Saturday, 31 October 2009
Halloween fun
The halloween fun never stops in your neighbourhood, my brother and I had a really spectacular party. My MJ/Grinch hybrid costume was a sucess, everyone loved it.
The beanie halloween party was great too, all of the beanies and their owners looked simply awesome in their costumes, Eucalpytus looked really stunning as an 1950's movie star. The Elvis bears were looking stunning in their matching Elvis costumes, and also Garfield's cat-monster costume was pretty cool too.
We judged the beanie costume contest, the winner was Ratty with his giant germ costume.
Also we got to meet Chumsley's family. I told Chumsley's parents all about his adventures and also a bit about Andria. I gotta admit Chumsley's 27 cousins are a bit of a handful though.
Tyrone the Terrible's halloween party was the most awesome one ever, Tyrone always throws cool parties like this one. This time it was held near an old campsite. A lot of famous friends of his showed up, we even saw John Landis and Robert "Freddy Krueger" Englund.
My brother and I had some fun messing around and playing various practical jokes including squirting slime from our SlimeBlaster 6000 which is a water gun that shoots slime instead of water all over Dr Madness's lair.
My brother experimented with the monster morpher as well, he thought of an ingenius prank, he used the monster morpher to turn himself into a ghost and pretending to be haunt everyone. He made a great ghost.
Then we paid homage to the late John Candy with a special appearance from Chumsley and his family.
Last night I had a dream where I actually finally got to be John, basically it starts off with me and my brother asking the guy in the sky why I wasn't allowed to be morphed into John Candy and the guy in the sky said it's because John died, but then my brother managed to convince the guy to change his mind, and the guy in the sky did and decided to change the "skull" symbol (which is the symbol for death in this dream universe) to a star symbol (the star being the symbol for "life"). I then used one of the 7 wishes I had left over from the genie dream- that wish - to be just like John. So the guy in the sky granted my wish and I kind of morphed into John Candy, and it was a great tf sequence too. It was like JC was being ressurected. I was also given super strength, invulnerability, immortality and unlimited lives just like a video game character. I've also had a few other dreams in which I got to be John or one of his characters, one of them was a kind of a MST3K type of scenerario with Ghostbusters thrown in (included a sequence of me becoming John after being possessed by his ghost which was hillarious and a nice homage to Beetlejuice), and one which was set in a World Of Warcraft type rpg where my brother is a tauren, Lance is an orc, Andria is a night elf and I'm John Candy as a pandaren (which is a jolly panda-like race).
Friday, 30 October 2009
This first one is a rather sexy take on the tale of Puss In Boots. We based a little bit of her on Carmen Electra and she is a comic book character featured in one of our graphic novels. Inspired by the film Heavy Metal (you should get that one out, it's awesome and the music is super cool).
This is Jay Leno as a Jekyll and Hyde type character.

This is a very early photomanip of MJ turning into a weregrinch.

Old enemies
He was unattractive, mean, arrogant, rude, and absolutely beastly. He hated everyone's guts especially ours, he hated us because we were different. He had a face only a blind mother could love and the heart of a monster. He had no sense of humour and would always order the other kids around and tell them to "shut up" for no reason. He would also beat up anyone who questioned his methods in a rather brutal manner. Me and my brother were always on his list of "victims". He hurt me pretty bad one time. Eventually we got pretty sick of his behaviour and I decided to stand up to him- I said "Keith, I've had enough of your monstrous behaviou. You may think that you are all that but you are NOT all that. You are an arrogant, selfish bully who gets his kicks from picking on innocent studens like me. I will not bother to fight you, because I am better than that. Your evil rein of terror must come to an end. I may not be strong enough to stop you alone, but with my brother by my side I am more than a match for you. So give up your bully lifestyle and leave for the good of all mankind." And years later that hellspawn Keith was sent to a boarding school- and he he was never seen again. Unfortunately he still appears in my nightmares. He was often seen with his cronie Jason who thanks to us later did a face heel turn and decided to join the side of good.
She's what I would like to call the bastard offspring of She-Hulk and Rocky Dennis. Aggressive, controlling, vicious, cold hearted and not to mention bitter. She was ALWAYS angry and she liked to CRUSH anything or anyone that got in the way.
This guy was 10 times worse than Keith even though he was disabled and also to some extent retarded in some sense. He was like a paraclegic Hulk. He was strong but extremely slow and dimwitted and the slow part is a good thing because that way his so called victims could run away from him easily without worrying about him catching up. He also appears in my nightmares but my brother usually stops him with his incredible brain power.
Named after and looks like the pink haired girl from Lazytown except she's nothing like her. She liked sports quite a bit and was a real downright b***h. She served as our other arch enemy in school. She had a crush on Tom, the captain of the sports team. She also had a nasty habit of turning friends against each other. She also manipulated others into doing her dirty. Our first and only friend feud was because of her. We got revenge on her though by making a voodoo doll of her using the Custom Voodoo Doll kit that Tyrone sent us.
All of the teachers and staff at all our old schools except for Heather, Myrtle, Penny, Sam and to some extent Helen (a good friend of ours who is a fan of John Candy):
Most if not all of the teachers and staff at the schools we went to were either a complete pain in the ass, insane or just pure evil. We already mentioned all of them in one of our posts. The only ones we recall that were nice were Heather (an artist, looked a lot like Andria), Myrtle (also an artist), Penny, Sam (Johnny Depp fan and Beanie baby collector extraordinare) and Helen (John Candy fan and mother of two sons who are named after John and James Belushi). If I was given a choice between that dunderhead Mr Cope, that wicked witch Mrs Brook or that absolute tyrant Mrs Margaret Zupsitch, and a seasick crocodile...I'd pick the crocodile.
The boy Stephanie always had a crush on, he was a lot like Gaston from Beauty And The Beast. He was captain of the football team and he was a real jerk.
Brian "Dr Madness" Sloane:
My arch nemesis/evil counterpart. A mad scientist who is more than a little insane and often thinks up plots to take over the world. He is also a coniving manipulative bastard with the power to shapeshift. He likes to do really horrible things to people in his top secret evil laboratory and often experiments on animals turning them into mutants. He has a brother named Dr Chaos who is my brother's evil counterpart.
The werejohncandy with the unibrow and the Russian accent. Chumsley's evil counterpart/arch nemesis. Serves as Dr Madness's henchman at times. He's the complete opposite of what Chumsley is like.
The Sinistra Sisters:
5 rather creepy and twisted girls who have supernatural powers, one of them is a lot like EmiLoca.
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Beanie collecting
We have been collecting beanie babies since the early 90's. We also have a few beanie magazines.
It is not at all unusual to discover a beanie that shares the same birthday date as you. In fact it's quite common with some of the beanies we have.
Beanie collecting is a hobby that anyone can enjoy and it's not just for children either, because beanies all for people of all ages, races and nationalities.
We have published a magazine about beanie babies and other ty collectables, we call it TY Universe.
There is also a kids show we've made about beanie babies we call it the Bedroom Gang, it's about a group of beanie babies who get up to all sorts of adventures.
We also made a beanie babies movie called Beanie Babies: The Movie. If you haven't seen it then you can buy it on dvd and bluray, it's a fantastic fantasy film for the whole family and has all the ty beanie babies you know and love in it on their greatest adventure yet- to save beanie land from the evil vampire bear Baron Von Pyre. If you look really closely during the scene where the beanies go to President Spangles for help you might see some Amiright alumni as beanie animal versions of themselves (Andria's one is the red fox, Chucky's is the bison, Red Ant is the beetle, Agrimorfee is the dog, Christie is the butterfly, Jason is the tiger).
We also have our range of beanies called Cuddle Buddies. There are five Disney themed ones: Heroes, Princessess, Sidekicks, Animals, and Villains.
The horror themed ones has various icons from horror/sci fi films such as Freddy Krueger, Norman Bates, Chucky, Jason Voorhees, Ash from the Evil Dead films, Brundlefly, Alien, Predator, Leatherface, the Saw puppet, Jerry Dandridge and Jack Torrance.
The Tim Burton themed one has characters from Tim Burton films such as Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, Corpse Bride, Mars Attacks, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Charlie And The Chocolate Factory and Sleepy Hollow. Alice In Wonderland ones will be coming on the 10th of November.
