: Speed Demon, Smile.
Songs I would use: Man In The Mirror, Beat It (for the mud wrestling scene).
Songs I would use: Tabloid Junkie, Smooth Criminal.
Only The Lonely
Songs I would use: I Just Can't Stop Loving You, Whatever Happens.
Once Upon A Crime
Songs I would use: Smooth Criminal, Bad.
Cool Runnings
Songs I would use: Speed Demon, Heal The World.
Great Outdoors
Songs I would use: Another Part Of Me, 2-Bad.
Songs i would use: We Are Here To Change The World, Just Good Friends.
John Candy tribute video in general
Songs I would use: Smile, Childhood, You Are Not Alone, Earth Song, Heal The World.
I respect both JC and MJ because to me they were my idols. My brother and I met both of them as well. We spent the whole week with JC during the early 80's, we met him. We also met MJ in the early 90's when he was doing his Dangerous tour.
If I could put together a series of music videos on Youtube consisting of John Candy movie scenes set to MJ songs heres' what mine would probably be.
The Clown Murders (one of John's earliest film appearances)
Songs i would use: Thriller, Ghosts or Is It Scary.
Uncle Buck
Songs i would use: Billie Jean, Threatened (For the scenes where Buck pretends to be threatening and imtimidating - also for the scene where he drills a hole in the door at the party).
Songs i would use: Liberian Girl, You Are Not Alone.
Canadian Bacon
Songs I would use: Stranger In Mosco, They Don't Care About Us.
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Songs I would use: Speed Demon, Smile.
Songs I would use: Man In The Mirror, Beat It (for the mud wrestling scene).
Songs I would use: Tabloid Junkie, Smooth Criminal.
Only The Lonely
Songs I would use: I Just Can't Stop Loving You, Whatever Happens.
Once Upon A Crime
Songs I would use: Smooth Criminal, Bad.
Cool Runnings
Songs I would use: Speed Demon, Heal The World.
Great Outdoors
Songs I would use: Another Part Of Me, 2-Bad.
Songs i would use: We Are Here To Change The World, Just Good Friends.
John Candy tribute video in general
Songs I would use: Smile, Childhood, You Are Not Alone, Earth Song, Heal The World.
Friday, 22 January 2010
A beastly beauty
Here is the story of a cursed princess..
Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess who lived in a golden kingdom..
Her name was Princess Mariah
She was nice to everyone and kind to all creatures.
She also loved to dance and was loved by everyone.
One night while she was out in the woods..
She got hugged by a large mysterious creature which looked and sounded a lot like John Candy..
Then a couple nights later when the moon was full..
She started to change..
Her shoes got tight and her feet started to grow rather large...
Then her shoes burst right off her feet which had grown large with brownish fur and black clawed toenails..
Her hands started to change..
Brownish fur sprouting on her palms..
Her once delicate fingernails growing into long black claws..
Hands reshaping and becoming plump and John Candy-like.
Her hands now plump and John Candy-like along with her fingers..
Just like the hands of the creature that hugged her..
Her body started to grow and gain weight - growing taller until she was 6'2.
Her top started to get increasingly tight as she started to gain weight..
Buttons popping off one by one, her belt get tighter as her belly started to grow..
Her belt burst off with a snap to make room for her tummy which was growing large, round and soft and starting to sprout thick brownish fur..
Her top ripped off her body to reveal her now large, portly frame which was covered in brownish fur like the body of the creature that hugged her..
Her skirt was also starting to get tight as her legs grew large and chunky in order to support her belly, brownish fur started to sprout all over them..
Her skirt ripped to reveal her now large, chunky fur covered legs..
The last thing to change was her face as brownish fur started to sprout on it..
Her ears grew pointed..
Her eyes glowed an emerald green..
Her canine teeth became small cute fangs..
Her nose turned black..
Eyebrows became bushy..
Her red hair turned a dark brownish colour and grew into a long mane..
Her face morphed and became like the face of the creature that hugged her..
Her voice started to change and became like the voice of the creature that hugged her except a bit less gruff..
When the change was complete, she tried to speak but all that came out was a jolly roaring sound..
The princess had become a werejohncandy like the one that hugged her..
Now a werejohncandy she walks around at night looking for food and someone to play with
Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess who lived in a golden kingdom..
Her name was Princess Mariah
She was nice to everyone and kind to all creatures.
She also loved to dance and was loved by everyone.
One night while she was out in the woods..
She got hugged by a large mysterious creature which looked and sounded a lot like John Candy..
Then a couple nights later when the moon was full..
She started to change..
Her shoes got tight and her feet started to grow rather large...
Then her shoes burst right off her feet which had grown large with brownish fur and black clawed toenails..
Her hands started to change..
Brownish fur sprouting on her palms..
Her once delicate fingernails growing into long black claws..
Hands reshaping and becoming plump and John Candy-like.
Her hands now plump and John Candy-like along with her fingers..
Just like the hands of the creature that hugged her..
Her body started to grow and gain weight - growing taller until she was 6'2.
Her top started to get increasingly tight as she started to gain weight..
Buttons popping off one by one, her belt get tighter as her belly started to grow..
Her belt burst off with a snap to make room for her tummy which was growing large, round and soft and starting to sprout thick brownish fur..
Her top ripped off her body to reveal her now large, portly frame which was covered in brownish fur like the body of the creature that hugged her..
Her skirt was also starting to get tight as her legs grew large and chunky in order to support her belly, brownish fur started to sprout all over them..
Her skirt ripped to reveal her now large, chunky fur covered legs..
The last thing to change was her face as brownish fur started to sprout on it..
Her ears grew pointed..
Her eyes glowed an emerald green..
Her canine teeth became small cute fangs..
Her nose turned black..
Eyebrows became bushy..
Her red hair turned a dark brownish colour and grew into a long mane..
Her face morphed and became like the face of the creature that hugged her..
Her voice started to change and became like the voice of the creature that hugged her except a bit less gruff..
When the change was complete, she tried to speak but all that came out was a jolly roaring sound..
The princess had become a werejohncandy like the one that hugged her..
Now a werejohncandy she walks around at night looking for food and someone to play with
Thursday, 21 January 2010
Other things
Here are some other things you should know:
- Contrast to what that article on slapstick anarchy says about me, i'm actually quite skinny in my human form - not rail thin but more or less the same as Michael Jackson during the Bad Era. When i'm in my human form I keep in shape by doing a series of extreme workouts in the danger room, I also teach a martial class, do meditation and yoga and also teach at a dance academy.
- Werejohncandyism is not only for guys, girls can play too. That's why we added Cassie to our colourful cast of characters, to be a female counterpart/love interest to Chumsley so he wouldn't be sad and lonely anymore.
- Werejohncandies are in no way scary or fierce.
- Contrary to what that article on slapstick anarchy says, i do not turn into JC himself when a crispy kreme donuts ad comes on the tv screen - the only occassions i have ever turned into him are during the luna eclipse and if i'm watched just one too many of his movies which is actually quite normal.
- There is no way on earth that i'd do anything to make a mockery out of John Candy - he is/was the greatest comic who ever lived - and i respect him for that - plus i'm a friend of his - i saved his life. He could do serious as well as funny. Not many actors can do that without faling victim to Tom Hanks Syndrome you know - which is named after Tom Hanks. Although Jim Carrey has somehow survived from it.
- I'm against all jokes that are directed towards Michael Jackson and done in bad taste or are just insensitive.
Cassie's origin
Werejohncandyism isn't just for boys, girls can play too..
And here is the origin story of our favourite female werejc Cassie. I hope that you will comment on it and enjoy it.
Ever since she was a little girl Katie Lee had been a fan of Chumsley's Clubhouse - the children's television series about a big lovable Canadian forest werejohncandy named Chumsley who lived in the happy valley with all his friends.
This kiddie show was unlike most, it was educational and fun for both children and adults.
Katie Lee had a lot of Chumsley merchandise including a t shirt and a plushie from the Chumsley Live Stage Show.
One day while she was getting ready to go shopping, she decided to sit down and watch some tv..
She was flipping through the channels when she noticed that Chumsley's Clubhouse was on…
"I love this show!" She exclaimed as she sat down.
On the screen she could see Chumsley the werejohncandy coming out of his clubhouse to say hello to the viewers..
"Hi there boys and girls! It's me, your old pal Chumsley. Raaawr!" The jolly werejohncandy said, roaring happily. "Are you having fun today? I sure am."
He was holding a basket full of his favorite treats, Happy plums and super happy cakes.
Katie Lee decided not to shop and to stay and watch the show…
"Last week we had to say goodbye to our new friend Billy. It was a very sad day indeed. We will miss him terribly. But today I will pick out someone to be my new playmate." Chumsley told the viewers.
Chumsley then took out his favorite hat.
"I will pull out the name of the person who gets to be my new playmate out of this hat." He explained.. "And the lucky person who gets to be my new playmate is……..Katie Lee!"
Katie could not believe it, it had been her dream to be on Chumsley's Clubhouse.
"Me?" Katie exclaimed.
"Yes…you!" Chumsley replied. "You get to be my new playmate."
"Oh, thank you so much. It is an honor…I've always wanted to be on the show." Katie responded.
"There's no time for that. Just come with me to the happy valley." Chumsley explained.
