Sunday 28 February 2010


This is a poem about a goldfish we once had..


One day when I went to the pet store..

I saw this cute little fish.

He was a small goldfish..

He swam around in his bowl..

My dad bought him for me.

I named him Geraldo.

Geraldo and I were best of friends..

I'd take care of him and read to him..

The fish and I were inseperable..

But sadly one day in July 2005..

When I went to check on him..

I saw him lying upside down in the bowl..

I had a fish named Geraldo..

He died, he died..

Dad said he was sleeping..

He lied, he lied..

Oh why oh why is my fish dead?

Couldn't it have been his brother Todd instead?

For his funeral..

We burried him in the garden..

I didn't want to flush him..

Because everyone knows..

That if a dead fish gets flushed..

It might infect the water system.

Poor geraldo, I miss him so.

He's up in the big fish pond in the sky now.

Swim geraldo, swim, swim, swim

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