Nightmare Fuel
This tvtropes page has several different categories including Western Animation, Real Life, Folklore, Film, Live Action TV, Disney movies, Toys, and Books as well as music videos. It has a number of pop culture references. The trope name Nightmare Fuel comes from Mystery Science Theatre 3000- in which the b grade sci fi/horror films they were forced to watch were anything but scary but the kiddie ones like Merlin's Shop Of Mystical Wonders on the other hand were very frightening indeed. There's also High Octane Nightmare Fuel , the difference is that the regular one mentions scary bits in stuff for kids that was put in unintentially while the High Octane one refers to scary things that were put in more mature works intentionally. There are several other "tropes" ascioated with this trope including Body Horror, Transformation Trauma, Last Note Nightmare and others. The "Transformation Trauma" trope refers to graphic, horrifying transformation sequences like in The Fly and other horror films including The Thing - there's also Painful Transformation which mentions very painful transformation sequences from movies like American Werewolf In London, Body Horror refers to grotesque mutations that happen to the body in horror/sci fi movies especially ones by David Cronenberg. Nightmare Retardant acts in a reverse way to this trope, you see it tries it's best to be scary but unintentionally ends up making you laugh instead because of how silly it is. And I Must Scream gets it's name from a science fiction short story about an evil computer - and refers to such fates as being turned to stone.
Fetish Fuel
This one is the opposite of Nightmare Fuel. While Nightmare Fuel is unintentionally made to scare, Fetish Fuel is intentionally made to turn people on. I would list examples of this but some are just too dirty and sick to be mentioned.
A combination of the words squeamish and ick, refers to something really disgusting, creepy and just plain wrong.
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