Thursday 16 December 2010


My mother has been telling me about a book series by someone named Carlos Castaneda and in some of these stories there are shapeshifters and shaman types,   so inspired by this i decide to do my own little fan-story.

And these are the main heroes:


Carlos Castaneda is the leader of the group,   he is a philosopher with a great knowledge of shapeshifting and ancient Incan shamans.    Carlos and his friends were given their powers by the good godess Ti'ala and her advisor the shaman.    His mystical animal warrior armour is based on the tiger and his mystic animal magic includes performing moves like a tiger's roar,  several wolverine style claw attacks and to channel the tiger's power.


A fellow adventurer and shapeshifter fanatic,    he is Carlos's best pal and he has gone on many adventures with him.    His mystic animal warrior armour is based on a bison and his mystic animal maic includes performing attacks like a bison charge/stampede attack,   a bison's bellow,  and an energy blast which comes out of the horn on his helmet,    he can channel the bison's power and use it his advantage.    Unfortunately during their first battle with Cowellconstrictor he got his powers drained and so did Natalia.


Natalia is a musician,    she is married to Trolse and her mystical animal warrior armour is based on a hawk,  and her mystic animal magic includes performing several wind attacks,   sprouting hawk-like wings to fly in the air,   and use her special brand of singing on her enemies to either keep them busy or to win them over -  which will especially come in handy if she were to ever encounter Cowellconstrictor again,   unfortunately she did get her powers drained by him the first time they faced him.


Shana is an archelogist,   and one of Natalia's closest friends -   her mystic animal warrior is based on a chameleon and her mystic animal magic includes the chameleon-like camouflage ability,   channeling the power of the chameleon,   and the ability to stretch her tongue out really long so it's like a chameleon's.


Natalia's beloved husband,  he is a scientist and his mystic animal warrior armour is based on the timberwolf,   his mystic animal magic includes performing moves such as a wolf's howl,   several super fast claw attacks as well as channeling the power and attributes of the timberwolf.    Unfortunately in their fight with Cowellconstrictor,  he got injected with his venom and slowly transformed into an evil half man half snake-like monster much like Cowellconstrictor himself,   but hopefully in their next battle -  they'll find a way to get him back to normal.


James is the strongest member of the group but unfortuntely he's not the smartest,   his mystic animal warrior armour is based on a silverback gorilla,  his mystic animal magic includes performing a series of ground attacks including a ground and pound strike,   a gorilla stomp attack and  channeling the abilities and characteristics of a gorilla.   He is a bit of an idiot though and sometimes he can get the others into trouble.


  1. Very nice... I have heard of those books before, and with luck, you may get them for Christmas or your next birthday.

    I don't know if you've heard of or would enjoy Clive Cussler (adventures) and Robin Cook (medical thrillers) novels, but they are unequaled for reading in a warm, comfortable place on a rainy day, with some relaxing music and a refreshing beverage.

  2. You're welcome... hopefully you all will have a nice holiday. Me and my people will, I will be away from the computer all of Christmas Day, most if not all of Christmas Eve and much of the 26th, which is Boxing Day in your part of the world and a hectic day on the road and in the mall in mine.

  3. Oh we will. I have plans on seeing that new movie Guliver's travels the day after it comes out, because well i'm a Jack Black fan, my mom has even met the guy.

  4. Glad to hear it... I hope you enjoy the new Gulliver film, that was always an enjoyable storybook.

    That's cool that your mom and Jack Black met, does your mom work in the film or entertainment industry? One of my best dA and general online friends works at Disneyland and took the job after financial issues relating to the recession and a death in the family hit hard, but enjoys it even though it takes a lot out of her.

  5. Mom doesn't work in showbiz she actually met Jack at an art museum.