A strange swirling vortex appeared in the middle of the tv screen, Katie could feel herself being sucked into it…
Katie then looked around…
"Huh? Where am I?" She asked, confused.
"You are in the happy valley. And you have the honor of being my new friend." Chumsley replied.
"Okay. So when do we start playing?" She inquired.
"Well usually right away but since you're new here….I think I should give YOU a big Werejohncandy cuddle before we started." Chumsley replied.
Chumsley then walked up to her and gave her a really big werejohncandy hug….
"Aaaaw. That's sweet big guy. Now let me go." She said.
But Chumsley wouldn't let go.
"Why are you hugging me so tightly?" She asked.
"Well…there's something I have to tell you, you see….even though you are my new playmate, you are still human….I need you to be a werejohncandy like me. Because it gets lonely being a werejohncandy. Us werejohncandies have a rather friendly way of transforming others into werejohncandies, we hug them." Chumsley explained.
"So that means….." She thought..
She started to feel incredibly warm inside and very very hungry….
She looked down at her shoes and saw how tight they were getting…..her feet seemed to be growing larger from within them…
"Oooh. Isn't this exciting boys and girls? Our new friend Katie Lee is starting to change. Soon we will have another werejohncandy to play with." Chumsley exclaimed, happily.
Katie's shoes were getting tighter still until…..BUUUUUUUUUUUURSST! They burst at the seams, revealing a pair of large feet with brownish fur and black clawed toenails, just like Chumsley's feet.
"My feet…..they're huge! And furry." She uttered.
Her hands started to change as well, brownish fur started to sprout on her palms as her fingernails started to grow into long black claws, her hands then grew larger and more like Chumsley's hands - she also now had plump fingers like Chumsley's - with black claws.
"I see she's got her werejohncandy feet and hands. Don't they look nice on her?" Chumsley cooed.
It wasn't just her hands and feet that grew, all of her started to grow as she began to bulk up to the same size and weight as Chumsley.
Her shirt was getting very very tight, and the buttons were struggling to stay on….until POP! POP! POP! Three of them popped off her shirt and landed on the ground.
"Hey look boys and girls. She's starting to grow. Isn't that wonderful? And look at how big, fat, and cuddly she's becoming." Chumsley cheered.
Three more buttons popped off her shirt as her shirt got tighter and tighter unable to hold her growing bulk…
Her belt was starting to stretch and strain, her belly was starting to feel warm and was slowly starting to grow…
"Aaaw. Look at her tum tum, it's growing to be as big, round, soft and furry as mine. Isn't that wonderful?" Chumsley sighed.
Her belly ballooned out, ending up snapping her belt clean off - thick brownish fur starting to sprout all over it .
"Look at her big furry tum tum. She's turning into a big beautiful werejohncandy isn't she? Yes she is." He cooed.
Her shirt ripped clean off her body which had now grown to be just like Chumsley's.
Her jeans were getting extremely tight as her legs grew large and chunky to support her tummy.
"She's getting her werejohncandy legs. Aaaaw, isn't that cute?" He cooed.
Her jeans were getting skin tight as her legs started growing to be more like Chumsley's legs, and brownish fur was starting to sprout on them.
Then her jeans ripped open with a…………SHRIPPPPP to reveal her much larger, fur covered legs.
Her face was the last to change as brownish fur started to sprout on it as her hair turned a dark brownish colour and grew longer until it grew into a long mane, her canine teeth grew into cute fangs, her eyebrows became rather bushy, her eyes glowed a beautiful emerald greenish colour, her ears grew pointed, her nose turned black and her facial features become more like Chumsley's, in addition to that she also developed cute small black eyelashes and a beautiful pair of red lips.
"Aaaaw. Look, she's looking more and more like a werejohncandy now. Isn't that sweet?" Chumsley sighed.
Katie's voice started to change too…..she was starting to sound more and more like Chumsley except a bit more feminine.
When the transformation was completed, there was a big beautiful female werejohncandy standing where Katie once was..
"Aaaaw. Look boys and girls, there's another werejohncandy here to play with." He cheered. "Tell me Katie, how does it feel being a werejohncandy like me?"
"I like it. It feels great, in fact…" She stood up and released a big, loud happy roar. "Raaaawr!"
"Now that you're a werejohncandy, what do you want your special name to be?" He asked.
"Let's see….Cassie!" She replied, happily.
"That's a lovely name!" He responded. "Cassie it is."
And from that day on, Katie Lee was no longer referred to by her old name - but instead by Cassie the big beautiful female werejohncandy.
The two werejohncandies spent many times together and now the two of them are in love.
The end.
And here is the origin story of our favourite female werejc Cassie. I hope that you will comment on it and enjoy it.
Ever since she was a little girl Katie Lee had been a fan of Chumsley's Clubhouse - the children's television series about a big lovable Canadian forest werejohncandy named Chumsley who lived in the happy valley with all his friends.
This kiddie show was unlike most, it was educational and fun for both children and adults.
Katie Lee had a lot of Chumsley merchandise including a t shirt and a plushie from the Chumsley Live Stage Show.
One day while she was getting ready to go shopping, she decided to sit down and watch some tv..
She was flipping through the channels when she noticed that Chumsley's Clubhouse was on…
"I love this show!" She exclaimed as she sat down.
On the screen she could see Chumsley the werejohncandy coming out of his clubhouse to say hello to the viewers..
"Hi there boys and girls! It's me, your old pal Chumsley. Raaawr!" The jolly werejohncandy said, roaring happily. "Are you having fun today? I sure am."
He was holding a basket full of his favorite treats, Happy plums and super happy cakes.
Katie Lee decided not to shop and to stay and watch the show…
"Last week we had to say goodbye to our new friend Billy. It was a very sad day indeed. We will miss him terribly. But today I will pick out someone to be my new playmate." Chumsley told the viewers.
Chumsley then took out his favorite hat.
"I will pull out the name of the person who gets to be my new playmate out of this hat." He explained.. "And the lucky person who gets to be my new playmate is……..Katie Lee!"
Katie could not believe it, it had been her dream to be on Chumsley's Clubhouse.
"Me?" Katie exclaimed.
"Yes…you!" Chumsley replied. "You get to be my new playmate."
"Oh, thank you so much. It is an honor…I've always wanted to be on the show." Katie responded.
"There's no time for that. Just come with me to the happy valley." Chumsley explained.
A strange swirling vortex appeared in the middle of the tv screen, Katie could feel herself being sucked into it…
Katie then looked around…
"Huh? Where am I?" She asked, confused.
"You are in the happy valley. And you have the honor of being my new friend." Chumsley replied.
"Okay. So when do we start playing?" She inquired.
"Well usually right away but since you're new here….I think I should give YOU a big Werejohncandy cuddle before we started." Chumsley replied.
Chumsley then walked up to her and gave her a really big werejohncandy hug….
"Aaaaw. That's sweet big guy. Now let me go." She said.
But Chumsley wouldn't let go.
"Why are you hugging me so tightly?" She asked.
"Well…there's something I have to tell you, you see….even though you are my new playmate, you are still human….I need you to be a werejohncandy like me. Because it gets lonely being a werejohncandy. Us werejohncandies have a rather friendly way of transforming others into werejohncandies, we hug them." Chumsley explained.
"So that means….." She thought..
She started to feel incredibly warm inside and very very hungry….
She looked down at her shoes and saw how tight they were getting…..her feet seemed to be growing larger from within them…
"Oooh. Isn't this exciting boys and girls? Our new friend Katie Lee is starting to change. Soon we will have another werejohncandy to play with." Chumsley exclaimed, happily.
Katie's shoes were getting tighter still until…..BUUUUUUUUUUUURSST! They burst at the seams, revealing a pair of large feet with brownish fur and black clawed toenails, just like Chumsley's feet.
"My feet…..they're huge! And furry." She uttered.
Her hands started to change as well, brownish fur started to sprout on her palms as her fingernails started to grow into long black claws, her hands then grew larger and more like Chumsley's hands - she also now had plump fingers like Chumsley's - with black claws.
"I see she's got her werejohncandy feet and hands. Don't they look nice on her?" Chumsley cooed.
It wasn't just her hands and feet that grew, all of her started to grow as she began to bulk up to the same size and weight as Chumsley.
Her shirt was getting very very tight, and the buttons were struggling to stay on….until POP! POP! POP! Three of them popped off her shirt and landed on the ground.
"Hey look boys and girls. She's starting to grow. Isn't that wonderful? And look at how big, fat, and cuddly she's becoming." Chumsley cheered.
Three more buttons popped off her shirt as her shirt got tighter and tighter unable to hold her growing bulk…
Her belt was starting to stretch and strain, her belly was starting to feel warm and was slowly starting to grow…
"Aaaw. Look at her tum tum, it's growing to be as big, round, soft and furry as mine. Isn't that wonderful?" Chumsley sighed.
Her belly ballooned out, ending up snapping her belt clean off - thick brownish fur starting to sprout all over it .
"Look at her big furry tum tum. She's turning into a big beautiful werejohncandy isn't she? Yes she is." He cooed.
Her shirt ripped clean off her body which had now grown to be just like Chumsley's.
Her jeans were getting extremely tight as her legs grew large and chunky to support her tummy.
