Saturday 29 January 2011

Professor Rowan

I'd like to you introduce you to the latest villain in my monster world series,   he's a British werecat.


Professor Rowan Tiberius is a villain in the Monster World series and he is a werecat who works as a tutor at the University Nathan and his friends study at and always is a member of an evil werecreature clan.


In his human form he resembles Rowan Atkinson but with long hair,   he wears a black suit and tie and sensible shoes.   As a werecat he has black fur,  emerald green eyes with slits like a cats eyes,   long sharp claws on his fingers and toes,   pointed ears,   bushy eyebrows,   a black nose,   small tiger-like fangs,   whiskers,   a tail and a slightly wild looking mane.


For the most part he appears to be rather charming and polite,  but that's because no one knows he is a werecat.      He also is rather cunning and crafty and can be quite mean at times.    He also sounds just like Rowan and has a great sense of humour.


Like most werecats he has amazing cat-like agility and reflexes,   he is incredibly agile and not to mention strong and has very keen senses.    He also is quite intelligent as well as being cunning and crafty.    He can also turn into a small black cat to escape from his enemies.


He doesn't have many hobbies but he does collect a lot of cat statues,   his lair in general has a cat inspired motif.     He also enjoys studying lycanthropy to some extent.


He doesn't have many evil accomplices apart from fellow evil werecreature clan members,   surprisingly he is also a friend of Phillip the werepanther from the monster friends club.


His main arch enemies include anyone who tries to foil his plans as well as Nathan/Growler who he once tried to enlist but Nathan/Growler refused saying that he is a good weregrinch and always will be.


When Mr Harwood -   the regular tutor Nathan and his friends had caught a strange infectious disease which Ratty was to blame for it....     Professor Rowan was generous enough to offer to fill in as the replacement.    The class seemed to like him with the exception of Lithius the dogtanian,   and Nathan's friend Trevor who sneezed whenever he walked by.

No one really knew he was a werecat but Nathan's friend Kevin immediately began to suspect it after Professor Rowan hissed at Ratty in the manner of a cat.    Which explains why Trevor sneezed whenever he walked by -  because he was allergic to cats.

When Kevin tried telling his friends about this -  no one believed him except for Liam,  and not even Nathan himself believed it at first - because like most people in the class -  Nathan thought he was quite a charming guy.

That night while Nathan is on his way to visit his monster gang he is stopped by a small black cat - the black cat then shapeshifts back into Professor Rowan,    Nathan asks him what he's doing and Professor Rowan explains he is getting a midnight snack and points to the leftover food in the trashcan,   Nathan gets mad,  snarls and tells him to stay away from them as the trashcan is his and that it's off limits.  

Professor Rowan's eyes glow and become cat-like as he enters a fearsome attack position but Nathan grinches out becoming Growler the weregrinch and him becoming his werecat form and the two battle it out on the street for a few hours,   before Professor Rowan slinks off into the shadows and Growler follows him into the woods and they battle it out a few more times.    He tries using his stealth to ambush Growler but Growler leaps and karate kicks him -  knocking him right into the lake.

Professor Rowan gets slightly miffed as his fur gets wet and he tries licking it clean,   when he is done both of them return to human form and he explains his mission -  he is a member of an evil werecreature clan and has had his eye on Nathan for sometime,   he also knows Nathan is a weregrinch and offers him the chance to enlist.

But Nathan turns it down saying that he is a good weregrinch and always will be,   Professor Rowan turns into a black cat and slinks off into the night once more.

Place of residence:

He has his own lair which has a study and a very cat inspired motif,   including several cat statues and and a library with books all about lycanthropy including many stories about werecats.


Like many werecats he will transform at full moon but he can transform voluntarily as well,   also since werecats are known for their intense jealousy -  he will start transforming partially when jealous -  which is signified by his eyes glowing emerald green and becoming cat-like.   He also hissess in a cat-like manner.    He often uses his cunning mind and stealth when hunting to ambush his enemies.

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