Christmas Carol themed ones will be out on the 6th of November and they are to commerate the release of Disney's A Christmas Carol starring Jim Carrey as the voice of Ebeneezer Scrooge and the three ghosts.
The Lost, and American Idol range of cuddle buddies are also available.
If you want to commerate Jay Leno's new show you can get one of the many ones in the Jay Leno range including some of his old tonight show characters like Iron Jay.
The SNL themed ones include various cast members from the 70's/80/90's seasons of the show as well as their memorable characters such as Wayne Campbell, Samurai Fatuba, The Blues Brothers, Matt Foley, and Roseannadannadanna.
The SCTV range has cast members from the show as well as their characters. My brother and I love the talking Bob and Doug ones.
Of course our most popular range is the John Candy range which consists of all of John's characters from films and tv. Exclusives include Chumsley the werejohncandy, Camp Councellor John (Camp Candy), and one of a fusion of me and Chumsley which is a werejohncandy cuddle buddy. You can also get a Deluxe John Candy Cuddle Buddy which is the same size as a beanie buddy, it also makes a happy laughing sound when you squeeze his tummy.
Monday, 26 October 2009
SCTV games, books and music
- SCTV Studio
This is a Sims style game where you get to create your own sketches and even make your own characters. You can even walk around the studio and introduce yourself to some of the cast members.
- On The Air
This one is an adventure game where you get to play as one of the cast of characters and you get to explore and you also get given various tasks to do.
- Bob And Doug Mckenzie in The Great Beer Hunt.
This is a Crash Bandicoot style platformer where you play as either Bob or Doug Mckenzie and you go on a worldwide expedition to find beer from around the world.
- Who Did It?
Who Did It is a Clue style mystery game where you get to be a detective and solve mysteries. You also get to solve puzzles.
A beat em up similar to Marvel VS Capcom. You get a wide selection of different cast members/characters from both series. It combines the old school style of the SNES Street Fighter games with the epic 3-d graphics of the ps2 Tekken games.
- SCTV Character Compendium
A complete guide on every character from the tv series SCTV, has lots of interesting information and bonus stuff such as a personality quiz.
- Bob and Doug's Guide To Beer.
Bob and Doug Mckenzie's Guide To Beer is a book filled with all sorts of fun and insightful information about beer from around the world.
- Bobby and Skip's Knock-Em-Dead Joke Book.
Bobby Bitman and his brother Skip present to you a jokebook that will knock your socks off, it contains a lot of amusing jokes, anecdotes, one liners, puns, riddles, and other funny stuff for the aspiring comedian.
- Livin Large.
A mock biography of Johnny LaRue one of the characters John Candy played in the show, is filled with interesting stories about his life.
- Count Floyd's Monster Chiller Story Theatre.
This book has retellings of classic horror stories such as The Strange Case Of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Bram Stoker's Dracula, The Raven, and The Telltale heart with characters from the tv show playing the roles of the characters in the stories.
- Miss Falby's Fairy Tales.
Miss Falby's Fairy Tales are retellings of fairy tales such as Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty And The Beast, The Little Mermaid, Goldilocks and the 3 bears, 3 Little Pigs and Cinderella with characters from the tv show as famous fairy tale personalities.
Comics and Graphic Novels:
- SCTV Meets Power Rangers
This is a crossover between SCTV and Power Rangers. In it an ape-like monster named Ape-Face is sent down to Earth to terrorise angel grove and the power rangers team up with the cast of SCTV to save the day. Also we get introduced to my character who heals an injured John Candy with an ancient power chrystal. Also we get to see the John Candy Deluxe Carrier Megazord for the first time. We made this one into a tv movie. You can get the movie on dvd now.
- A Friend In Need
This comic introduces us to our big fat furry friend Chumsley the werejohncandy, he helps a lost cast member get back to the studio and also foils the plans of a malicious tv executive.
- Polkapalooza
The Schmenge brothers go on tour and meet the rattastein brothers who are a group of polka playing rats.
- Bob And Doug in BeerQuest
Bob and Doug go on a Lord of the rings style quest to find the one beer to rule all over beers.
- 5 Neat Guys Gold.
All of the 5 Neat Guys best and neatest songs on one great cd.
- 5 Neat Guys Neatest Hits
This is similar to the one above except even better because it includes their neatest hits including a new song that has never been heard before.
- 5 Neat Guys Sing Disney
The 5 Neat Guys sing their versions of classic Disney songs such as Under The Sea, You've Got A Friend In Me, Bippiti Boppiti Boo, When You Wish Upon A Star, Hi Ho, Be Our Guest, Friend Like Me, Colours Of The Wind, and many more.
- Villlain Polkapalooza
The Schmenge brothers perform polka versions of classic Disney villain themed songs such as We Are Siamese, Cruella De Vil, Poor Unfortunate Souls, The World's Greatest Criminal Mind, The Mob Song, Be Prepared, The Oogie Boogie Song and Gaston.
- Bobby Bittman: On The Edge
Bobby Bittman's latest comedy cd which contains lots of hillarious stand-up material covering a wide range of topics and also some really rude but at the same time funny songs.
- Bob and Doug's Favourite Drinking Songs
Bob and Doug present to you their finest selection of drinking songs such as the Drunken Sailor song, the Chicken dance, Good For Your Soul, and the Gaston song from Beauty And The Beast.
Kiddie shows I like
Lazytown (Robbie Rotten is hillarious, he's kind of like Jim Carrey)
The Backyardigans (they're so cute)
Muppet Babies (again, I liked because they were cute)
Yo Gabba Gabba (especially when they have guest stars like Elijah Wood and Jack Black on the show)
Are You Afraid Of The Dark
Power Rangers
Masked Rider
VR Troopers
Mystic Knights
Bobby's World (because the uncle Ted character is just like John Candy)
Wonder Pets (especially the episode where they help a trio of singing rats in Las Vegas, and also the Elvis tribute episode where they went to Memphis to save a baby hound dog)
Drake and Josh (Josh Peck is a really talented dude, our friend Joshua Louis Belushi resembles him you know)
Spongebob Squarepants
Catscratch (it's the one about the three cat brothers who live in a mansion, the black one is named Mr Blik, the callico is called Gordon and the goofy grey one is called Waffle).
Turbo Teen (that show was awesome)
Pokemon (all series)
Digimon (same)
Yu-Gi-Oh (same)
Sunday, 25 October 2009
102nd Post
Wow. That's what I call recordbreaking.
Doizee thanks you all
If you would like to see the clubhouse from the show it's in our backyard. It's a very impressive clubhouse and sometimes Chumsley can be seen hanging out there. It's got a game arcade, a cafe, a movie theatre, an indoor swimming pool and a nature reserve.
If you would like to send her some fan mail use this address:
31 Honeydew lane
Po box 02340Burbank, CA.
Or you can email her at if you want to send her a fan email or suggestions for a topic for an episode of her show.
Strange Case Of Dr M and Mr Chunk
It's also partially inspired by the 1990's remake of the Nutty Professor and the 1964 classic The Incredible Mr Limpet.
In case you don't know what the Incredile Mr Limpet is about, it's about a nerdy, bookish guy played by Don Knotts who loves fish and wants to be one himself. So he invents a potion that will turn him into a fish. When he falls into the ocean he becomes a talking fish who wears glassess and ends up becoming a world war II hero by helping out the marines. There's been a lot of talk about a remake of it, I seem to recall that at one time Jim Carrey was in talks to be in it as the lead role. Sadly it never saw the light of day but luckily you can see concept art from that movie on Bob Camp's blog.
