Sunday 13 September 2009

Monster morpher monster info

We're going to tell you about the monster forms that the Monster Morpher has:

  • Teen wolf/Big wolf on campus style werewolf

Monster type: Lycanthrope.

Alignment: Good.

This is a more tame take on the classic werewolf archetype. Their hair/fur styles often differ, Teen Wolf style werewolves tend to have a Chewbacca-like style of fur on their face while Big Wolf On Campus styles one tend to have wild punk style haircuts (males tend to have sideburns, bushy eyebrow and or a goatee while girls have longer hair and bushier eyebrows)

  • Vampire

Monster type: Bloodsucker.

Alignment: Neutral.

Vampires are very powerful and not to mention alluring creatures of the night. They drink human blood, can turn into bats, and can also live for a real long time. There are some good vampires like Angel from Buffy and there are some evil ones like Jerry Dandridge from Fright Night- no matter which alignment they are, vampires are indeed rather facinating beings. Word of advice: Never turn into this monster form if it's bright and sunny out.

Wocka Wocka Werebear.

Monster type: Lycanthrope.

Alignment: Good.

This is from Muppet Monster Adventure, this wacky creature is a wocka wocka werebear- the wocka wocka is a reference to Fozzie Bear who gets turned into this in the game. There are big, fierce and are very good at climbing.

  • Frankensteinian thing (also known as a Viktorianian)

Monster type: Construct.

Alignment: Good

This creature is a misunderstood mechanical marvel with a gentle soul, super strength and electric powers. This big hulking giant isn't evil, he's just a gentle giant.

  • Zombie/Deadite.

Monster type: Undead.

Alignment: Semi Evil.

Plot: This creature is stereotypical portrayed as a slow moving flesh/brain eater in the movies but our zombies here are different. Deadites are kind of similar except they are kind of posessed.

  • Demon

Monster type: Hellspawn.

Alignment: Evil.

This creature can possess people, it can also fly. It is often portrayed as a red devil-like being kind of like Satan. Our demons on the other hand are different.

  • Tim Burtonesque creature (also known as a Shadow Beast).

Monster type: Bizzare.

Alignment: Neutral.

This creature is a relative of the Chimera and looks like something out of a Tim Burton film, it posesss psychic powers and can control the element of darkness.

  • Brundlefly.

Monster type: Human/insect hybrid.

Alignment: Good.

This creature is the result of what happened when Jeff Goldblum's dna got merged with a fly in the 1986 remake of The Fly. Although it is quite unusual and grotesque it does have some rather cool abilities such as wall climbing ala Spiderman. It's quite good for grossing people out too.

  • Swamp monster.

Monster type: Amphibius.

Alignment: Unknown.

Swamp Monsters are perhaps one of the most mysterious monster, some look like they're covered in seaweed where others tend to look like they stepped out of the black lagoon.

  • Muck monster.

Monster type: Aquatic.

Alignment: Neutral.

The Muck Monster is the Swamp Monster's aquatic cousin, it is quite fish-like and is sometimes mistaken for a sea monster. They are very fast swimmers and can hold their breathe for an extremely long time while being underwater- they can also stay in the water for a long time and they never get wrinkly or develop cramps afterwards.

  • Evil Ash.

Monster type: Undead.

Alignment: Evil (no duh)

Ash's evil Deadite clone from Army Of Darkness, a most fearsome creature indeed. This creature is one you don't want to mess with.

  • Ash (Evil Dead movies)

Monster type: Demi-God.

Alignment: Good.

The ever heroic, lantern jawed Deadite slaying hero from the Evil Dead trilogy. A most powerful force to be recconed with and also is very wisecracking. If you love Bruce Campbell, then you'll love this one.

  • Grim Reaper.

Monster type: Undead.

Alignment: Neutral.

The Grim Reaper aka Death or Grim as he is called in the Grim Adventures Of Billy and Mandy is the angel of death, his job is to harvest the souls of the deceased. He carries around a scythe which has supernatural powers.

  • Terminator

Monster type: Robot/cyborg.

Alignment: Good.

Arnold Scwartznegger's most famous role. This is a Terminator android, it's powered by Skynet and is a very dangerous and powerful piece of machinery. Hasta La Vista, baby.

  • Robocop

Monster types: Robot/cyborg.

Alignment: Good.

A cyborg law enforcer who dishes out justice to bad guys in the film Robocop. This cybernetic is the kind of cop that no crook would want to mess with.

  • Freddy Krueger

Monster type: Undead/dream enterer.

Alignment: Evil.

One two, freddy is coming for you, three four lock the door, five six grab a crucifix, seven eight gonna stay up late night, nine ten never sleep again. Freddy is the bad guy from the legendary Nightmare On Elm Street series, he has the power to make your life a living nightmare- LITERALLY. He can enter people's dreams and make them into nightmares. His presence is signified by a nursery ryme. Whatever you do, don't fall asleep.

  • Jason Voorhees

Monster type: Undead.

Alignment: Evil.

This is the bad guy from the Friday The 13th films, his name is Jason Voorhees. He doesn't talk much but he has a machette, chainsaw and wears a hockey mask- no one knows what's under that hockey mask of his- they're all too scared. Jason's presence is signified by a sound that goes ch-ch-ch-ha-ha-ha.

