Tuesday, 4 May 2010

The reawakening

This is the first of the closet monster story series i am working on,  this one is called the Reawakening and is one of the first stories to introduce my closet monster gang.   I hope you all enjoy it.


There was a time where people believed that monsters lived in their closets and that monsters in general were considered to be evil.

It was a dark time of darkness, a world of fear and the age of the Nightmares. Luckily there was a group of a monsters who dedicated their lives to fighting off the dreaded demon cow Moocifer and her cohorts. They are the Closet monster gang. They defeated Moocifer and her minions and the world was saved. Today they live in the closet of one Nathan Forester, and it is their sworn duty to protect him from the forces of darkness.

And they couldn't have picked a better time, because Moocifer and her minions have returned and the town needs our closet monster gang more than ever.

One faithful summer's eve, Nathan was in his lab doing research when he discovered upon an item he had been searching for - the sacred key to the closet, this was no ordinary key - this key allowed him to enter the world of his closet monster friends via a portal and did the same for the monsters as well.

"Ah ha! I've found it. At last, the sacred key." He murmured.

He ran into his bedroom, stood by the bedside , looked out at the window and saw that the sun was setting.

"It is almost time." He said to himself.

He walked up to the closet door, inserted the key in the lock, turned the key, and the closet door started glowing.

Nathan stood by the window as the sun set and the moon came up.

"Guys. It is time! Arise!" He exclaimed.

Tu eres cruel (monstro)

No eres fiel (monstro)

Hijo del mal (monstro)

Un ser fatal (monstro)

Tu corazon (monstro)

Es un ladron (monstro)

The first monster to arrise was Presto the phasm, as a purple beam of light materialised next to Nathan.

"Presto! So good to see ya!" He said.

"It's good to see you too Nathan. You haven't changed a bit." Presto responded.

The next to arrise was Ted as his clawed glove slashed a hole in the top of the bed and he jumped right through it.

"Ah Nate. What's up?" Ted exclaimed.

"You look great, Ted." He replied.

Jasey was the next to arrise as a sound effect much like the one from the Friday the 13th films echoed through the room, he jumped in through one of the windows and shook Nathan's hand - being a monster of few words, Jasey rarely ever spoke - he liked to move silent in the dead of night.

"Hi there Jasey. Good to see you." He greeted Jasey.

The next one to arrise was Bunyip as he leaped out of a pile of plush toys.

"Ah Master Forester, it is so good to say again." Bunyip cooed.

Grincherella was next to arrise as she slinked out from out of the shadows.

"Yeees! Finally i'm free!" She hissed.

"Ah Grincherella, it is so nice to see you again. You look lovely." He responded.

Mitchell was next to arrise as the image on the This Is It poster came to life and started dancing. He then jumped out of the poster and floated in mid air for a brief second before walking up to him.

"Hi Nathan, it's me Mitchell. It's so nice to see you again." Mitchell cooed in his usual Michael Jackson-like manner.

"Hello Mitchell, I sure missed you." He responded.

Next to arrise were Zombo and Sarah as both of them crawled right of their graveyard beds.

"Ah. There is nothing like a good days sleep I tell ya." Zombo said. "Oh hi Nate ol buddy, it's great to see you again."

"Yes it is." Sarah added.

"It's nice to see you guys again too." He responded.

Jeff was the next to arrise as he flew around in the air for a while then landed down on the ground.

"Hi Nate. How are you doing?" Jeff asked.

"I'm doing great, thanks for asking Jeff." He replied.

The next to arrise was Jack the werewolf as he slashed a hole through the door with his claws..

"Heeeeere's Jack!" Jack the werewolf shouted.

"Ah Jack my wolfman, it's great to see you again." He responded.

The next to arrise was Cleo as she opened up the door of her tomb.

"Hello there Nathan. So nice to see you once again." Cleo cooed.

"Well hello Cleo. You know for a 5 thousand year old egyptian mummy you look beautiful." He complimented.

"Aaaw, thank you." Cleo responded.

The next to arrise was Scare Bear as he leaped out of the same pile of plush toys that Bunyip lept out of.

"Ha ha ha haha! Fear the dreaded cuddly monstrosity that is me...Scare Bear!" Scare Bear growled. "Oh hello Nathan."

"Hello Scare Bear, my you're looking unusually cute tonight." He responded.

"Careful what you say, if you call me cute one more time I might have to kill you." Scare Bear quipped.

The next to arrise was Edgar as a drawing from one of Timothy's books came to life, slid off the page and materialised in front of him.

"Hello there Nathan. It is so nice to see you again. So where's the party?" Edgar exclaimed.

"Hi Edgar, nice to see you again. And the party is just starting." He responded.

"A party? You wouldn't start the party without me would you?" A voice quipped.

That voice belonged to none other than Bruce who was the next to arrise as smoke, lasers and other pyrotechnics began to fill the room, and superheroic music was heard in the background as the sound of a lightning flash of justice crackled outside, the Bruce Campbell statue started to crack apart as he burst out of it and stretched his chainsaw arm.

"Yes! I'm awake again. And it's about damm time." Bruce quipped. "Hi there Nathan. You're looking great."

"Brucey. It's always great to see you again. And you're looking mighty handsome yourself." He responded.

And finally the last to arrise was Sebastian as a firey circle appeared in the middle of floor, he rose out of the firey circle and shook some dust off his shoulders.

"Ah hello again Nathan. So nice to finally see again. To what do I owe this pleasure?" Sebastian cooed.

"Heello there Sebastian. I have summoned you all for an very important assignment." He responded.

"Well whatever it is...lay it on us." Bruce quipped.

"Moocifer and her minions have come back and this town needs you guys more than ever. I love each every one of you with all my heart. And I trust in you all. I believe that you can do it. I trust in you. So what do you say?" He explained.

"I say we accept." Cleo replied.

"This town needs monsters like us." Ted added.

"And as long as we work together as a team, Moocifer won't stand a chance against us. Teamwork and cooperation are vital you know." Bunyip responded.

"Hell yeah." Bruce quipped.

"Yes, we will be a great unstoppable team." Presto responded.

"Then it's settled. We'll do it. We'll clean up this town one night at a time." Zombo exclaimed.

"Good. For a thousand years we have been locked in your closet, but you unlocked the door with the sacred key and we are all free again.." Edgar added.

"Yes, thank you Nathan." Sarah responded.

"Aaaaw, you're welcome." He replied.

And so Nathan and his closet monster companions all now free and reunited as a gang went outside and up onto the roof of his house.

"On the count of 1, 2, 3..." He instructed. "Presto, if you would do the honours.."

"I'd be glad to. We are defenders of the night, we are closet monsters!" Presto announced in his best Keith David impression.

Nathan and his closet monster gang stood ontop of the roof and struck some of their best poses as they looked onward into the night.

"That was great guys. You are the best monster friends a guy could ever have." He told them.

"You really mean that? Thanks." Zombo responded.

"We...are..closet monsters!" All of them chanted as they put their hands together.

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