Nightmare On Elm Street dream
Ironically I had a Nightmare On Elm Street dream last night, my brother and I were in this old house that looked like the one we used to live before we moved and the dream kids from the third movie were in it as well. We hear that signature nursery rhyme (one two freddy's coming for you) and we see Freddy Krueger approaching but something's different, when Freddy approaches us he doesn't kill us in anyway, he just comes up to me and says hi. I then ask him why isn't he going to try and kill us like in the movies and Freddy says it's because I have some kind of special power which prevents him from getting near me, my brother or anyone else. One of the kids then brings up an old fairy tale about a "dream master" with amazing dream powers. I ask them who the dream master is and the one kid says that it's me. So I turn around and sure enough there is a picture of a mythical figure who looks a lot like me. I discover my dream powers for the first time and learn to use them to my advantage. Turns out my dream superpowers are all of the ones I've always wanted to have. So in other words, I am the dream master. Which means I'll be more than ready for Freddy if he were to try and get me, my brother, or my friends. Plus I have an extremely power rating in my Dream Master form, my power rating is OVER 90000! That's right, over 90000!
Being a dream master is awesome and the powers are really cool to have, plus I can use them both in the dream world and in the real world. My brother can use his dream powers in the real world too, his dream power is elecricity. I also have my own band of Dream Warriors.
I'd have to say the best part of being the dream master is getting to live in my dream kingdom which is kind of like a hi tech Mt Olympus.
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Toys gone wrong
- Eu De Lure (this was a special cream/elixir we made, all you have to do is apply it to your face twice a day and it will keep you looking young forever, this was the first very first batch and unfortunately it got recalled because it had some really weird side effects, mainly if you over use it you'll turn into some kind of anthro grinch)
- Micro Mutant Backpack Buddy: Squag (this was part of the Micro Mutant range which was kind of like Pokemon but with a sci fi/horror twist to it, Squag was a gremlin-like mutant that could slash enemies in half with his claws, got recalled after it came alive and started attacking someone)
- Spongebob Weresnail Plush (This was a plush toy we did of Spongebob Squarepants as a Weresnail from the spongebob fanfic Curse Of The Weresnail, when you squeeze it's shell it growls, yowls, hissess and meows like a cat because in the show snails are the underwater equillivent of cats, got recalled after it slithered away and went on a destructive rampage)
- Freddy Krueger Power Glove (this was a special roleplay item from our Nightmare On Elm Street range, got recalled after it turned out that it caused Freddy to possess the wearer)
- Evil Dead Transforming Arm (similar to the Freddy one, got recalled after someone's own hand became possessed like in Evil Dead II)
- Vlad the Mushabelly bat (a mushabelly bat dressed like Bela Lugosi as Dracula, hissed and talked with a lisp, got recalled after it came to life, bite someone and turned them into a vampire)
- Micro Mutant Morphing Mutant: InsectiBilly (Another one of the Micro Mutants range, InsectoFiend was an alien creature that starts off as a cute little ladybug type critter but morphs into a much more terrifying creature named Arachnidor which looked like kind of Brundlefly except more spider than fly-like, got recalled after it's poison spray caused someone to nearly die)
Disney/marvel team up
Here's my actual Gaston tf sequence.
Weird Al's birthday
He's one of our favourite performers, we love Weird Al. The video for Fat is one of our favourites, especially the transformation scene.
So here's a happy belated b day greeting to Weird Al.
Friday, 23 October 2009
Pain, disease, trauma and dark days
I hope she gets better.
Also, I'm in a bit of a panic because halloween is next Saturday and I have no idea what i'm going to do or be. I'm thinking of going as a cross between MJ and the grinch, I already have a homemade grinch costume, all I need now is some mj costume items.
My oh my, it looks like dark days are ahead.
Thursday, 22 October 2009
The alien virus
Upon closer inspection me and my brother found clawmarks, and not just any clawmarks mind you but the clawmarks of an alien monster.
It seems that she was scratched by an alien monster while she and dad were on one of their adventures.
This particualar alien monster is sort of a cross between Alien and Godzilla. If a human gets scratched by this kind of alien they'll be infected with an alien virus which will slowly change them into a monster.
My brother and I are working on an antidote so we can cure her before it's too late.
This situation reminds me a lot of a sci fi/horror film me and my brother made once, it was called the Virus. If you haven't seen it, I suggest you rent it on dvd or bluray- it's a really cool movie. In the movie the main character's sibling gets attacked by an alien beast and becomes infected and starts slowly becoming an alien monster himself. The main character and his friends have to put the command center on lockdown to prevent the alien creature from escaping, and they keep his sibling locked in a high tech security prison to make sure that he doesn't transform, try to break out and go on a rampage.
I hope mom gets better soon, we don't want to have an alien monster for a mother.
- My brother and I wrote the screenplay for Leno all in one week. We also wrote all of the songs.
- I played a total of 9 different characters in Leno including Jay (both young Jay and present Jay), Beyondo, Iron Jay, Mr Brain, Evil Jay, Billy Tuttle, Bob Johnson, and Johnny Allegro (the world's handsomest garbage man). While 4 of those ones appeared in both the stage and film versions, Johnny Allegro and Bob Johnson only appeared in the stage version.
- Doizee of the Doizee Club fame was first discovered in Spain.
- As of 2001, the Doizee Club is the most popular show for children of all ages. It won several awards and Doizee herself won herself a place in the tv hall of fame. It's only competition is a New Zealand kiddie show called Bumble which is about a bee.
- The makeup I wore to play Jay and his tonight show characters in the film version of Leno took 3 hours to apply. The makeup was courtesy of our resident makeup expert Dan McCloud. It was very realistic mind you, so realistic that no one could tell it was me they thought it was the real Jay.
My brother's (ex) girlfriend the vampiress seduces, then bites me, I end up turning into a vampire.
After testing out my brother's teleportation machine I end up slowly turning into our big fat hairy mascot Chumsley.
Reaction to bad shrimp causes me to turn into a human/fish hybrid resembling a plutarkian from Biker Mice From Mars except much better looking.
Get accidentally scratched by Chumsley and get turned into a werejohncandy.
Watching one of John Candy's movies over 13,000 times caused me to temperarily become John himself.
While playing a role playing game, I end up turning into the character i'm playing: A werejohncandy who serves as the royal chef to a rich and noble ruler.
On Wednesdays I often become Ash from the Evil Dead trilogy, which isn't so bad except for those darn deadites that keep showing up.
While my friend Lance got turned into the Beast after touching the enchanted rose that was in the west wing, I got morphed into Gaston after taking the real Gaston's personal colone. What? It was just sitting on a table in the tavern and he wasn't in the tavern at the time and I was getting ready for a date but couldn't find my colone so I decided to "borrow" Gaston's colone. Geee...I hope he's not going to be too mad about it once he gets back.
At Christmas time I often turn into a grinch- and I mean that literally.
My brother:
Turns into a BrundleFly clone after testing out the teleporter at the science fair.
Gets scratched by the neighbour's cat and becomes a cat-creature.
Reaction to anything spicey causes him to become a dragon-like being.
Accidentally gets hit by a beam from one of his previously untested inventions and morphed into a life sized Buzz Lightyear.
Gets possessed by evil spirits and turns into a Tim Burtonesque monster.
While playing a role playing game, he ends up turning into the character he's playing: A malicious werejackblack scoundrel and the main villain of the piece.
Kiddie shows I hate and ones I like
Fireman Sam
Dora The Explorer
Blues Clues (Steve era, I only starting liking it when Joe became the host)
Postman Pat
Bob The Buidler
The Suite Life Of Zack and Cody
Hanah Montana
Cory In The House
That's So Raven
Anything with Hillary Duff or Lindsay Lohan in it
Camp Rock
the whole damm High School Musical franchse.
Ones I actually like:
Lazytown (Robbie Rotten is hillarious, he's kind of like Jim Carrey)
The Backyardigans (they're so cute)
Muppet Babies (again, I liked because they were cute)
Yo Gabba Gabba (especially when they have guest stars like Elijah Wood and Jack Black on the show)
Are You Afraid Of The Dark
Power Rangers
Masked Rider
VR Troopers
Mystic Knights
Bobby's World (because the uncle Ted character is just like John Candy)
Wonder Pets (especially the episode where they help a trio of singing rats in Las Vegas, and also the Elvis tribute episode where they went to Memphis to save a baby hound dog)
Drake and Josh (Josh Peck is a really talented dude, our friend Joshua Louis Belushi resembles him you know)
Spongebob Squarepants
Catscratch (it's the one about the three cat brothers who live in a mansion, the black one is named Mr Blik, the callico is called Gordon and the goofy grey one is called Waffle).