  • Chucky (Child's Play series)

Monster type: Demonic toy.

Alignment: Evil.

Don't let this one fool ya, he may look like an innocent little Good Guy doll but he actually is a killer. Possessed by the spirit of the killer Charles Lee Ray, this pinty sized terror goes by the name of Chucky and is quite a scary sight. "Hi, I'm Chucky, wanna plaaaay?"

  • Chestbuster alien

Monster type: Space mutant.

Alignment: Neutral.

This being is an alien monstrosity that can possess people and can also BURST OUT OF THEIR CHESTS like it did to Signourney Weaver in Aliens. It has a rather terrifying hiss that can spend a chill down anyone's spine.

  • Predator

Monster type: Space mutant.

Alignment: Evil.

This is the Alien's arch nemesis. The Predator is quite a strong and ferocious creature and is more than a match for the Alien.

  • Grinch (Jim Carrey version)

Monster type: Seussian.

Alignment: Neutral.

The grinch is a green, furry misunderstood creature who lives on top of Mount Crumpit. Most members of this species tend to look like the Jim Carrey version from the movie rather than the cartoon one. Grinches are very stealthy, super strong and have very keen senses. You don't want to mess with one of these.

  • The Mask

Monster type: Living cartoon.

Alignment: Good.

This wacky green faced superhero is the title character from the Dark Horse comic The Mask and it's movie adaptation starring Jim Carrey. He can basically be summed up as a living cartoon character because of his shapeshifting powers and wacky personality.

  • Pantherian (also known as a cat creature)

Monster type: Human/feline hybrid.

Alignment: Neutral.

This sleek, feline-like creature is a Pantherian, which is a powerful cat creature with amazing agility and a seductive charm that you'll go wild for.

  • Draconian

Monster type: Human/reptile hybrid.

Alignment: Evil.

Draconians are reptile-like creatures that are notorious for many different acts of villainy. They are kind of like the Lizard from Spiderman.

  • Aquarian

Monster type: Human/fish hybrid.

Alignment: Neutral.

These aquatic fish-like beings are Aquarians, they are kind of like the Plutarkians from Biker Mice except they're much better looking and they don't stink like old cheese. Aquarians in a way can be summed up as a fusion of a Merperson and a Muck Monster.

  • King Kong

Monster type: Giant animal.

Alignment: Good.

This famous giant ape wouldn't hurt a fly. King Kong is remarkably big and strong for a gorilla but he is really a big softy. Word of advice: Don't try turning into this in a building full of people in it.

  • Godzilla

Monster type: Giant animal.

Alignment: Evil.

This famous giant reptile always terorrises Japan. He is a most ferocious predator and has a roar that can shatter windows. Like with the King Kong one, my advice is don't try turning into this one in a room with lots of people in it.

  • Gungan

Monster type: Star Wars alien species.

Alignment: Good.

Gungans are an amphibious alien race in the Star Wars franchise, a most famous example of one is the goofy but likable Jar Jar Binks who is sometimes viewed as the worst thing about Star Wars episode 1. Gungans in overall are a very underated race.

  • Wookie

Monster type: Star Wars alien race.

Alignment: Good.

Raawrgh. Wookies are a hairy, yeti-like alien race that live on the Planet Kasshyk. They are very ferocious and aggressive although Chewbacca himself is more of a gentle giant. They commuincate by grunting, growling and roaring.

  • Hutt

Monster type: Star Wars alien species.

Alignment: Unknown.

Hutts are a big fat slug-like race of aliens that serve as the outerspace mafia in the Star Wars movies. Most famous example being Jabba The Hutt a most powerful and voracious crimelord.

  • Toydarian

Monster type: Star Wars alien species.

Alignment: Neutral.

Toydarians can be summed up as an alien cross between a bird and an elephant. These creatures have wings and love bargaining.

  • Ronto

Monster type: Star Wars alien species.

Alignment: Good.

These loyal space beasts of burden are called Rontos and are sometimes used as a method of transportation.

  • Bothan

Monster type: Star Wars alien species.

Alignment: Good.

These creatures are called Bothans- they often serve as intergalactive spies in the Star Wars movies.

  • Ewok.

Monster type: Star Wars alien species.

Alignment: Good.

These creatures are called Ewoks and while they may look like cute teddies they are actually rather tough. They are also very primitive, commuincate by chirping and work in tribes.

  • Yeti

Monster type: Hairy recluse.

Alignment: Unknown.

The yeti or abominable snowman is a furry reclusive creature that lives in the Himalayan mountains. He is rarely seen but in some stories he is portrayed as a gentle giant.

  • Sasquatch

Monster type: Hairy recluse.

Alignment: Good.

This one is rather hairy and is quite well known, and no it's not Robin Williams. The Sasquatch or Bigfoot as he is called is a very mysterious furry reclusive who sometimes shows up in the forest. People have claimed to have seen pictures of him but most of the pictures are often blurry.

  • Dragon

Monster type: Mythical beast.

Alignment: Neutral.

