Saturday 5 December 2009


I commented on this rather excellent song parody by amiright alumni Guy DiRito. I thought he did an exellent job with the pacing and everything. I also mentioned something about the werejohncandy on there if you recall. I also said that I was a werejohncandy as well.

Guy offered to try and cure me of my condition but I respectively declined it because I'm perrfectly happy being one, it's a lot of fun.

A puzzled yet interested reader posted this:
"Dr Music, when you first said you're "permanently stuck in that form for a while" I was wondering if "a while" therefore means "to infinity" because otherwise your choice of the word permanently would be puzzling. I doubt this theory though because I have noticed you using the word permanently on at least half a dozen other occasions and the usage was entirely correct each time. I was happy with my above hypothesis and would not have made this comment except that I then read your next comment which said that you're "permantly stuck in that form for a long period of time" which made me reconsider, because "a long period of time" and "a while" are synonymous. Then I noticed you had left an "en" out of your second permanently which suggested there was actually no semantic slip-up at all and that you were actually coining a new verb, with the mistake being that your first permanently had an erroneous "en" included in it. This theory is totally satisfying to me now, as all aspects of the puzzle have been solved and I can continue with my business. If I am right, please acknowledge, however if I am wrong please don't comment as the ensuing, or "suing" to coin a new verb of my own by borrowing your methods, confusion would only disturb me."

In actuality, I can change at will from human to werejohncandy whenever I want. The only reason I was stuck in werejohncandy form "permantely" was because of the effects of the Luna Eclipse, it does funny things to a werejohncandy you know - sometimes I ending up stuck in werejohncandy form or sometimes just morphing into John Candy or one of his characters - or sometimes I get stuck in mid transformation into werejohncandy form.

Guy also asked me if I'd like to be used as a "guinea pig" for an experiment performed by the Vactian in order to cure my werejohncandyism. Again, I respectfully declined this because like I said before I enjoy being a werejohncandy a WHOLE LOT and the other reason is that i'm not for sale. I refuse to be used as a "test subject" by the Vatican or any other cult that wishes to experiment on me.

And the story about the telepod incident ala the Fly is only partly true, it didn't not create my brother or the team of parodists we work with, my brother and I are twins and happen to share a birthday. However the part about Brundlefly III is unfortunately true, that was my brother who got turned into that thing in early 2005, it became an international headline - even Jay Leno made a joke about it in his Tonight show monologue. There's mention of that in the book of records you know, my brother is on the same page as the "Catman" (the guy who had surgery to resemble a feline) and the Lizardman. He was officially nicknamed as "The Amazing Human Fly".

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