Turbo Teen (that show was awesome)
Pokemon (all series)
Digimon (same)
Yu-Gi-Oh (same)
Recalled toys and inventions
- Eu De Lure (this was a special cream/elixir we made, all you have to do is apply it to your face twice a day and it will keep you looking young forever, this was the first very first batch and unfortunately it got recalled because it had some really weird side effects, mainly if you over use it you'll turn into some kind of anthro grinch)
- Micro Mutant Backpack Buddy: Squag (this was part of the Micro Mutant range which was kind of like Pokemon but with a sci fi/horror twist to it, Squag was a gremlin-like mutant that could slash enemies in half with his claws, got recalled after it came alive and started attacking someone)
- Spongebob Weresnail Plush (This was a plush toy we did of Spongebob Squarepants as a Weresnail from the spongebob fanfic Curse Of The Weresnail, when you squeeze it's shell it growls, yowls, hissess and meows like a cat because in the show snails are the underwater equillivent of cats, got recalled after it slithered away and went on a destructive rampage)
- Freddy Krueger Power Glove (this was a special roleplay item from our Nightmare On Elm Street range, got recalled after it turned out that it caused Freddy to possess the wearer)
- Evil Dead Transforming Arm (similar to the Freddy one, got recalled after someone's own hand became possessed like in Evil Dead II)
- Vlad the Mushabelly bat (a mushabelly bat dressed like Bela Lugosi as Dracula, hissed and talked with a lisp, got recalled after it came to life, bite someone and turned them into a vampire)
- Micro Mutant Morphing Mutant: InsectiBilly (Another one of the Micro Mutants range, InsectoFiend was an alien creature that starts off as a cute little ladybug type critter but morphs into a much more terrifying creature named Arachnidor which looked like kind of Brundlefly except more spider than fly-like, got recalled after it's poison spray caused someone to nearly die)
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
But we were always heckled the most on Amiright for some reason, we always ended up getting 1's.
I think that Tony Clifton was the one who gave us those 1's. Tony's a loudmouth lounge singer with diva tendencies.
He is also the alter ego of a famous comic, but we're not telling you who it is because it's a secret.
But we've seen Tony before, in fact we've seen him many times.
Some comedians take a heckling well but some others tend to take it not so well like when Michael Richards aka Kramer from Seinfeld snapped and said the n word.
Mushies vs squishies
And they aren't just animal ones, there's also aliens and monsters too. Also there are special holiday themed ones like for Halloween there's a witch, frankenstein, ghost, pumpkin, a bat and a spider and for christmas there's a snowman, a Santa, and a polar bear and a reindeer. There's even a koala bear one and a panda as well. One of the ones we have is a brown bear named Timber, when you squeeze his stomach he makes this really cute laugh which kind of sounds a lot like John Candy.
We've made quite a lot of themed mushabellies of our own.
There's also these mushabelly Expys called Squishables, we didn't make them but some company obviously tried to clone the mushabellies. Squishables may look the same as mushabellies do but they are not as fun as mushabellies are. Mushabellies make noise, squishables do not.
So next time you are in a toy shop and you see a big, round stuffed animal give it a squeeze, if it makes a noise then it's a mushabelly, if it doesn't it's a squishable.
Evil furbies and other tall tales
Our first toy inventions were a singing koala named Matilda, a sheep named Charlene and a black cat named Cleopatra. When you pressed Matilda's paws the tune of Waltzin Matilda would play, when you gave Bobby a squeeze he had let out a soft bleating sound and when you squeezed the cat she would let out a cute meowing sound. Those three were invented in 1991 and they worked just fine. We played with them for 5 years then forgot about them. Then in 2001 we decided to get them out again to see if they still worked, but when we did...the tune that came out of Matilda wasn't cheerie like it was in 1991, it sounded warped and kind of like a ironic nursery ryme like the ones who hear it films like Poultergeist, the sheep sounded like someone getting hacked to death, and the cat's meow was now deepened and quite demonic, almost like the growl of the wolf from American Werewolf In London. We didn't get rid of them though- we kept them despite their malfunctions.
We made copies of Matilda, Bobby and Cleo. You might be able to find them in second hand stores, they're quite valuable. Not only are they cute but they're good for scaring away intruders with- plus Cleo has light up eyes.
We've made quite a lot of themed mushabellies of our own. For example there's the Mushabelly Horrors range which are mushabelly versions of characters from horror films- including such famous horror baddies as Freddy Krueger, Norman Bates, Hans from Fritz Lang's M (Peter Lorre) Chucky from Child's Play, Jason Voorhees and even a few others such as the Crypt Keeper from Tales From The Crypt and Brundlefly- each makes a unique scary sound (e.g the one of Regan from The Exorcist speaks in latin, the Jason Voorhees one makes the ch-ch-ch-ha-ha-ha-ha sound effect, the Crypt Keeper cackles). The next wave of horror mushabellies will include Ash from the Evil Dead movies. There's also our Star Wars themed mushabellies which are Jar Jar, Chewbacca, Yoda, Wicket, and Jabba The Hutt. Also we have two sets Disney themed mushabellies, one is called Disney Sidekicks and the other is called Disney villains. The Disney sidekicks range includes such characters as Lago the parrot and the genie (Aladdin), Cogsworth, Lefou and Lumiere (Beauty and the Beast), Meeko (Pocahontas), Timon and Pumba (Lion King), and many more. The Disney Villains set has such famous Disney villains as Scar, Hades, Jafar, Gaston, Ursula, Sykes, Judge Doom, and Professor Ratigan.
There's also a few other holiday ones we did. For example there's an Elvis one we did for Elvis Week, it sings Suspicious Minds when you squeeze it's stomach and says "Thank you, thank you very much." Also there's a grinch one for xmas, we modelled that one after Jim Carrey's version of the grinch from the movie How The Grinch Stole Christmas, it sings It's Not Easy Being Green when you squeeze it's stomach. Also for valentine's day there is a princess, an angel, and a mermaid one. The princess one sings That's How You Know from Enchanted, and the mermaid one sings Part Of Your World. For halloween we have a werewolf one that howls as well as a devil one that laughs manically. For new years there is Tick Tock the millenium bug, when you squeeze his hand he plays The Final Countdown by Europe. There's also a Shrek one that belches.
We also have some John Candy themed ones- all of which are mushabelly versions of John Candy's characters from movies and sctv sketches. And new this month are the Mushabelly Superheroes and Mushabelly Supervillains. The Mushabelly Superheroes range include such heroes as Batman, Green Lantern, Spiderman, The Hulk and Superman while the Supervillians range includes such comic book villains as The Joker, Venom, Sinistro, Lex Luthor, and The Penguin.
My arch nemesis
His real name is Bryan Sloane but he likes to be called Dr Madness. He is the Lex Luthor to my Superman. Almost of all the members of my troupe have an evil counterpart except for Tyrone The Terrible, Nigel Von Sinister and Darth Rangoon- they have "Nice" counterparts. Also Tazmin has a "Nice" counterpart who is named Jasmin. Me and my brother have Dr Madness and his brother Dr Chaos as our evil counterparts, Sam Leno/Chinstar has The Evil Wereleno, Joshua Louis Belushi has Wayne Darkwing aka Dark Beloosh, Chumsley has Boris (who is the only evil werejohncandy in existance- he's the one with the unibrow and the thick Russian accent), the Master Of Oz has the King Of Darkness and Captain Comedy has The Prankster.
Now Tyrone the Terrible, Darth Rangoon and Nigel Von Sinister on the other hand have "Nice" counterparts. Tyrone's nice counterpart goes by the name of Ivan The Lovable, Darth Rangoon's one goes by the name of Jedi Master Ken and Nigel's goes by the name of Myron Von Sweetheart. That creepy little brat Tazmin also has a nice counterpart- her name is Jasmin, and she is an absolute angel unlike Tazmin who is like the devil incarnate.
You see if you're of the good alignment like me and my brother are and it doesn't matter if you're lawful good, neutral good or even chaotic good or just an all around good guy/girl in general- you're more than likely to have someone who acts as your evil counterpart. If you are evil like that creepy brat Tazmin on the other hand and it doesn't matter if you're lawful evil, neutral evil or even chaotic evil or just pure evil in general- you're bound to have someone who acts as your nice counterpart.