"She's getting her werejohncandy legs. Aaaaw, isn't that cute?" He cooed.
Her jeans were getting skin tight as her legs started growing to be more like Chumsley's legs, and brownish fur was starting to sprout on them.
Then her jeans ripped open with a…………SHRIPPPPP to reveal her much larger, fur covered legs.
Her face was the last to change as brownish fur started to sprout on it as her hair turned a dark brownish colour and grew longer until it grew into a long mane, her canine teeth grew into cute fangs, her eyebrows became rather bushy, her eyes glowed a beautiful emerald greenish colour, her ears grew pointed, her nose turned black and her facial features become more like Chumsley's, in addition to that she also developed cute small black eyelashes and a beautiful pair of red lips.
"Aaaaw. Look, she's looking more and more like a werejohncandy now. Isn't that sweet?" Chumsley sighed.
Katie's voice started to change too…..she was starting to sound more and more like Chumsley except a bit more feminine.
When the transformation was completed, there was a big beautiful female werejohncandy standing where Katie once was..
"Aaaaw. Look boys and girls, there's another werejohncandy here to play with." He cheered. "Tell me Katie, how does it feel being a werejohncandy like me?"
"I like it. It feels great, in fact…" She stood up and released a big, loud happy roar. "Raaaawr!"
"Now that you're a werejohncandy, what do you want your special name to be?" He asked.
"Let's see….Cassie!" She replied, happily.
"That's a lovely name!" He responded. "Cassie it is."
And from that day on, Katie Lee was no longer referred to by her old name - but instead by Cassie the big beautiful female werejohncandy.
The two werejohncandies spent many times together and now the two of them are in love.
The end.
New kits
Here are some kits and role play sets of ours.
Grow Your Own Sea Creature Kit
This is just those "Sea Monkeys" except it's better because you can actually SEE what the creatures look like. Just drop these little guys in water and then wait and see what kind of creature they'll grow up to be.
Millitary Koalas Army Building Kit
This is a special kit for the Millitary Koalas role playing game, it comes with several models you can paint and customise so you can have your own squadron.
Beanie Baby Fashion Kit
This kit has everything you need to make your beanies and other ty plushies look fabulous for special occassions. There's a closet where you'll find various outfits and costumes for your beanies, plenty of acessories, and more than a few different hats.
Top Secret Spy Kit
This kit comes with cool spy stuff including a guide on how to be a master spy, also includes a pen which has invisible ink in it.
Amazing Superhero Kit
This kit comes with all the things you need to be a crimefighter including a cool superhero flashlight.
Talk To The Spirits Kit
This kit has everything you need to talk to people who are no longer with you like a mystic/psychic does. Unfortunately this one got recalled because of a ghost problem.
Roleplay items:
Merperson Amulet
This is a special amulet that turns the wearer into a merperson giving them the ability to swim underwater. You'll temporarily grow a fish tail if you get accidentally splashed with water while you're wearing it though.
Buzz Lightyear Jetpack with Wings
From our Toy Story range, this is a special jetpack with wings that will actually enable you to fly.
Ratchet and Clank Ratchet Roleplay Set
From the line of products from the Ratchet and Clank movie, comes with yellow Ratchet lombax ears, a tail, gloves, pilot goggles, his trusty wrench and your very own Clank robot buddy who can be attached onto your back like a backback, comes with a selection of working gadgetron weapons and gadgets.
Claw Glove
This special claw glove has more than 4 different settings including Amarant style ( named after the character Amarant from Final Fantasy IX), Freddy Krueger style, Wolverine style and Edward Scissorhands style.
Chumsley WereJohnCandy Hands
These large John Candy-like hands are werejohncandy hands like the ones Chumsley has, they're modelled on John Candy's own hands, have brown fur on them and black clawed fingernails. You put these on and you'll be living large in no time.
Chumsley WereJohnCandy Feet
Same as the hands except they're large feet with brown fur and black claws on them. They're great for crushing cans with and are also very comfortable to walk around in.
Moon Jewel
This is a working replica of the magic jewel that Chumsley somestimes wears on his neck, it gives him the ability to turn from human to werejohncandy at will and it will do the same for you. It lights up under the light of the full moon.
WereJohnCandy Transformation Kit
This is a very special roleplaying kit you can use to turn yourself into a werejohncandy like Chumsley. Comes with the Moon Jewel and several other items including the Heart Stone.
Grow Your Own Sea Creature Kit
This is just those "Sea Monkeys" except it's better because you can actually SEE what the creatures look like. Just drop these little guys in water and then wait and see what kind of creature they'll grow up to be.
Millitary Koalas Army Building Kit
This is a special kit for the Millitary Koalas role playing game, it comes with several models you can paint and customise so you can have your own squadron.
Beanie Baby Fashion Kit
This kit has everything you need to make your beanies and other ty plushies look fabulous for special occassions. There's a closet where you'll find various outfits and costumes for your beanies, plenty of acessories, and more than a few different hats.
Top Secret Spy Kit
This kit comes with cool spy stuff including a guide on how to be a master spy, also includes a pen which has invisible ink in it.
Amazing Superhero Kit
This kit comes with all the things you need to be a crimefighter including a cool superhero flashlight.
Talk To The Spirits Kit
This kit has everything you need to talk to people who are no longer with you like a mystic/psychic does. Unfortunately this one got recalled because of a ghost problem.
Roleplay items:
Merperson Amulet
This is a special amulet that turns the wearer into a merperson giving them the ability to swim underwater. You'll temporarily grow a fish tail if you get accidentally splashed with water while you're wearing it though.
Buzz Lightyear Jetpack with Wings
From our Toy Story range, this is a special jetpack with wings that will actually enable you to fly.
Ratchet and Clank Ratchet Roleplay Set
From the line of products from the Ratchet and Clank movie, comes with yellow Ratchet lombax ears, a tail, gloves, pilot goggles, his trusty wrench and your very own Clank robot buddy who can be attached onto your back like a backback, comes with a selection of working gadgetron weapons and gadgets.
Claw Glove
This special claw glove has more than 4 different settings including Amarant style ( named after the character Amarant from Final Fantasy IX), Freddy Krueger style, Wolverine style and Edward Scissorhands style.
Chumsley WereJohnCandy Hands
These large John Candy-like hands are werejohncandy hands like the ones Chumsley has, they're modelled on John Candy's own hands, have brown fur on them and black clawed fingernails. You put these on and you'll be living large in no time.
Chumsley WereJohnCandy Feet
Same as the hands except they're large feet with brown fur and black claws on them. They're great for crushing cans with and are also very comfortable to walk around in.
Moon Jewel
This is a working replica of the magic jewel that Chumsley somestimes wears on his neck, it gives him the ability to turn from human to werejohncandy at will and it will do the same for you. It lights up under the light of the full moon.
WereJohnCandy Transformation Kit
This is a very special roleplaying kit you can use to turn yourself into a werejohncandy like Chumsley. Comes with the Moon Jewel and several other items including the Heart Stone.
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Even though i have written a lot of werejohncandy tf stories and happen to be myself. Let me assure you all that I am not into "furries" or gay subculture. I am not a fat fetishist or anything - my john candy tf stories have nothing to do with that.
I'm not gay either, i am straight - most of the girls i date turn out to be something than human.
The recent article that SlApstick Anarchy wrote about me is quite demeaning....
I want to tell my side of the story..
My kind are a peaceful race, we don't harm people, we help them...
The werejohncandy is no menace to society, he is the opposite.
The werejohncandy species in general is jolly and peaceful, they like to make people happy. They like hugs and are very friendly.
I'm not trying to start a subculture and i'm not trying to turn everyone gay or anything - and i'm not into the whole wearing another person as a suit idea that Buffalo Bill used in Silence Of The Lambs - that idea as well as the film itself creeps me out.
My friend Andria once mentioned that one of her sisters got hacked into pieces and eaten by an expy of the infamous Hannibal Lector, it was very very horrible.
Us werejohncandies are not frightening, we are carefree and lovable. The chances of a werejohncandy dying of a cardiac arrest when it's a full moon are 0 because like i said.... werejohncandies are immortal and invulnerable - they can't age or die for that matter.
We don't transform whenever we see a cripsy creme ad on tv either, neither do we do it at every full moon..
I can transform at will, i do it whenever i want to....
I'm not gay either, i am straight - most of the girls i date turn out to be something than human.
The recent article that SlApstick Anarchy wrote about me is quite demeaning....
I want to tell my side of the story..
My kind are a peaceful race, we don't harm people, we help them...
The werejohncandy is no menace to society, he is the opposite.
The werejohncandy species in general is jolly and peaceful, they like to make people happy. They like hugs and are very friendly.
I'm not trying to start a subculture and i'm not trying to turn everyone gay or anything - and i'm not into the whole wearing another person as a suit idea that Buffalo Bill used in Silence Of The Lambs - that idea as well as the film itself creeps me out.
My friend Andria once mentioned that one of her sisters got hacked into pieces and eaten by an expy of the infamous Hannibal Lector, it was very very horrible.
Us werejohncandies are not frightening, we are carefree and lovable. The chances of a werejohncandy dying of a cardiac arrest when it's a full moon are 0 because like i said.... werejohncandies are immortal and invulnerable - they can't age or die for that matter.
