Thursday 24 September 2009

the stories that never got published

A long while ago, me and my brother wrote a story for a transformation themed site called Doc's Lab (not to be confused with our lab of course). It was about a rockstar who turns into an antropomorphic Jim Carrey style grinch. We called it I Was A Rocking Weregrinch. After we finished typing the whole thing up we submitted to the website. Sadly, though it never got added to that big story list of theirs. So we assume it was rejected. We did a second one in a similar style except a little more light hearted, we called it Hollywood Grinch. It was about a star who gets a job performing as the grinch for the annual grinchmas celebration at universal studios- and ends up becoming a grinch himself (literally). This one also sadly got rejected, apparently those no talent losers at the Doc's Lab forum said it was too childish and that the main character was a "Marty Stu" type. They kept saying stuff like..."What, haven't you outgrown Dr Seuss yet?". Which if you ask me, was just plain insulting. They are wrong. The main character in the story is NOT a "Marty Stu" at all- he's a rich, mysterious Bruce Wayne type. The stories on Doc's Lab are good but some are just a little too rauncy for even my liking, and not to mention that some of the descriptions of the transformations are more than just a little graphic. There are a lot of good ones but there are some which really kind of turn me off and squick me out- and those ones are ones where innocent girls are turned into cows and ones where people become birds- I have an aversion to cows and birds. My mother HATES certain kinds of bird, one time during the summer we were in the backyard lying about, my mother was relaxing and this stupid bird comes flying by and sqwuarks at her twice, she then yells "Oh shut up bird!" and then swore at it. Bird tfs are absolutely the worst kind of animal tf there is, the beak growing part would be THE worst part of the thing- heck, I can't even describe how that part would go- just thinking about it makes me hurl. It would be like something out of Company Of Wolves (which is a brilliant werewolf film btw). Don't get me started on cow tfs, I have had an aversion to cows ever since I was forced to watch that Fingerprint Farm segment on Playdays when I was little. The damm cow from that segment always creeped me out and so did the owl- the owl was so spooky when it did it's "twit twoo toodleoo" hoot at the end of that segment. Cow tfs are horrible especially for the poor girl having to endure them. This is the precist reason why we DON'T do either one of those tfs. Heck, we stay away from hooved animals in general (except the moose of course, that's because weremoose is our close personal friend) and we steer clear from any birds. I guess those guys at Doc's Lab wanted something a bit more dark and edgy. We don't usually do stories like that. Sure we've done a few of those but those were just for a contest. We don't do dark and edgy- and I am no Tim Burton. We don't usually do ones with graphic transformation scenes in them-we've only do it once. But we DON'T do horrifying transformation scenes, I've only done it once but they're not as good as how David Cronenberg does them- and on a side note, I am no Seth Brundle/Brundlefly- even though people say I'm a lot like him.

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