Take me for instance, I'm a sane, reasonable guy, my evil counterpart Dr Madness on the other hand is well pure evil and his one desire is to rule the world. Luckily his schemes are always foiled by Chinstar.
Now a lot of people don't know this, but Chinstar and Sam Leno are the same person. Chinstar is Sam Leno's superhero alterego. But you never see them in the same place at the same time. Most of the time he's our ace reporter Sam Leno but when there's evil afoot he becomes Chinstar. He is a superheroic wereleno- which is rare because most werelenos I know of are evil. I once tried to get the same powers as him once but unfortunately it went wrong and I became an evil wereleno and honestly I can tell you that it sucked. The transformations were nightmarish, painful, and traumatic. And also as a wereleno I was evil, pure evil. What's worse is that me and Sam Leno/Chinstar fell out because of this. Not to mention he had to fight me. It was almost like what happened to Jack Nicholson in the movie Wolf. Fortunately the whole thing wore off a couple of months later. As for how I turned back into my normal self- well no one knows how that happened-not even me. I assume it had something to do with the wereleno antidote my brother had been working on at the time. I also have no idea how I became the eeevil wereleno in the first place- I think it was most likely a lab accident like what happened to Jeff Goldblum in The Fly.
The Gaston Chronicles
Super form number 1 is a grey skinned vampire (below), now in this form Gaston can hypnotise his enemies, he can also escape by turning into a bat and can even imtimidate enemies by hissing. Although vampires have no reflections in general he is probably the only one that has a reflection when he's in this state. The only drawbacks to this form are that it can't be used during the day and that the energy meter does tend to run out really quickly (especially when using the more powerful dark energy based attacks). His costume is black and red and has a cape which looks like a big pair of black demon wings when he's in this form.
Super form number 2 is a Big Wolf On Campus style werewolf (below), in this form Gaston has keen senses, super strength and agility as well as wolf-like stealth. He has a series of claw and bite attacks as well as a super sonic howl. The only drawback to this form is that it requires luna energy in order to be at full power and thus is only accessible in some of the night time levels.

Super form number 3 is a beastman (below). In this form Gaston has all the abilities and attributes that the Beast has except he's better looking. Beast Gaston can use a sonic roar to scare off enemies, he can also perform powerful claw and bite attacks. This one can be used in both night time and day levels. The only drawbacks to this one is that sometimes transforming into this one makes Gaston to go into a Beserk state which causes him to attack not only enemies but also allies as well and that this form only lasts for 30 minutes.

And finally this is super form number 4 which is also a Beastman (below), this one is kind of like the one above except it has bonus abilities such as Animal Emphathy which gives Gaston the power to talk to animals when he's in this form. Much like the one above the only drawback to this form is that it lasts for only 30 minutes.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Good old days
My personal favourite live action Disney film is Cool Runnings because it's got John Candy in it and it's a very inspiring and uplifting movie. I love Irv's speech near the end where he tells Derice that winning isn't everything, and also the scene where the team is training for the olympics.
Our favourite Pixar movies are Toy Story/Toy Story 2 (can't wait for Toy Story 3), Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc, A Bugs Life, Wall-E, and The Incredibles- we haven't seen Up yet.
My favourite Disney songs are usually the Villain Songs, especially the Gaston song from Beauty And The Beast which is really funny (the version on the soundtrack, Cruella's favourite villain songs cd and on the classic disney volume 5 cd has those dummy lyrics where Lefou tries to spell Gaston's name) and is the one song that seems to be stuck in my head, most of the time I can be often heard humming it.
Me and my brother often do Disney character themed tfs just like our good friend Lance aka Weremoose. I've been quite a few Disney villains including Scar, Ratigan, Shere Kahn, Jafar and Gaston. Gaston is the one i've been turned into the most though and believe me it was a lot of fun being him.
Facts you should know
- Me getting unjustly banned from Amiright was all apart of Dr Madness's plan, and also Airdna was in cohorts with him. Dr Lose It happens to be an old school chum of Dr Madness. They were probably after one of my inventions.
- We figured out what went wrong with Andria's Jay Leno potion, the recipe calls for Chintanium- she must have accidentally put in Chimptanium by mistake which explains why the person she tested it on turned into a chimp. She should have labelled them more careful like me and my brother did.
- Our resident superhero Chinstar has his own series of graphic novels, in one of them he teams up with Bruce Campbell.
- Me and my brother are lone wolf types for the main part. We're not too good in the romance department either, a lot of the girls my brother dated turned out to be anything but human. One was a vampire named Annie Fatale, one was a werecat named Felicity Dubouis, one was an alien named Celeste, and the other turned out to be the devil's niece- her name was Megan.
- Everything they say about us on Amiright and on inthe00's message board is untrue and most of those other parodies that they think were written by us were actually written by our close friends. Most of the John Candy themed ones that we didn't wrote were actually written by Chumsley- he's one very clever werejohncandy.
- We have made some new additions to the Monster Morpher- and they are the Brain Eating Rock from the Grim Adventures Of Billy and Mandy and Audrey II from Little Shop Of Horrors.
- We have our own Audrey II Plant in the backyard, his name is Alec and he has a sister named Clarabelle. Clarabelle is nothing like her brother, she is instead rather nice, elegant and rather sweet and considerate. Clarabelle also wears a bow on her head and lives in a flowerpot.
- Pet we've always wanted to have: Axoloytl. Also known as a mexican walking fish.
Recalled toys part 3
- Eu De Lure (this was a special cream/elixir we made, all you have to do is apply it to your face twice a day and it will keep you looking young forever, this was the first very first batch and unfortunately it got recalled because it had some really weird side effects, mainly if you over use it you'll turn into some kind of anthro grinch)
- Micro Mutant Backpack Buddy: Squag (this was part of the Micro Mutant range which was kind of like Pokemon but with a sci fi/horror twist to it, Squag was a gremlin-like mutant that could slash enemies in half with his claws, got recalled after it came alive and started attacking someone)
- Spongebob Weresnail Plush (This was a plush toy we did of Spongebob Squarepants as a Weresnail from the spongebob fanfic Curse Of The Weresnail, when you squeeze it's shell it growls, yowls, hissess and meows like a cat because in the show snails are the underwater equillivent of cats, got recalled after it slithered away and went on a destructive rampage)
- Freddy Krueger Power Glove (this was a special roleplay item from our Nightmare On Elm Street range, got recalled after it turned out that it caused Freddy to possess the wearer)
- Evil Dead Transforming Arm (similar to the Freddy one, got recalled after someone's own hand became possessed like in Evil Dead II)
- Vlad the Mushabelly bat (a mushabelly bat dressed like Bela Lugosi as Dracula, hissed and talked with a lisp, got recalled after it came to life, bite someone and turned them into a vampire)
- Micro Mutant Morphing Mutant: InsectiBilly (Another one of the Micro Mutants range, InsectoFiend was an alien creature that starts off as a cute little ladybug type critter but morphs into a much more terrifying creature named Arachnidor which looked like kind of Brundlefly except more spider than fly-like, got recalled after it's poison spray caused someone to nearly die)
R.I.P Big guy
Beauty And The Beast, Hunchback Of Notre Dame, The Lion King, Aladdin, Hercules, Emperor's New Groove are some of our favourites. We also like oldies like Snow White, Peter Pan and Sleeping Beauty. I like the Rescuers Down Under because John Candy is the voice of Wilbur the Albatross.
My personal favourite live action Disney film is Cool Runnings because it's got John Candy in it and it's a very inspiring and uplifting movie. I love Irv's speech near the end where he tells Derice that winning isn't everything, and also the scene where the team is training for the olympics.
Our favourite Pixar movies are Toy Story/Toy Story 2 (can't wait for Toy Story 3), Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc, A Bugs Life, Wall-E, and The Incredibles- we haven't seen Up yet.
My favourite Disney songs are usually the Villain Songs, especially the Gaston song from Beauty And The Beast which is really funny (the version on the soundtrack, Cruella's favourite villain songs cd and on the classic disney volume 5 cd has those dummy lyrics where Lefou tries to spell Gaston's name) and is the one song that seems to be stuck in my head, most of the time I can be often heard humming it.
