Wednesday 2 September 2009

Top ten reasons why you should check out Leno

Our hit musical Leno is available on dvd and bluray in a Chintastic special 2 disc edition which has tons of cool bonus materials plus a hillarious commentary done by me in character as Jay.

Top ten reasons why you should check it out:

  1. The story is a very touching and inspiring one. You'll be moved by every single moment of it.
  2. The characters are a lot of fun especially Jay. You'll be entertained for years to come by the characters in it. One part I really loved about it was getting to play multiple characters. I played Jay (both young Jay and present Jay, no time shifted actor trick here), Beyondo, Iron Jay, Evil Jay, Billy Tuttle, and Mr Brain- in the stage version I also played two extra characters Bob Johnson and Johnny Allegro.
  3. The makeup is simply incredible. I looked just like the real Jay, no one could tell it was me. I went around town as Jay once and interviewed people like the real Jay does.
  4. The screenplay is an absolute masterpiece and me and my brother wrote it all in one week.
  5. The music and the songs are really entertaining- you'll find yourself singing or humming these for weeks after seeing it. The special edition soundtrack is really cool and fun to listen to- it has tracks from both the stage and film version.
  6. The special effects are simply stunning, you'll be really amazed by all the special effects in this show. I liked flying across the stage during the Iron Jay musical number.
  7. The chemistry between Jay and Mavis in this production is truly romantic and inspiring. In some scenes Jay (played by me) falls in love with Mavis (played by our other friend Sarah). The chemistry between the two of them is beautiful and you'll be enchanted all the way.
  8. The acting is simply marvelous. In addition to directing and writing the musical I played Jay Leno and his tonight show skit characters and it was a lot of fun. In the film version you get to see some of the characters come at ya in 3D.
  9. There's plenty of comedy and romance as well as quite a lot of action. And it has something for everyone.


10. The whole thing in general is amazing. It won several awards, I won a Tony for my performance in it and Jay praised me for my portrayal of him. It's a show you'll want to watch again and again, and better yet you won't get sick of it.

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