We don't transform whenever we see a cripsy creme ad on tv either, neither do we do it at every full moon..
I can transform at will, i do it whenever i want to....
SSB Roster voices
Ash Williams (Evil Dead) - I'd use sound clips from the evil dead movies for Ash's voice.
Freddy Krueger - for Freddy, i'd have sound clips from all the Nightmare On Elm Street movies, Freddy's entrance would have that ryhme..."One two freddy's coming for you" in the background.
Jason Voorhees - no sound clips for Jason because Jason Voorhees never speaks a word, but i'd put in the ch ch ha ha ha sound effect.
Chucky - sound clips from Child's Play including "hi i'm chucky wanna play?".
Brundlefly - sound clips from The Fly.
Jack Torrance - Various sound clips from The Shining, one of the taunts would be..."give me the bat, give me the bat."
Norman Bates - Norman wouldn't say anything. The "Mother" persona would be his alternate costume.
Jim Carrey - lines from the Mask, Lemony Snicket, the grinch, Ace Ventura and the cable guy. Final smash move would have him turn into the Mask.
John Belushi - archived sound clips from Blues Brothers and National Lampoon's Animal House. his alternate costumes are Samurai outfit, Jake Blues costume, toga, and Wild Bill Kelso costume.
Chris Farley - archived sound clips from Beverly Hills Ninja and Tommy Boy. Alternate costumes include ninja outfit, Matt Foley costume, and a chef outfit.
John Candy - archived sound clips from Uncle Buck, Cool Runnings, JFK, Splash, Delirious and PTA. Taunts would include "Ever hear of a ritual killing? Hehehe!". Al
Jay Leno - i'd have Jay himself provide the voice.
Stephen Colbert - same with Stephen Colbert.
Peter Griffin - Seth McFarlane would voice him.
MJ - archived sound clips including "Woo!" "Hee hee" "Aowwwwww!" "Hoo hoo!" and "Haaaaaaaaaaaaar!" for his battle cries. Alternate outfits include Thriller outfit, Smooth criminal outfit, Bad outfit, Ghosts costume, and History outfit.
Homer Simpson - Dan Cassllentetta would voice him.
Stan Smith - again Seth McFarlane.
Shrek - sound clips from the Shrek films.
Andria - I'd have her voice herself and provide a couple of insults she could use for taunts.
Freddy Krueger - for Freddy, i'd have sound clips from all the Nightmare On Elm Street movies, Freddy's entrance would have that ryhme..."One two freddy's coming for you" in the background.
Jason Voorhees - no sound clips for Jason because Jason Voorhees never speaks a word, but i'd put in the ch ch ha ha ha sound effect.
Chucky - sound clips from Child's Play including "hi i'm chucky wanna play?".
Brundlefly - sound clips from The Fly.
Jack Torrance - Various sound clips from The Shining, one of the taunts would be..."give me the bat, give me the bat."
Norman Bates - Norman wouldn't say anything. The "Mother" persona would be his alternate costume.
Jim Carrey - lines from the Mask, Lemony Snicket, the grinch, Ace Ventura and the cable guy. Final smash move would have him turn into the Mask.
John Belushi - archived sound clips from Blues Brothers and National Lampoon's Animal House. his alternate costumes are Samurai outfit, Jake Blues costume, toga, and Wild Bill Kelso costume.
Chris Farley - archived sound clips from Beverly Hills Ninja and Tommy Boy. Alternate costumes include ninja outfit, Matt Foley costume, and a chef outfit.
John Candy - archived sound clips from Uncle Buck, Cool Runnings, JFK, Splash, Delirious and PTA. Taunts would include "Ever hear of a ritual killing? Hehehe!". Al
Jay Leno - i'd have Jay himself provide the voice.
Stephen Colbert - same with Stephen Colbert.
Peter Griffin - Seth McFarlane would voice him.
MJ - archived sound clips including "Woo!" "Hee hee" "Aowwwwww!" "Hoo hoo!" and "Haaaaaaaaaaaaar!" for his battle cries. Alternate outfits include Thriller outfit, Smooth criminal outfit, Bad outfit, Ghosts costume, and History outfit.
Homer Simpson - Dan Cassllentetta would voice him.
Stan Smith - again Seth McFarlane.
Shrek - sound clips from the Shrek films.
Andria - I'd have her voice herself and provide a couple of insults she could use for taunts.
My super smash bros roster
Here is my super smash bros dream roster.
1. Ash Williams (Evil Dead)
2. Freddy Krueger.
3. Jason Voorhees
4. Chucky
5. Brundlefly.
6. Jack Torrance.
7. Norman Bates.
8. Jim Carrey.
9. John Belushi (archived sound clips for voice)
10. Chris Farley (same)
11. John Candy (same).
12. Jay Leno.
13. Stephen Colbert.
14. Peter Griffin
15. MJ (archived sound clips for voice).
16. Homer Simpson.
17. Stan Smith.
18. Shrek.
Here is a bonus character i'd include:
1. Ash Williams (Evil Dead)
2. Freddy Krueger.
3. Jason Voorhees
4. Chucky
5. Brundlefly.
6. Jack Torrance.
7. Norman Bates.
8. Jim Carrey.
9. John Belushi (archived sound clips for voice)
10. Chris Farley (same)
11. John Candy (same).
12. Jay Leno.
13. Stephen Colbert.
14. Peter Griffin
15. MJ (archived sound clips for voice).
16. Homer Simpson.
17. Stan Smith.
18. Shrek.
Here is a bonus character i'd include:
- Andria
Someone suggested that i parade around town in a fat furry suit to prove i'm a werejohncandy. A noble gesture but nonetheless a costume like that would take a very long time to make.
Plus it would be very hard finding someone to do makeup like that, seeing as i don't know Rick Baker, Stan Winston or Tom Savini.
I've experimented with a few makeups though but mainly animal, alien, monster, and characters - i've never done likenessess.
I rarely use the fatsuit approach, the one I wore when i went as jc for halloween in 2007 was a highly advanced one that was kind of inflatable like the one Weird Al wore in the video "Fat".
I assume a lot of prosphetics would be involved.
I don't know about the glowing eyes, i don't know how i could achieve that - because from what i've seen in movies and tv it's usually either done by computers or the person is wearing contact lenses.
I've never tried making myself more John Candy-like before, let alone trying to LOOK like him. I am 5'7 170lbs, how i am ever gonna to make myself 6'2 300lbs?
The fangs would be a challenge because it would have to be a pair of dentures that would actually fit in my mouth, ones that you could wear all the time and still be able to talk, eat and drink with - some of the ones i see in movies make the actor wearing them talk in a funny voice - for example the ones Jim Carrey for the grinch made him sound like Sean Connery.
As for the ears well a pair of elf ears should do the trick..
For the mane part i'd either have to grow my hair long or wear hair extensions...
I'm not sure what to do for the hands and feet though so feel free to give me some suggestions.
Plus it would be very hard finding someone to do makeup like that, seeing as i don't know Rick Baker, Stan Winston or Tom Savini.
I've experimented with a few makeups though but mainly animal, alien, monster, and characters - i've never done likenessess.
I rarely use the fatsuit approach, the one I wore when i went as jc for halloween in 2007 was a highly advanced one that was kind of inflatable like the one Weird Al wore in the video "Fat".
I assume a lot of prosphetics would be involved.
I don't know about the glowing eyes, i don't know how i could achieve that - because from what i've seen in movies and tv it's usually either done by computers or the person is wearing contact lenses.
I've never tried making myself more John Candy-like before, let alone trying to LOOK like him. I am 5'7 170lbs, how i am ever gonna to make myself 6'2 300lbs?
The fangs would be a challenge because it would have to be a pair of dentures that would actually fit in my mouth, ones that you could wear all the time and still be able to talk, eat and drink with - some of the ones i see in movies make the actor wearing them talk in a funny voice - for example the ones Jim Carrey for the grinch made him sound like Sean Connery.
As for the ears well a pair of elf ears should do the trick..
For the mane part i'd either have to grow my hair long or wear hair extensions...
I'm not sure what to do for the hands and feet though so feel free to give me some suggestions.
Monday, 18 January 2010
Somethin Missing...
The blog has been empty for the past week, i'm beginning to think that my friend Andria Kilgor has left me for somebody else.
Everything is kind of quiet here, a little too quiet.
I wish there was something i could do to liven it up...
Something is missy somehow and i can't put my finger on it...
Everything is kind of quiet here, a little too quiet.
I wish there was something i could do to liven it up...
Something is missy somehow and i can't put my finger on it...
A funny but true story
This is a true story btw.
One day in 1981 me and John Candy swapped bodies for the entire week to see whose life is harder. When John was stressing about how hard it is being him, I disagreed by saying...."John you've got the easiest job in the whole damm world, you just get paid to lay around, eat and sleep and be very kindly and jolly."
John said "It's a lot harder than it looks."
I replied..."No it isn't. That's easy peasy lemon squeezie! Anyone can do that, even me."
John quipped..."Oh really? Then we'll just see about that... I'll tell you what, we'll switch bodies to see which one of us has it the hardest."
"Oh alright, but just for a week." I sighed.
So we did...