Here is a link to my photobucket album which has photomorphs of me becoming John Candy and some of his characters. There's even part of a werejohncandy sequence, mainly a hand morph of my hand becoming like Chumsley's and also a face morph of my face becoming a werejohncandy face.
New video games we've released
- The Gaston Chronicles
This is a BATB spinoff/prequel where you play as Gaston. It also pays homage to the Evil Dead trilogy. You get to use a variety of weapons including a crossbow, and you get to use cool hidden supernatural powers such as energy blasts. Gaston also has four rather cool "super forms" he can turn into. You can also get custom upgrades for him including a chainsaw hand like the one Ash has or even a robotic arm.
- The Fly
This is based on The Fly by David Cronenberg, this game is just like the movie except that in this game Seth Brundle is able to become Brundlefly at will (who by the way, is a lot cooler looking than the one in the film) and has a variety of interesting superpowers.
- Rock God
This is a game where you play as a character named Devon who is the son of the god of rock. Devon has a variety of super awesome powers and is next in line to be the next rock god.
- Stardancer
This is an adventure game which pays tribute to Michael Jackson. It takes place in a fantasy world and you play as an MJ like popstar named Jordan Blaine. Jordan possess various magical powers and can also transform into any animal even extinct and mythical ones.
Monday, 19 October 2009
Doizee's show
The problem with most kiddie shows that try to pass themselves as "educational" is that they insult the viewer's attention span or IQ. Let's take Dora for example, I can live without her spouting..."To get through the forest we have to tiptoe. So stand up! Stand up please!" and I can also live without Barney and his irritating I Love You song. Let's face it, Sesame Street lost most of it's charm after Jim Henson passed away (r.i.p) but the muppets on the other hand didn't (heck, the muppets are STILL good) and Blues Clues was as dumb as it gets. The Doizee Club on the other hand actually is educational and teaches the viewers things that are actually useful.
Most kiddie shows are filled with stupid musical numbers. Barney and The Wiggles are probably the most notorious examples of this. The music we have for the Doizee Club is for the most part an original score. Doizee is quite a good singer and actress despite being a puppet ladybug. She sometimes lipsyncs just like Andy Kaufman did on SNL.
The characters in most kiddie shows never seem to be entertaining enough. Doizee on the other hand is so much more different than your typical kiddie show host/character. She may not be able to speak English but her skeals (squeals) and other funny sounds make up for it. Doizee's also quite a good singer and unlike her competition over in New Zealand (his name is Bumble, he's a bee) she is both entertaining and a good teacher. Sure she's a bit clumsy at times but that's just the way she is.
Most kiddie shows end up going stale after so many years of being on the air and the writers run out of ideas. The doizee club on the other hand doesn't, we keep the show fresh by adding new characters and storylines in each episode.
If you are a fan of The Doizee Club tv series you might be interested in joining the Doizee Club fan club, membership fees are reasonably priced, there's lots of activities and other stuff to do- plus there's special benefits that come from membership such as an all access pass to the clubhouse used in the show and movies as well as a tour of the studio we make all our shows and movies, as well as free VIP tickets to the Doizee Club Live stage show which will be comng to a town near you on Wednesday. You also get two exclusive tickets to our theme park/museum. You also get the Doizee Club Official Magazine which is full of cool stuff and each month you get a replica of a prop used from one of the films.
Ode to Bees
Bees are the most hardworking creatures in the animal kingdom. They work extra hard to give us the one thing that people just can't get enough of- honey. They gather nectar from flowers, then take the nectar back to the hive with them and give it to the queen- said nectar is then made into that sweet honey we like so much.
Bees work VERY VERY hard and have been making honey for about 27 million years or more as this humourous quote from the 2007 animated film Bee Movie states:
"Trudy: And you'll be happy to know that bees as a species haven't had a day off in 27 billion years. Whew!
Barry B. Benson: So you'll just work us to death?
Trudy: We'll sure try."
Bees are very hardworkers. But recently there has been a shortage of these little guys and it's been putting them in danger of near exstinction. We need bees because they are very important- their job is one that they are very skilled at and one that they'll keep doing forever and forever. Despite what Laymon T. Montgomery (voice of John Goodman) says about them in Bee Movie, bees are rather talented at they do. Bees are skilled at honey making and that's a fact. Bees are very special and important- without them we wouldn't have honey- and without them the flowers would wilt away and die and we wouldn't have any fruit either. Also without bees and their honey we wouldn't have such breakfast cereals such as Honey Nut Cheerios and Sugar Puffs which was my absolutely favourite cereal as a kid, although those ads featuring the Honey monster creeped the hell out of me, especially the ones where the kids actually turned INTO the creature, the honey monster scared the heck out of me in general- I had frequent nightmares with him in them for weeks because of those commercials- although my fear of the honey monster got worse when one of the more later ones featuring said honey monster mentioned that they had free Goosebumps bookmarks inside special packs (those books creep the hell out of us).
We owe the bees for everything that they have done for us.
We should thank them for the honey they have given us and for all the work they've done with helping flowers grow. Bees truly are amazing creatures. They work together to do what they do best and that is make honey. We published a children's book based on the story of the friendship we had with one of our very first pets Jerry the bee- we call it A Boy And His Bees. It's a heartwarming tale of friendship, discovery, caring for others and teamwork. Much like Nick Jr's famous trio the Wonderpets, bees use teamwork to work together- we could learn something from those bees. If we all worked together we could make the earth a safer place to live.
FF9 Facts
Here are a few facts about our sucessful Final Fantasy 9 movie.
- It was our good friend Sam Leno who suggested that Patrick Warburton be the voice of Captain Adelbert Steiner. Patrick Warburton is best known as David Puddy on Seinfeld and played the Tick in a live action series based on the comic of the same name.
- The song playing in the background during the final scene where Princess Garnet and Zidane are dancing is an instrumental version of You Are Not Alone by Michael Jackson.
- The "clanking" noises Steiner's armour makes when he walks were created by my brother clashing several pots and pans together.
- Patrick Warburton improvised his own version of Steiner's theme music, that version can be heard on the soundtrack.
- Bruce Campbell was considered for the voice of Steiner.
- In the scene at the marketplace where General Beatrix is trying to sell some items, most of her lines in that scene were adlibbed by Andria herself.
- The dream sequence in which Garnet is viewed as an angel was inspired by a painting from the Final Fantasy 9 art book.
- The song being played during the end credits is a cover of Melodies Of Life (which is the theme from the game) and was performed by our 3rd cousin Natalia (who is a musician).
- The castle battle scene where the castle turns into a robot is based on the transformation scene from the 80's transformers film.
- The roar that the summon Ifirit makes is kind of similar to Godzilla's roar except louder.
- Unlike '''Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within'', this movie was a lot more faithful to the game franchise.
- The General Beatrix character also appears in the scene where the heroes are in the palace of Regent Cid (who is Garnet's uncle) who was turned into a bug, she gives him a potion that was supposed to turn him back into a person but when the regent drinks it he turns into a frog, he also turns into a little cat, a hamster, and a fish.
- In the scene in the marsh where Quina is catching frogs, one of the frogs is playing a lute. This is a homage to Kermit the Frog. There are also three frogs that croak out..."!"- they pay homage to the Budwiser frogs.
- If you stayed during the end credits you may see some scenes that were not in the script. For example there is a scene where Quina tastes different sweets from all over the world.
We have also released a few new movies in theatres, the first one is a horror comedy starring Jim Carrey and is called Life As A Grinch, the second one is animation/live action hybrid film called Micro Mutants: The Movie, it's based on our popular toy range of the same name, the third one is called Meet Chumsley's Cousins and is a goofy comedy starring our mascot, and finally the fourth one is a drama starring my brother and is called Funeral For A Goldfish.
Also this month's issue of Millitary Koalas magazine is horror themed and filled with all sorts of ghoulish delights. Morlock the dropbear makes another appearance and this time he plans on turning the city into nightmare central.
- My brother and I wrote the screenplay for Leno all in one week. We also wrote all of the songs.
