Wednesday 30 September 2009

Missing Andria

We've really been missing our friend Andria Killgor recently, we hope she is okay. We would hate it if something horrible was to happen to her. She told us that she was going to move because her neighbours finally drove her mad and that she won't be online for sometime until she gets internet access. I assume she's still alive and that she's not dead. If she was dead she probably would have done an Andy Kaufman and faked it.

We miss you Andria, wherever you are.

When you get internet access at that new place you are now, be sure to come back to our blog, okay?


  1. I found this post, and I'm happy to say that I'm glad you remembered me. If I were to fake my death, I'd do Andy Kaufman one better and use my special potion to make a replica of me out of one of the dead homeless people that littered my old neighborhood, find an abandoned barn out in the country, and make the dead "me" look like I had been freebasing cocaine and burned to death a la Richard Pryor, except that "I" would have "died". Then I would straighten my hair, dye it black, take on an assumed name, move to the Middle East, and would receive my own life-insurance payout. I'm very saddened to say this, but it seems that my husband, Alan Dale Kilgore II will have to be taken off life support soon, maybe even tomorrow. He won't hang on much longer. Please send along prayers, condolences, and plenty of U.S. currency, preferably in $50 and $100 bills, to pay for the hospital bills, the funeral and the heart, lungs and liver from another person that ended up giving him AIDS.