And i've got to admit that being John Candy is a lot easier and more fun that I thought it would be..
I get to lay around and eat cool is that?
I'm not sure if we ever swapped back though..
One day in 1981 me and John Candy swapped bodies for the entire week to see whose life is harder. When John was stressing about how hard it is being him, I disagreed by saying...."John you've got the easiest job in the whole damm world, you just get paid to lay around, eat and sleep and be very kindly and jolly."
John said "It's a lot harder than it looks."
I replied..."No it isn't. That's easy peasy lemon squeezie! Anyone can do that, even me."
John quipped..."Oh really? Then we'll just see about that... I'll tell you what, we'll switch bodies to see which one of us has it the hardest."
"Oh alright, but just for a week." I sighed.
So we did...
And i've got to admit that being John Candy is a lot easier and more fun that I thought it would be..
I get to lay around and eat cool is that?
I'm not sure if we ever swapped back though..
The transformation
This is a poem describing the transformation into a werejohncandy..
A warm feeling wells up in inside and I suddenly become extremely hungry..
My shoes start to get increasingly tight..
As my feet grow larger from within them, the shoes get tighter still until....."BURSSSSSSST"
They burst at the seams revealing a pair of large feet covered in brownish fur and with black clawed toenails.
My hands change as brownish fur starts to sprout on the palms...
And my fingernails grow into long black claws while myhands reshape and becoming plump and more John Candy-like-
The fingers now plump and with black claws for fingernails.
My shirt starts getting extremely tight as my body starts to grow to more John Candy-like proportions..
Growing taller until I am the same size as Jc himself..
Then the shirt buttons pop off one by one: "POP!POP!POP!" as I start to fatten and expand.
The belt starts getting tighter around the tummy as their belly starts to grow,
the shirt buttons straining to hold until finally...POP! POP! POP! they all pop off...
The belt breaks off with a 'SNAPPPPP!' to make room for my tummy which is growing large, round, soft and starting to sprout thick brownish fur.
My shirt rips to reveal my much larger frame and round furry belly.
Then my jeans/pants get tight at the legs
As my legs grow large and chunky and start developing brownish fur,
then thepants/jeans rip..
To reveal a pair of large, chunky John Candy-like legs covered in thick brownish fur.
The last thing to change is the face
As thick brownish fur starts to sprout on it,
Eyebrows becoming bushy,
Eyes glow an emerald greenish colour,
Canine teeth becoming small cute fangs,
Nose becoming black,
ears grow pointed,
hair turning a dark brownish colour and growing into a long mane,
My face morphing and becoming more John Candy-like.
My voice slowly becomes John Candy's voice.
And when the transformation is completed i roar at the full moon in a very jolly JC-like manner..
A warm feeling wells up in inside and I suddenly become extremely hungry..
My shoes start to get increasingly tight..
As my feet grow larger from within them, the shoes get tighter still until....."BURSSSSSSST"
They burst at the seams revealing a pair of large feet covered in brownish fur and with black clawed toenails.
My hands change as brownish fur starts to sprout on the palms...
And my fingernails grow into long black claws while myhands reshape and becoming plump and more John Candy-like-
The fingers now plump and with black claws for fingernails.
My shirt starts getting extremely tight as my body starts to grow to more John Candy-like proportions..
Growing taller until I am the same size as Jc himself..
Then the shirt buttons pop off one by one: "POP!POP!POP!" as I start to fatten and expand.
The belt starts getting tighter around the tummy as their belly starts to grow,
the shirt buttons straining to hold until finally...POP! POP! POP! they all pop off...
The belt breaks off with a 'SNAPPPPP!' to make room for my tummy which is growing large, round, soft and starting to sprout thick brownish fur.
My shirt rips to reveal my much larger frame and round furry belly.
Then my jeans/pants get tight at the legs
As my legs grow large and chunky and start developing brownish fur,
then thepants/jeans rip..
To reveal a pair of large, chunky John Candy-like legs covered in thick brownish fur.
The last thing to change is the face
As thick brownish fur starts to sprout on it,
Eyebrows becoming bushy,
Eyes glow an emerald greenish colour,
Canine teeth becoming small cute fangs,
Nose becoming black,
ears grow pointed,
hair turning a dark brownish colour and growing into a long mane,
My face morphing and becoming more John Candy-like.
My voice slowly becomes John Candy's voice.
And when the transformation is completed i roar at the full moon in a very jolly JC-like manner..
Sunday, 17 January 2010
Somethings i should tell you
- The real Jay Leno was not written by me, nor was it written by my friends. I have never actually tried posing as the real Jay - except of course when I played him in Leno.
- Weremoose is not something i made up, he's a close friend of mine on deviantart - his name is Lance Holloway. The reason he has the nickname Weremoose is because his avatar is him as a cartoon anthro moose.
- While it is true that I did take being unjustly banned from Amiright not too well, that is only because i didn't see it coming and i didn't really deserve it.
- The references to the wereleno in some of the parodies that weren't written by me, were actually done by my friend Sam "Chinstar" Leno. He happens to be one, and the only heroic one I've known since most werelenos are of the chaotic evil alignment.
- We know that it wasn't Andria who made that post about me, we knew all along it was Airdna. We've had a few encounters with her - not too pleasant. Airdna certainly is an evil genius, she's also probably the reason why Seltzer and Friedberg keep releasing all those lame spoof movies like Date Movie, Epic Movie and Disaster Movie. Come to think of it we saw her in those films, possibly standing in for Carmen Electra. Airdna also might be possibly the one who started the rumour about the Uncle Buck remake which I hope never gets made.
- The ones about John Candy - the ones we didn't write including the ones written by "John Candy himself" were written by Chumsley or one of his cousins. The heart one was actually written by John Candy's ghost, he lives in our attic and often throws parties in there.
- I do not have actually have a fetish for jc at all, i'm just a fan - and i'm not actually obssessed about him as you might think i am but i do love his work. Although i do dream of becoming him.
- Not many people have actually heard the stories about the werejohncandy, that's why the werejohncandy has been kept a secret for so many years.
- I am and always will be a werejohncandy, i was never a wereleno, grinch or anything else.
Fat jokes, fat suits and fat comedians.
I have nothing but the atmost respect for the larger, heftier men and women of the entertainment industry.
I am also against fat jokes of any kind.
Even though in my latest story I do kind of have to dig up John Candy's grave and I do kind of make fun of his weight and refer to him as tubsy and a few other nicknames..
I mean no harm to the memory of this late great comedian.
And I respect him like he was a father figure of my own, i would never do anything to make a mockery out of him or any other comedian/actor/actress who is of that size range.
There are not many hefty comics/actors/actress around these days except for Roseanne Barr, John Goodman, James Gandolifni, Jorge Garcia of Lost fame (he looks a lot like John Belushi to boot) Miriam Margoyles, Peter Kay, Kenan Thompson (of Kenan and Kel fame), Jason Alexander, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, and Jack Black.
Now days if there's a hefty person in a movie it's probably just a thin actor/actress in a fatsuit like Martin Lawrence in Big Momma's House, John Travolta in Hairspray, and Eddie Murphy in the Nutty Professor - as well as Gweneth Paltrow in Shallow Hal and Alison Hannigan in Date Movie. Other examples include Mike Myers as Fat Bastard in Austin Powers 2 and 3 and Tom Cruise as Les Grosman in Tropic Thunder.
Some actors or actresssess have to gain weight for a role like Renee Zwelleger in Briget Jone's Diary.
I recently read that Jim Carrey had gained some weight recently to play the part of Curly in the 3 Stooges Movie. Now this one can often get confusing as some sources state that Jim pulled out of the project while some others say he's going to do it.
Now I myself have only tried the fatsuit approach once and that was when I dressed up as JC for halloween in 2007 - i also wore a John Candy mask. I have three different fatsuits too - one is a John Belushi one with a college sweater on it, one is the Chumsley suit, and the other is the John Candy one. I don't have a special fx makeup artist like Rick Baker to help with stuff like this but I have someone who is pretty darn good at it, her name is Heather and she used to do costumes for me - her husband Andrew is a special fx makeup artist as well.
I personally think that the more heftier folk out there deserve more respect.
I am also against fat jokes of any kind.
Even though in my latest story I do kind of have to dig up John Candy's grave and I do kind of make fun of his weight and refer to him as tubsy and a few other nicknames..
I mean no harm to the memory of this late great comedian.
And I respect him like he was a father figure of my own, i would never do anything to make a mockery out of him or any other comedian/actor/actress who is of that size range.
There are not many hefty comics/actors/actress around these days except for Roseanne Barr, John Goodman, James Gandolifni, Jorge Garcia of Lost fame (he looks a lot like John Belushi to boot) Miriam Margoyles, Peter Kay, Kenan Thompson (of Kenan and Kel fame), Jason Alexander, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, and Jack Black.
Now days if there's a hefty person in a movie it's probably just a thin actor/actress in a fatsuit like Martin Lawrence in Big Momma's House, John Travolta in Hairspray, and Eddie Murphy in the Nutty Professor - as well as Gweneth Paltrow in Shallow Hal and Alison Hannigan in Date Movie. Other examples include Mike Myers as Fat Bastard in Austin Powers 2 and 3 and Tom Cruise as Les Grosman in Tropic Thunder.