- I played a total of 9 different characters in Leno including Jay (both young Jay and present Jay), Beyondo, Iron Jay, Mr Brain, Evil Jay, Billy Tuttle, Bob Johnson, and Johnny Allegro (the world's handsomest garbage man). While 4 of those ones appeared in both the stage and film versions, Johnny Allegro and Bob Johnson only appeared in the stage version.
- Doizee of the Doizee Club fame was first discovered in Spain.
- As of 2001, the Doizee Club is the most popular show for children of all ages. It won several awards and Doizee herself won herself a place in the tv hall of fame. It's only competition is a New Zealand kiddie show called Bumble which is about a bee.
- The makeup I wore to play Jay and his tonight show characters in the film version of Leno took 3 hours to apply. The makeup was courtesy of our resident makeup expert Dan McCloud. It was very realistic mind you, so realistic that no one could tell it was me they thought it was the real Jay.
- In addition to the original Jay Leno Playtime Friend there's also Beyondo, Iron Jay, Billy Tuttle and Mr Brain. There's also two halloween exclusives Vampire Jay and the Wereleno. The rarest one of these is the Friends Forever Jay Leno Playtime Friend which we gave Jay as a farewell present on his last term as tonight show host.
- Millitary Koalas is our most popular animated series and has about 5 seasons of episodes in all. Season 6 is now airing. The Millitary Koalas movie won several awards at the annual film festival.
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Millitary Koalas facts
- Number of seasons the show has: 6.
- Most popular male main character: Nigel.
- Most popular female main character: Madonna.
- Most popular male villain: Morlock.
- Most popular female villain: Spiderella.
- My brother's character Beethoven is based on Stephen Colbert.
- Bruce Campbell provides the voice of the Sherrif koala in the episode where the heroes travel back in time to the old west.
- Number of Millitary Koalas toys made: 30.
- Number of Millitary Koalas comics and books: 16.
- Number of Millitary Koalas video games: 15.
Transformations We've undergone
Me and my brother are always turning into things as a result of experiments gone wrong, we're going to list a few of the transformations that have happened to us.
- My brother's (ex) girlfriend the vampiress seduces, then bites me, I end up turning into a vampire.
- After testing out my brother's teleportation machine I end up slowly turning into our big fat hairy mascot Chumsley.
- Reaction to bad shrimp causes me to turn into a human/fish hybrid resembling a plutarkian from Biker Mice From Mars except much better looking.
- Get accidentally scratched by Chumsley and get turned into a werejohncandy.
- Watching one of John Candy's movies over 13,000 times caused me to temperarily become John himself.
- While playing a role playing game, I end up turning into the character i'm playing: A werejohncandy who serves as the royal chef to a rich and noble ruler.
- On Wednesdays I often become Ash from the Evil Dead trilogy, which isn't so bad except for those darn deadites that keep showing up.
- While my friend Lance got turned into the Beast after touching the enchanted rose that was in the west wing, I got morphed into Gaston after taking the real Gaston's personal colone. What? It was just sitting on a table in the tavern and he wasn't in the tavern at the time and I was getting ready for a date but couldn't find my colone so I decided to "borrow" Gaston's colone. Geee...I hope he's not going to be too mad about it once he gets back.
- At Christmas time I often turn into a grinch- and I mean that literally.
My brother:
- Turns into a BrundleFly clone after testing out the teleporter at the science fair.
- Gets scratched by the neighbour's cat and becomes a cat-creature.
- Reaction to anything spicey causes him to become a dragon-like being.
- Accidentally gets hit by a beam from one of his previously untested inventions and morphed into a life sized Buzz Lightyear.
- Gets possessed by evil spirits and turns into a Tim Burtonesque monster.
- While playing a role playing game, he ends up turning into the character he's playing: A malicious werejackblack scoundrel and the main villain of the piece.
- Doizee shallows plutonium and turns into a ManSpideresque creaure.
- Our friend the Master Of Oz is turned into 5'10 gun-totting talking koala with a Rambo style outfit. Also serves as inspiration for a character in the Millitary Koalas series.
- Sam Leno becomes the lantern jawed Jay Leno lookalike hero Chinstar after touching Jay's famous lantern jaw.
On occassion I do turn into Ash from the Evil Dead films and that's only on Wednesdays. Also I have been turned into quite a few Disney villains especially Scar, Ratigan, Shere Kahn and Gaston.
I also sometimes become Jim Carrey and i'm also a weregrinch and I turn into a real grinch around Christmas and I mean that literally.
The play
Here is a list of changes we did:
Used much cooler music such the usage of the song Let The Bodies Hit The Floor for the big battle scenes.
Made the character of the Pharoah a more attractive, more likable character. We also made the Pharoah's wife a more sophisticated woman, and made the priestess a lot more villainous, a little seductive and a lot easier on the eyes.
Replaced the "Sand People" army with an army of undead mummies.
Made the leader of the the pharoah's army a more manly hero type, we modelled him after Bruce Campbell's famous character Ash from the Evil Dead films. We even got our friend Sam Leno/Chinstar to do the voice of him since Chinstar himself has a lantern jaw of justice just like Bruce Campbell.
Made the plot even more epic than ever before.
For the scene where the Priestess does battle with the main hero we've made it that she turns into a big snake like Jafar from Aladdin when she puts on the amulet.
Also, we modelled the Pharoah's son after Kevin Sorbo.
When we showcased this little feature film in theatres we got a lot of positive reviews and feedback.
A lot of people seemed to prefer this one this over the play. It's true, our adaptation of the Eye Of Horus is much better than the play. We were quite proud of ourselves for making such an awesome film. You can get this awesome movie out on special edition dvd, which has several interesting bonus features including deleted scenes, trailers, behind the scenes documentaries and much more. It has plenty of action and romance and more than a few transformation scenes.
Stay tuned
Aliens and monsters
We reccomend that you get the grinch on dvd, it's a really fun film.
Jeff Goldblum
Now a lot of people tell me that I remind them of him, and it's true I am a lot like him- to be exact i'm like his character in The Fly except I haven't been turned into a mutant human/bug hybrid- my brother on the other hand has- we have a telepod just like the one from the movie- and me and my brother have both had our gene's splice with some other creature by accident- well I had mine accidentally fused with Chumsley the werejohncandy so I slowly underwent a metamorphosis into Chumsley (it was a nice form to visit, but I wouldn't want to live in it) while my brother ended up being fused with a fly like in the movie and ended up becoming this grotesque Brundlefly clone. My transformation into Chumsley wore off after a week- I discovered a way to reverse it- turning me back into my normal self, my brother's Brundlefly transformation however took a couple of months to wear off not to mention it was pretty gross, but in the end we managed to figure out a way to turn him back to normal. He still kept the superpowers though.I went as Seth Brundle for halloween once, there was also a morph I did of me into him- I'll post that sometime. Oddly enough, I had a couple of dreams that were just like The Fly.
Here's what they were:
The first one is where I get my dna merged with that of a panda and end up becoming this human/panda hybrid that is about the same size as John Candy.
The second one is where I try fusing my dna with that of John Candy and end up becoming a Chumsley clone or a big guy with a lion's ears, a black nose, whiskers, a mane and a tail (kind of a feline version of John Candy's character from Spaceballs). Which are actually quite nice. Except sometimes if I get it wrong I either end up becoming some sort of undead ghoul or some sort of Frankenstenian creature.
The third one is where I combine my dna with that of some Star Wars aliens. Some turn out pretty good like the Wookie one and the Ewok, but the hutt one doesn't turn out the way I planned. I would rather not describe how that one went.
The fourth one involved my brother getting his dna fused with that of our friend Dan McCloud's pet lizard (his name is Charles) and becoming a human/reptile hybrid crimefigher named Reptillico.
The fifth one involved me fusing with the neighbour's cat Lancealot and becoming a cat-person (half human half feline) which kind of comes in handy because it made me a formidable rival for that creepy little brat Tazmin Burvile (who is already pretty cat-like).
The sixth one I recall is where our friend the Master Of Oz falls into the sea and becomes some sort of fishman after fusing his dna with that of our old pet fish Triton. He calls himself the Incredible Mr Ozward- it's a reference to the 1964 classic The Incredible Mr Limpet (there was going to be a remake of this movie with Jim Carrey in it, but sadly it never saw the light of day).
