Sunday 13 December 2009


Mother is slowly getting better thanks to a remedy from an old friend of ours, and my transformation into the werejohncandy is progressing even further - and i'm coming along well might I add. I have recently written a diary of my progress.

For starters i'm starting to grow to more John Candy-like proportions, I also have noticed thick brownish fur growing all over me as other developments such as claws, cute fangs, and a large, furry stomach and my hair has turned a really dark brownish colour and is starting to grow into a mane.

I wonder if anyone will still reconise me when i'm in werejohncandy form.


  1. Glad to hear your mom's doing better. As for mine, she's getting more and more bat-shit insane by the day, and my oldest sister is trying to get her committed.

  2. Well my mother is a scientist with a major in genetics.

  3. Your mother sounds a lot more interesting than mine, unless you find walking on the railroad tracks at midnight wearing all black, biting the heads off birds and small mammals to drink their blood, having sex with horses and sleeping hanging upside down to be interesting.

  4. She is, she accompinies dad on a lot of his adventures.