Some actors or actresssess have to gain weight for a role like Renee Zwelleger in Briget Jone's Diary.
I recently read that Jim Carrey had gained some weight recently to play the part of Curly in the 3 Stooges Movie. Now this one can often get confusing as some sources state that Jim pulled out of the project while some others say he's going to do it.
Now I myself have only tried the fatsuit approach once and that was when I dressed up as JC for halloween in 2007 - i also wore a John Candy mask. I have three different fatsuits too - one is a John Belushi one with a college sweater on it, one is the Chumsley suit, and the other is the John Candy one. I don't have a special fx makeup artist like Rick Baker to help with stuff like this but I have someone who is pretty darn good at it, her name is Heather and she used to do costumes for me - her husband Andrew is a special fx makeup artist as well.
I personally think that the more heftier folk out there deserve more respect.
Are you scared of ghosts?
I'm not scared of ghosts. If it was Elvis i wouldn't mind, if it was John Belushi, i wouldn't mind that either, if it was Chris Farley - ditto. Heck it wouldn't mind if it was MJ either.
And well if it was John Candy's ghost i dont' see that being a big potiental threat to me. I mean there's no way that big lug can scare me.
I mean what's the worst he could do? Eat me? Sit on me? Haunt me night and day? I mean I suspect the worst he could do is just give me a hug which wouldn't be scary at all.
Then i'd just laugh at him for being a whimpy excuse for a ghost. "No offense Johnny, but your attempts at trying to scare me are useless...I mean even Casper is scarier than you are."
Unless of course he'd put a horrible curse on me, which in that case i'd choose to be transformed into the big furry creature that's on my avatar.
Although in one of my nightmares I was once unfortunately cursed to swap bodies with him. Not that I mind that at all.
I'm not scared of ghosts. If it was Elvis i wouldn't mind, if it was John Belushi, i wouldn't mind that either, if it was Chris Farley - ditto. Heck it wouldn't mind if it was MJ either.
And well if it was John Candy's ghost i dont' see that being a big potiental threat to me. I mean there's no way that big lug can scare me.
I mean what's the worst he could do? Eat me? Sit on me? Haunt me night and day? I mean I suspect the worst he could do is just give me a hug which wouldn't be scary at all.
Then i'd just laugh at him for being a whimpy excuse for a ghost. "No offense Johnny, but your attempts at trying to scare me are useless...I mean even Casper is scarier than you are."
Unless of course he'd put a horrible curse on me, which in that case i'd choose to be transformed into the big furry creature that's on my avatar.
Although in one of my nightmares I was once unfortunately cursed to swap bodies with him. Not that I mind that at all.
Saturday, 16 January 2010
Origin of Cassie
This is the origin of our female werejohncandy friend Cassie. I hope you like it.
Ever since she was a little girl Katie Lee had been a fan of Chumsley's Clubhouse - the children's television series about a big lovable Canadian forest werejohncandy named Chumsley who lived in the happy valley with all his friends.
This kiddie show was unlike most, it was educational and fun for both children and adults.
Katie Lee had a lot of Chumsley merchandise including a t shirt and a plushie from the Chumsley Live Stage Show.
One day while she was getting ready to go shopping, she decided to sit down and watch some tv..
She was flipping through the channels when she noticed that Chumsley's Clubhouse was on…
"I love this show!" She exclaimed as she sat down.
On the screen she could see Chumsley the werejohncandy coming out of his clubhouse to say hello to the viewers..
"Hi there boys and girls! It's me, your old pal Chumsley. Raaawr!" The jolly werejohncandy said, roaring happily. "Are you having fun today? I sure am."
He was holding a basket full of his favorite treats, Happy plums and super happy cakes.
Katie Lee decided not to shop and to stay and watch the show…
"Last week we had to say goodbye to our new friend Billy. It was a very sad day indeed. We will miss him terribly. But today I will pick out someone to be my new playmate." Chumsley told the viewers.
Chumsley then took out his favorite hat.
"I will pull out the name of the person who gets to be my new playmate out of this hat." He explained.. "And the lucky person who gets to be my new playmate is……..Katie Lee!"
Katie could not believe it, it had been her dream to be on Chumsley's Clubhouse.
"Me?" Katie exclaimed.
"Yes…you!" Chumsley replied. "You get to be my new playmate."
"Oh, thank you so much. It is an honor…I've always wanted to be on the show." Katie responded.
"There's no time for that. Just come with me to the happy valley." Chumsley explained.
A strange swirling vortex appeared in the middle of the tv screen, Katie could feel herself being sucked into it…
Katie then looked around…
"Huh? Where I am?" She asked, confused.
"You are in the happy valley. And you have the honor of being a playmate." Chumsley replied.
"Okay. So when do we start playing?" She inquired.
"Well usually right away but since you're new here….I think I should give a big Werejohncandy cuddle before we started." Chumsley replied.
Chumsley then walked up to her and gave her a really big werejohncandy hug….
"Aaaaw. That's sweet big guy. Now let me go." She said.
But Chumsley wouldn't let go.
"Why are you hugging me so tightly?" She asked.
"Well…there's something I have to tell you, you see….even though you are my new playmate, you are still human….I need you to be a werejohncandy like me. Because it gets lonely being a werejohncandy. Us werejohncandies have a rather friendly way of transforming others into werejohncandies, we hug them." Chumsley explained.
"So that means….." She thought..
She started to feel incredibly warm inside and very very hungry….
She looked down at her shoes and saw how tight they were getting…..her feet seemed to be growing larger from within them…
"Oooh. Isn't this exciting boys and girls? Our new friend Katie Lee is starting to change. Soon we will have another werejohncandy to play with." Chumsley exclaimed, happily.
Katie's shoes were getting tighter still until…..BUUUUUUUUUUUURSST! They burst at the seams, revealing a pair of large feet with brownish fur and black clawed toenails, just like Chumsley's feet.
"My feet…..they're huge! And furry." She uttered.
Her hands started to change as well, brownish fur started to sprout on her palms as her fingernails started to grow into long black claws, her hands then grew larger and more like Chumsley's hands - she also now had plump fingers like Chumsley's - with black claws.
"I see she's got her werejohncandy feet and hands. Don't they look nice on her?" Chumsley cooed.
It wasn't just her hands and feet that grew, all of her started to grow as she began to bulk up to the same size and weight as Chumsley.
Her shirt was getting very very tight, and the buttons were struggling to stay on….until POP! POP! POP! Three of them popped off her shirt and landed on the ground.
"Hey look boys and girls. She's starting to grow. Isn't that wonderful? And look at how big, fat, and cuddly she's becoming." Chumsley cheered.
Three more buttons popped off her shirt as her shirt got tighter and tighter unable to hold her growing bulk…
Her belt was starting to stretch and strain, her belly was starting to feel warm and was slowly starting to grow…
"Aaaw. Look at her tum tum, it's growing to be as big, round, soft and furry as mine. Isn't that wonderful?" Chumsley sighed.
Her belly ballooned out, ending up snapping her belt clean off - thick brownish fur starting to sprout all over it .
"Look at her big furry tum tum. She's turning into a big beautiful werejohncandy isn't she? Yes she is." He cooed.
Her shirt ripped clean off her body which had now grown to be just like Chumsley's.
Her jeans were getting extremely tight as her legs grew large and chunky to support her tummy.
"She's getting her werejohncandy legs. Aaaaw, isn't that cute?" He cooed.
Her jeans were getting skin tight as her legs started growing to be more like Chumsley's legs, and brownish fur was starting to sprout on them.
Then her jeans ripped open with a…………SHRIPPPPP to reveal her much larger, fur covered legs.
Her face was the last to change as brownish fur started to sprout on it as her hair turned a dark brownish colour and grew longer until it grew into a long mane, her canine teeth grew into cute fangs, her eyebrows became rather bushy, her eyes glowed a beautiful emerald greenish colour, her ears grew pointed, her nose turned black and her facial features become more like Chumsley's, in addition to that she also developed cute small black eyelashes and a beautiful pair of red lips.
"Aaaaw. Look, she's looking more and more like a werejohncandy now. Isn't that sweet?" Chumsley sighed.
Katie's voice started to change too…..she was starting to sound more and more like Chumsley except a bit more feminine.
When the transformation was completed, there was a big beautiful female werejohncandy standing where Katie once was..
"Aaaaw. Look boys and girls, there's another werejohncandy here to play with." He cheered. "Tell me Katie, how does it feel being a werejohncandy like me?"
"I like it. It feels great, in fact…" She stood up and released a big, loud happy roar. "Raaaawr!"
"Now that you're a werejohncandy, what do you want your special name to be?" He asked.
"Let's see….Cassie!" She replied, happily.
"That's a lovely name!" He responded. "Cassie it is."
And from that day on, Katie Lee was no longer referred to by her old name - but instead by Cassie the big beautiful female werejohncandy.
The two werejohncandies spent many times together and now the two of them are in love.
The end.
Ever since she was a little girl Katie Lee had been a fan of Chumsley's Clubhouse - the children's television series about a big lovable Canadian forest werejohncandy named Chumsley who lived in the happy valley with all his friends.
This kiddie show was unlike most, it was educational and fun for both children and adults.