This most recent one is where I fuse my dna with that of the grinch (it takes place at Universal Orlando during grinchmas) and become part grinch- pretty much becoming more grinch-like and resembling Jim Carrey's version of the grinch except for a few differences one of which being that I don't have the terrible termite infested smile (I have vampire teeth instead) or the Sean Connery accent and with quite long hair and black claws on my fingers and toes(the grinch has them in the film except you can't see them too well).
MK movie cd
1.Millitary Koalas theme - Metallica.
2.Don't Stop Believing- Journey.
3. It's A Warzone - Daddy and the Dorks (my dad's old band).
4. Everybody Wants To Rule The World- Tears For Fears.
5.Bat Out Of Hell- Meat Loaf.
6. Bodies- Drowning Pool.
7. Iron Man- Black Sabbath.
8. Mortal Kombat theme.
9. Rock Me Amadeus- Falco.
10. Duty Calls- Satan's Knights (that's a band me and my brother are members of).
11. Destroy Him- Daddy and the Dorks
12. School's Out- Alice Cooper.
13.Number Of The Beast- Iron Maiden.
14. I'm A Living Nightmare- Tim Curry (bonus song)
other factoids
- Me getting unjustly banned from Amiright was all apart of Dr Madness's plan, and also Airdna was in cohorts with him. Dr Lose It happens to be an old school chum of Dr Madness. They were probably after one of my inventions.
- We figured out what went wrong with Andria's Jay Leno potion, the recipe calls for Chintanium- she must have accidentally put in Chimptanium by mistake which explains why the person she tested it on turned into a chimp. She should have labelled them more careful like me and my brother did.
- Our resident superhero Chinstar has his own series of graphic novels, in one of them he teams up with Bruce Campbell.
- Me and my brother are lone wolf types for the main part. We're not too good in the romance department either, a lot of the girls my brother dated turned out to be anything but human. One was a vampire named Annie Fatale, one was a werecat named Felicity Dubouis, one was an alien named Celeste, and the other turned out to be the devil's niece- her name was Megan.
- Everything they say about us on Amiright and on inthe00's message board is untrue and most of those other parodies that they think were written by us were actually written by our close friends. Most of the John Candy themed ones that we didn't wrote were actually written by Chumsley- he's one very clever werejohncandy.
- We have made some new additions to the Monster Morpher- and they are the Brain Eating Rock from the Grim Adventures Of Billy and Mandy and Audrey II from Little Shop Of Horrors.
- We have our own Audrey II Plant in the backyard, his name is Alec and he has a sister named Clarabelle. Clarabelle is nothing like her brother, she is instead rather nice, elegant and rather sweet and considerate. Clarabelle also wears a bow on her head and lives in a flowerpot.
- Pet we've always wanted to have: Axoloytl. Also known as a mexican walking fish.
Evil felines
Our first cat Sebastian aka Bastie Boy was a Russian Blue with a tempermental streak and all the markings of a criminal genius. He scratched my brother's leg once, but the reason he did it was because he mistook it for a scratching post. While most of the time he was well behaved, Sebastian often played innocent and koi to hide his evil nature. He was quite a cunning cat. Unfortunately he didn't live very long, he got run over by a car in late 2001.
Nicalinco or Nico (our second cat) is also a Russian Blue but he is a lot nicer than Sebastian was. Nico loves to be the center of attention, we've had him since 2002, he's rather old now and also quite overweight because he eats a lot. Nico is always demanding attention in one way or another. He likes to ham it up for photos, he's quite the drama cat.
In our old friend Kirsty Burville's family there were two very peculiar cats, one named Isabella and one called Leonardo. Isabella was a tabby and Leonardo was a Maine Coon. Isabella was the adventurous one and Leonardo was the quiet one. Isabelle had a lot to say, Leonardo on the other hand liked to keep it to himself. Leonardo liked to just lay about in the sun while Isabella liked to chase butterflies outside and have fun. Neither one of these two felines was mean. It should also be noted that there was also a "fish tank" in the living room, she had quite a lot of interesting fish there including some cat fish.
Tazmin's feline companion Cassandra was the very deffination of a hellcat. Cassandra was every bit as creepy and twisted as Tazmin. Apprioately, Cassandra was a black cat. And she was very vicious. She sometimes would play innocent to fool her enemies before attacking them. She went all berserk on my brother once. My brother still has the wound to prove it.
Probably the only cat which isn't in the least bit mean or evil is Master Of Oz's pet cat Mage. Mage is a tabby with a very inquistive personality. Mage is also quite a lovable cat, he is also rather clever and resourceful. He rarely ever disobeys his owner, he's very sweet and well mannered, he is very well groomed and is very healthy and fit. Mage is the cat often featured in some of Master Of Oz's home movies. He also loves listening to music.
Weregrinch transformation
Cable Guy
Now believe it or not I had a dream just like the movie, except with a little twist- it turns out that Chip is a weregrinch. It also kind of pays homage to Michael Jackson's Thriller music video. My brother and me as well as Rick (Jack Black) and Steven (Matthew Broderick)- and Chip (Jim Carrey) are going to the movies, but on the way the car runs out of gas, Rick says.."Aaw man, looks like we're out of gas", my brother then asks...."So what are we gonna do now?", so the five of us end up walking through the woods. Steven says to my brother..."I'm sorry I didn't believe you about Chip" , my brother tells him..."Ah, that's okay." , Chip then says..."Can I ask you guys something?" , we reply..."Sure!", he then says..."You know you like me and I like you guys, right? I was wondering if you would be my friends." and gives us some cool present. We go..."Wow! Thanks. It's awesome!", he then says.."Now it's official." He then looks at us and announces..."I have something I want to tell you." , Rick responds.."Yes, Chip?", he then tells us..."I'm not like other cable guys" , Steven and I respond with "Of course you're not, Chip, that's why we like you", he then tells us..."I mean I'm different!", Rick raises an eyebrow and quips.."What are you talking about?", the full moon comes out from behind a cloud and Chip doubles over in pain, "Are you alright?" asks my brother, Chip jumps up with yellow grinch eyes and fangs and growls...."BACK OFF!", he then changes into a weregrinch, Rick, my brother, Steven and I are terrified and we run away as quickly as possible, weregrinch Chip roars and then chases after us. When we think we've lost him, weregrinch Chip unfortunately catches us and tries to attack us. Then it's revealed it's a horror movie we're watching in the movie theatre, a voice on the screen shouts..."My god what is that thing?" some other voice shouts..."Look out!", while one voice says..."The creature went that way sherrif", all of the people watching it are scared out of their wits and that includes me, my brother, Steven and Rick but Chip is enjoying it. "Man this movie is frightening. " My brother says, "Yeah let's get out of here." Rick adds. "Aaaw, but i'm enjoying it and we haven't even seen the really good part yet." Chip quips. "We're out of here!" Rick, Steven, my brother, Rick and I walk out of the theatre. Chip comes out of the theatre and says..."It's only a movie!" , my brother says..."Chip, it's not funny" , he then goes...."Oh, you were scared weren't you?", my brother responds..."What!!? We weren't scared!", Chip then quips..."Admit it, you were scared." Chip then starts singing a cover of Thriller by Michael Jackson as a montage of scenes from the movie with me and my brother added in appears. Then half way through the song special guest Tyrone DeSoto aka Tyrone The Terrible does a Vincent Price style rap. In this next part Chip does the Thriller dance with a horde of monsters and the next part is just like the nightmare scene from the film, Steven, Rick, my brother and I get scared and freak out, we then head off to Rick's house to hide, Chip then says..."Aaaw, don't run away. Come back. I didn't mean to scare you!" and then chases after us While Rick, Steven, my brother and me are at his house hiding, all is well until Chip (in his demoneyed nightmare form from the film) bursts through the door and snarls..."I JUST WANNA HANG OUT. NO BIG DEAAAAL!" and closes in on us- we get really scared and scream in terror. Chip then taps us on the shoulder and says..."What's the problem? Come on i'll take you guys home" but as Chip turns to the camera he smiles and flashes his yellow grinch eyes - turns out it was all just a dream within a dream....or was it?