Sunday 28 February 2010

Fairy tale romance

My brother and I had a most wonderful valentines day, we got lots of valentines from secret admirers and friends of ours. We also put on a special fireworks show for all of our friends. We had a Beauty and the beast theme sculpture contest where the contestants showed us sculptures they did depictating famous beauty and the beast type couples. There was one someone did of Elisa and Goliath from Gargoyles, one of Belle and the Beast, Martha May and the grinch - there was even one of Fiona and Shrek as well as one someone did of me as a werejohncandy holding a beautiful princess in his arms. Now i'm not sure if the princess depicted in the statue was a disney heroine like Belle but she did look rather like Andria.

Chumsley and Cassie had a lovely valentine's day too, they spent the whole day learning about our culture. They went to a museum and looked at some art - and I think Chumsley saw a portrait someone did of one of his relatives. They also went to the park, told stories and sang songs to children in the local library, saw a play and took part in a dance contest.

The two of them won the dance contest with their fantastic dance moves.

They had the time of their lives.

You know, werejohncandies are featured in quite a lot of stories we write, often as the gentle giant or the mentor character. There is an old canadian folk tale called The Explorers And The Werejc which is about a group of adventurers who go to find some food for the poor starving people of the village they come from - when they get to the forest they find that someone or something has been eating their food, that something is a jolly werejohncandy by the name of Bronco. Now one of the explorers gets mad and tries to hurt our big furry pal, but...Bronco the werejohncandy says that he has some friends who might be able to help them. The first explorer gets a change of heart and decides to spare Bronco's life. So they go and see the wise man who lives in the tree, the wise man gives them special a special bag filled with all sorts of goodies. The explorers and Bronco head back to the village and share the food with all the starving villagers and have a big feast. They are then rewarded for their kindly deeds by the king who gives them a lot of gold and gives them the title of honourary heroes.

We did an animated adaptation of this folktale. It's on the Storytime Favourites dvd compliation.

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