Katie Lee had a lot of Chumsley merchandise including a t shirt and a plushie from the Chumsley Live Stage Show.
One day while she was getting ready to go shopping, she decided to sit down and watch some tv..
She was flipping through the channels when she noticed that Chumsley's Clubhouse was on…
"I love this show!" She exclaimed as she sat down.
On the screen she could see Chumsley the werejohncandy coming out of his clubhouse to say hello to the viewers..
"Hi there boys and girls! It's me, your old pal Chumsley. Raaawr!" The jolly werejohncandy said, roaring happily. "Are you having fun today? I sure am."
He was holding a basket full of his favorite treats, Happy plums and super happy cakes.
Katie Lee decided not to shop and to stay and watch the show…
"Last week we had to say goodbye to our new friend Billy. It was a very sad day indeed. We will miss him terribly. But today I will pick out someone to be my new playmate." Chumsley told the viewers.
Chumsley then took out his favorite hat.
"I will pull out the name of the person who gets to be my new playmate out of this hat." He explained.. "And the lucky person who gets to be my new playmate is……..Katie Lee!"
Katie could not believe it, it had been her dream to be on Chumsley's Clubhouse.
"Me?" Katie exclaimed.
"Yes…you!" Chumsley replied. "You get to be my new playmate."
"Oh, thank you so much. It is an honor…I've always wanted to be on the show." Katie responded.
"There's no time for that. Just come with me to the happy valley." Chumsley explained.
A strange swirling vortex appeared in the middle of the tv screen, Katie could feel herself being sucked into it…
Katie then looked around…
"Huh? Where I am?" She asked, confused.
"You are in the happy valley. And you have the honor of being a playmate." Chumsley replied.
"Okay. So when do we start playing?" She inquired.
"Well usually right away but since you're new here….I think I should give a big Werejohncandy cuddle before we started." Chumsley replied.
Chumsley then walked up to her and gave her a really big werejohncandy hug….
"Aaaaw. That's sweet big guy. Now let me go." She said.
But Chumsley wouldn't let go.
"Why are you hugging me so tightly?" She asked.
"Well…there's something I have to tell you, you see….even though you are my new playmate, you are still human….I need you to be a werejohncandy like me. Because it gets lonely being a werejohncandy. Us werejohncandies have a rather friendly way of transforming others into werejohncandies, we hug them." Chumsley explained.
"So that means….." She thought..
She started to feel incredibly warm inside and very very hungry….
She looked down at her shoes and saw how tight they were getting…..her feet seemed to be growing larger from within them…
"Oooh. Isn't this exciting boys and girls? Our new friend Katie Lee is starting to change. Soon we will have another werejohncandy to play with." Chumsley exclaimed, happily.
Katie's shoes were getting tighter still until…..BUUUUUUUUUUUURSST! They burst at the seams, revealing a pair of large feet with brownish fur and black clawed toenails, just like Chumsley's feet.
"My feet…..they're huge! And furry." She uttered.
Her hands started to change as well, brownish fur started to sprout on her palms as her fingernails started to grow into long black claws, her hands then grew larger and more like Chumsley's hands - she also now had plump fingers like Chumsley's - with black claws.
"I see she's got her werejohncandy feet and hands. Don't they look nice on her?" Chumsley cooed.
It wasn't just her hands and feet that grew, all of her started to grow as she began to bulk up to the same size and weight as Chumsley.
Her shirt was getting very very tight, and the buttons were struggling to stay on….until POP! POP! POP! Three of them popped off her shirt and landed on the ground.
"Hey look boys and girls. She's starting to grow. Isn't that wonderful? And look at how big, fat, and cuddly she's becoming." Chumsley cheered.
Three more buttons popped off her shirt as her shirt got tighter and tighter unable to hold her growing bulk…
Her belt was starting to stretch and strain, her belly was starting to feel warm and was slowly starting to grow…
"Aaaw. Look at her tum tum, it's growing to be as big, round, soft and furry as mine. Isn't that wonderful?" Chumsley sighed.
Her belly ballooned out, ending up snapping her belt clean off - thick brownish fur starting to sprout all over it .
"Look at her big furry tum tum. She's turning into a big beautiful werejohncandy isn't she? Yes she is." He cooed.
Her shirt ripped clean off her body which had now grown to be just like Chumsley's.
Her jeans were getting extremely tight as her legs grew large and chunky to support her tummy.
"She's getting her werejohncandy legs. Aaaaw, isn't that cute?" He cooed.
Her jeans were getting skin tight as her legs started growing to be more like Chumsley's legs, and brownish fur was starting to sprout on them.
Then her jeans ripped open with a…………SHRIPPPPP to reveal her much larger, fur covered legs.
Her face was the last to change as brownish fur started to sprout on it as her hair turned a dark brownish colour and grew longer until it grew into a long mane, her canine teeth grew into cute fangs, her eyebrows became rather bushy, her eyes glowed a beautiful emerald greenish colour, her ears grew pointed, her nose turned black and her facial features become more like Chumsley's, in addition to that she also developed cute small black eyelashes and a beautiful pair of red lips.
"Aaaaw. Look, she's looking more and more like a werejohncandy now. Isn't that sweet?" Chumsley sighed.
Katie's voice started to change too…..she was starting to sound more and more like Chumsley except a bit more feminine.
When the transformation was completed, there was a big beautiful female werejohncandy standing where Katie once was..
"Aaaaw. Look boys and girls, there's another werejohncandy here to play with." He cheered. "Tell me Katie, how does it feel being a werejohncandy like me?"
"I like it. It feels great, in fact…" She stood up and released a big, loud happy roar. "Raaaawr!"
"Now that you're a werejohncandy, what do you want your special name to be?" He asked.
"Let's see….Cassie!" She replied, happily.
"That's a lovely name!" He responded. "Cassie it is."
And from that day on, Katie Lee was no longer referred to by her old name - but instead by Cassie the big beautiful female werejohncandy.
The two werejohncandies spent many times together and now the two of them are in love.
The end.
Friday, 15 January 2010
No celebrities were harmed
know a lot of people on Deviantart think that some of the characters in my sketches are based on famous people but the truth is they're actually not.
The antro grinch character Moondancer is not actually based on Michael Jackson and has little similarity to the king of pop except for the inititals MJ which by the way stand for Marcel Johnson.
Jerry Xmas is not based on Jim Carrey even though he looks like him.
Smiley the evil clown koala is no way a copy of Pennywise the clown from IT - nor is he a parody of The Joker.
Jack Ravenclaw is not based on Johnny Depp.
The monster hunter Alan Storm from my Nightmare Court series is in no way meant to be based on Bruce Campbell - or Hugh Jackman for that matter.
And Bernie Huxson the overweight comedian that is featured in one of my stories is in no way an expy of John Belushi, Chris Farley or John Candy.
The teen hearthrob/movie star Ian Handsome is no way based on Marlon Brando.
Tyrone DeSoto's supervillain persona Tyrone The Terrible is not based on Vincent Price.
The antro grinch character Moondancer is not actually based on Michael Jackson and has little similarity to the king of pop except for the inititals MJ which by the way stand for Marcel Johnson.
Jerry Xmas is not based on Jim Carrey even though he looks like him.
Smiley the evil clown koala is no way a copy of Pennywise the clown from IT - nor is he a parody of The Joker.
Jack Ravenclaw is not based on Johnny Depp.
The monster hunter Alan Storm from my Nightmare Court series is in no way meant to be based on Bruce Campbell - or Hugh Jackman for that matter.
And Bernie Huxson the overweight comedian that is featured in one of my stories is in no way an expy of John Belushi, Chris Farley or John Candy.
The teen hearthrob/movie star Ian Handsome is no way based on Marlon Brando.
Tyrone DeSoto's supervillain persona Tyrone The Terrible is not based on Vincent Price.
The truth
This particular thread on the message board makes a deregoratory reference to me:
Here's the truth behind some of it
Here's the truth behind some of it
- The real Jay Leno was not written by me, nor was it written by my friends. I have never actually tried posing as the real Jay - except of course when I played him in Leno.
- Weremoose is not something i made up, he's a close friend of mine on deviantart - his name is Lance Holloway. The reason he has the nickname Weremoose is because his avatar is him as a cartoon anthro moose.
- While it is true that I did take being unjustly banned from Amiright not too well, that is only because i didn't see it coming and i didn't really deserve it.
- The references to the wereleno in some of the parodies that weren't written by me, were actually done by my friend Sam "Chinstar" Leno. He happens to be one, and the only heroic one I've known since most werelenos are of the chaotic evil alignment.
- We know that it wasn't Andria who made that post about me, we knew all along it was Airdna. We've had a few encounters with her - not too pleasant. Airdna certainly is an evil genius, she's also probably the reason why Seltzer and Friedberg keep releasing all those lame spoof movies like Date Movie, Epic Movie and Disaster Movie. Come to think of it we saw her in those films, possibly standing in for Carmen Electra. Airdna also might be possibly the one who started the rumour about the Uncle Buck remake which I hope never gets made.
- The ones about John Candy - the ones we didn't write including the ones written by "John Candy himself" were written by Chumsley or one of his cousins. The heart one was actually written by John Candy's ghost, he lives in our attic and often throws parties in there.
- I do not have actually have a fetish for jc at all, i'm just a fan - and i'm not actually obssessed about him as you might think i am but i do love his work. Although i do dream of becoming him.
- Not many people have actually heard the stories about the werejohncandy, that's why the werejohncandy has been kept a secret for so many years.
- I am and always will be a werejohncandy, i was never a wereleno, grinch or anything else.
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Seltzer And Friedberg
We all know how terrible Seltzer and Friedberg are when it comes to movie spoofs.
They seem to think it is a good idea to spoof every recent movie that has come in theatres over the past week.
I usually like bad movies especially if they are those bad b-grade sci/horror films MST3K often makes fun of, as well as Nothing But Trouble, Mars Attacks and a few others.
But Seltzer and Friedberg really do SUCK at making movies, period.
I mean what's next? Animated Movie? Puppet Movie? Insert Random Genre Title Here Movie?
They seem to think it is a good idea to spoof every recent movie that has come in theatres over the past week.
I usually like bad movies especially if they are those bad b-grade sci/horror films MST3K often makes fun of, as well as Nothing But Trouble, Mars Attacks and a few others.
But Seltzer and Friedberg really do SUCK at making movies, period.
I mean what's next? Animated Movie? Puppet Movie? Insert Random Genre Title Here Movie?
Monday, 11 January 2010
My halloweed costumes
Halloween 1991: Gaston (Beauty and the beast)
Halloween 1992: Shang Tsun (Mortal Kombat)
Halloween 1993: Vincent Price.
Halloween 1994: Undead Elvis.
Halloween 1995: Dracula (rockstar version).
Halloween 1996: Gold Zeo Power Ranger.
Halloween 1997: Flabber (Beetleborgs).
Halloween 1998: Angemon (Digimon).
Halloween 1999: Darth Maul.
Halloween 2000: Werewolf (Big Wolf On Campus style)
Halloween 2001: Frodo Baggins.
Halloween 2002: Jake Blues.
Halloween 2003: Jim Carrey style grinch.
Halloween 2004: Jeff Goldblum in The Fly.
Halloween 2005: Jareth (Labyrinth) .
Halloween 2006: Freddy Krueger.
Halloween 2007: John Candy.
Halloween 2008: Edward Scissorhands.
Halloween 2009: MJ Grinch hybrid.
Halloween 1992: Shang Tsun (Mortal Kombat)
Halloween 1993: Vincent Price.
Halloween 1994: Undead Elvis.
Halloween 1995: Dracula (rockstar version).
Halloween 1996: Gold Zeo Power Ranger.
Halloween 1997: Flabber (Beetleborgs).
Halloween 1998: Angemon (Digimon).
Halloween 1999: Darth Maul.
Halloween 2000: Werewolf (Big Wolf On Campus style)
Halloween 2001: Frodo Baggins.
Halloween 2002: Jake Blues.
Halloween 2003: Jim Carrey style grinch.
Halloween 2004: Jeff Goldblum in The Fly.
Halloween 2005: Jareth (Labyrinth) .
Halloween 2006: Freddy Krueger.
Halloween 2007: John Candy.
Halloween 2008: Edward Scissorhands.
Halloween 2009: MJ Grinch hybrid.
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
You know those koalas we've done? Well you can get toys of those.
Millitary Koalas cuddle buddies and electronic toys:
Millitary Koalas cuddle buddies and electronic toys:
- Sparky and Sparky Jr
- Mozart
- Beethoven
- Sidney
- Elvis
- Cher
- Blondie
- Elton
- Clark
- Nigel
- Madonna
- Michael
- Morlock the dropbear
The Cutie Me Koalas: Cuddle buddies and electronic toys
- Werekoala
- Hot Stuff (devil koala)
- The Koalacist.
- Koalagoyle.
- Sexy Diva
- Nature Lover
- Mother Earth
- Sea Koala
- Pookie/Zuul
- Super Pookie
- Sgt Marsupial
- The Princess
- Little Orphan
- Rose
- Lover Boy
- Isadora
- Creepso the Clown
- Stoney
- Killer Koala (normal form)
- Killer Koala (mutant form)
- Genius Redhead
- Party Animal
- Rockstar
- American Hero
- Mystery
- The Ghost
Each of these come with cool trading cards with holographic pictures and cool facts on the back.
You can find these in any toy store or comic shop as well as second hand stores and yard sales.
Monday, 4 January 2010
Soul Mates
An angry mob was hot on the persuit of Chumsley the werejohncandy, you see they thought he was the monster that ate everyone's food in the middle of the night.
"There's the monster! Get him!" One villager yelled.
"He ate all of the pies in my bakery!" The village baker shouted.
"That's nothing. He ate my garden!" The village gardener shouted.
"He ate my children's homework!" One villager shouted.
The angry mob chased Chumsley through the village until they came to a dead- end.
"We've got you now, you foul filthy beast!" the village mayor exclaimed.
"Stopppppp!" Chumsley roared.
The mob fell silent..
"You're a monster and you ate everyone's food." The mayor retorted.
"No I didn't. The real monster is YOU mr Mayor." Chumsley responded.
"I've had enough of this. Let's get him!" The mayor snapped.
The mob was about to make their move on him when all of a sudden a voice spoke up from the crowd..
"Stop! Don't you dare hurt him." The voice exclaimed.
"Who said that?" One villager exclaimed.
"I did." The voice replied.
Out stepped a mysterious woman dressed in a robe.
"Chumsley the werejohncandy is my soul mate and I won't let you hurt him." The woman shouted.
The woman stepped right up to Chumsley...
"It's okay Chumsley, I'll help you." The woman assured him.
"How do you know my name and that i'm a werejohncandy?" Chumsley asked.
"Well it's funny you should ask, you see...." She replied as she took off her robe. "I'm a werejohncandy too!"
Chumsley instantly reconised her...
"Cassie! You came for me!" Chumsley cheered.
"Well of course I did. I couldn't let you face that angry mob all by yourself. After all we're soul mates." Cassie told him.
"Ah I love you Cassie!" Chumsley said.
"I love you too Chumsley." Cassie cooed.
The two werejohncandies kissed and hugged eachother before walking off home back to the woods to play.
"There's the monster! Get him!" One villager yelled.
"He ate all of the pies in my bakery!" The village baker shouted.
"That's nothing. He ate my garden!" The village gardener shouted.
"He ate my children's homework!" One villager shouted.
The angry mob chased Chumsley through the village until they came to a dead- end.
"We've got you now, you foul filthy beast!" the village mayor exclaimed.
"Stopppppp!" Chumsley roared.
The mob fell silent..
"You're a monster and you ate everyone's food." The mayor retorted.
"No I didn't. The real monster is YOU mr Mayor." Chumsley responded.
"I've had enough of this. Let's get him!" The mayor snapped.
The mob was about to make their move on him when all of a sudden a voice spoke up from the crowd..
"Stop! Don't you dare hurt him." The voice exclaimed.
"Who said that?" One villager exclaimed.
"I did." The voice replied.
Out stepped a mysterious woman dressed in a robe.
"Chumsley the werejohncandy is my soul mate and I won't let you hurt him." The woman shouted.
The woman stepped right up to Chumsley...
"It's okay Chumsley, I'll help you." The woman assured him.
"How do you know my name and that i'm a werejohncandy?" Chumsley asked.
"Well it's funny you should ask, you see...." She replied as she took off her robe. "I'm a werejohncandy too!"
Chumsley instantly reconised her...
"Cassie! You came for me!" Chumsley cheered.
"Well of course I did. I couldn't let you face that angry mob all by yourself. After all we're soul mates." Cassie told him.
"Ah I love you Cassie!" Chumsley said.
"I love you too Chumsley." Cassie cooed.
The two werejohncandies kissed and hugged eachother before walking off home back to the woods to play.
As you know, my brother and are very fond of our koala designs. But someone on deviantart said that all of their were "recolours" - for the most part that's not true.
Sure all of the koala character designs for Millitary Koalas look exactly the same, but they are all different, for instance in some of the graphic novels Sidney is made to be quite muscular at times - because he's green and is supposed to be a parody of The Hulk.
You don't think our koalas are overrated do you?
After all we've made quite a lot of money with these, after all Millitary Koalas is our most popular animated series it has won several webbie awards, won several awards at the animation festival, and the movie was voted best animated movie of the year.
By the way, you can now get toys of all those koalas from my deviantart gallery, most of them come in plush cuddle buddy form, while some come in electronic toy form.
A lot of them coming with their own trading cards which have lots of interesting facts on the back and cool holographic pictures.
Sure all of the koala character designs for Millitary Koalas look exactly the same, but they are all different, for instance in some of the graphic novels Sidney is made to be quite muscular at times - because he's green and is supposed to be a parody of The Hulk.
You don't think our koalas are overrated do you?
After all we've made quite a lot of money with these, after all Millitary Koalas is our most popular animated series it has won several webbie awards, won several awards at the animation festival, and the movie was voted best animated movie of the year.
By the way, you can now get toys of all those koalas from my deviantart gallery, most of them come in plush cuddle buddy form, while some come in electronic toy form.
A lot of them coming with their own trading cards which have lots of interesting facts on the back and cool holographic pictures.

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