Dragons are fantastic mythical reptillian beasts that can breathe fire, are incredibly powerful and are very good at flying. The Chinese variety of these tend to have whiskers and are a lot longer than the ones in Western culture.

  • Werebelushi

Monster type: Chubbanthrope (a sub species of lycanthrope)

Alignment: Neutral.

This wild, animalistic creature is the main member of the werebelushi family, it's covered in thick blackish fur, has claws, razor sharp claws, bushy eyebrows, pointed ears, fangs, a mane, quills growing out of it's back, a black nose, has glowing green eyes is chubby and bears a resemblance to late comedian John Belushi. Werebelushis are often portrayed in some of our fanfiction as the barbarian archetype. Features John Belushi's voice.

  • Werejackblack

Monster type: Chubbanthrope.

Alignment: Good.

Same as the werebelushi except it's modelled on Jack Black and has brown fur, red eyes, and a much longer mane. They aren't evil but they are insane though. Almost on a Jack Nicholson-like scale but not completely Axe Crazy. Also features Jack Black's voice.

  • Werejosh (as in Josh Peck),

Monster type: Chubbanthrope.

Alignment: Good.

Same as the werebelushi except it's a lot tamer and modelled after Josh Peck and also features his voice. Werejoshes are very sweet, caring and loving as well as a little bit shy. Werejoshes (much like werejackblack's) have a super sonic roar/scream they can use to scare off enemies. They are also incredibly smart.

  • Werehurley (Jorge Garcia of Lost fame).

Monster type: Chubbanthrope.

Alignment: Good.

The werebelushi's much tamer lookalike cousin modelled after Jorge Garcia of Lost fame- has brown fur and a much longer mane. Also features Jorge's voice, very much like a werejohncandy because it is a gentle giant. Has glowing green eyes much like the werebelushi and werejosh does- the werejackblack has red eyes.

  • Wereleno.

Monster type: Lycanthrope.

Alignment: Evil.

Werelenos are a race of lantern jawed lycanthropes all modelled on Jay Leno and also have his voice, they have blackish fur with silver streaks, claws, bushy eyebrows, pointed ears, cute fangs, a long lion-like mane, a black nose, and glowing orange eyes. They are notorious for being evil and for pretending to be of the lawful good alignment. In our numerous fanfiction, movies and tv shows they are often portrayed as villains. Our friend Sam "Chinstar" Leno is one, but he is more of a heroic one.

  • Chumsley the werejohncandy

Monster type: Chubbanthrope/Mascot.

Alignment: Good.

Our lovable mascot Chumsley is a werejohncandy, he is modelled after the late great comedian John Candy and also has his voice. He is covered in thick brownish fur, has glowing greenish eyes, a black nose, claws, cute fangs, pointed ears, a long mane and is quite tall. He is 6'2 and weighs 300lb of fur, fat and pure cuddly goodness. Chumsley wouldn't hurt a fly and is a friend to children and animals everywhere.

  • Ghost

Monster type: Spirit

Alignment: Unknown.

Ghosts are very mischevious spirits that can go through walls, possess people and objects, and are see through. They often like to scare people.

  • Undead Elvis.

Monster type: Undead.

Alignment: Good.

This semi deadite-like version of Elvis is a most powerful and at the same time terrifying being. It doesn't eat brains or human flesh like stereotypical zombies because like we said before, our zombies are different.

  • Man-Bat (from the Batman comics and animated series)

Monster type: Human/bat hybrid

Alignment: Evil.

ManBat is one of Batman's arch enemies. Dr Kirk Langstron invented a serum that was supposed to cure deafness but instead it turned him into this bat-like monstrosity. Manbat is a most dangerous and brutal force indeed.

  • Gargoyle

Monster type: Guardian.

Alignment: Good.

These creatures sit on top of cathedrials, they are stone by day and living beings by night much like the ones from the cartoon Gargoyles. Sure birds may perch on them during the day but at night, they come to life and defend the city from evil.

  • Sulley (Monsters Inc)

Monster type: Lovable yeti-like creature.

Alignment: Good.

Sully is a very lovable big blue creature that is also very furry. He has a job at Monsters Inc and is friends with Mike and Boo.

  • Ghoul Friend (this one is based on Andria, it's kind of like the Corpse Bride)

Monster type: Undead.

Alignment: Good.

This one is one we based on Andria, it looks like the Corpse Bride from Tim Burton's film the Corpse Bride except with red hair and it has Andria's mannerisms. Kind of like a banshee except much prettier.

  • Elf

Monster type: World Of Warcraft species.

Alignment: Good

Elves are immortal beings with pointy ears, they live forever and are also very smart and are very good at many different things.

  • Pandaren

Monster type: World Of Warcraft species.

Alignment: Good.

The Pandaren are a jolly panda-like race of creatures, they are very big, soft and lovable and also are very good at food delivery.

  • Orc

Monster type: World Of Warcraft species.

Alignment: Evil.

Orcs are big, green skinned brutish beings who work in a horde and are very aggressive. Orcs often work together in a horde.

  • Tauren

Monster type: World Of Warcraft species.

Alignment: Good.

Taurens are a lot like minotaurs. They are also very good dancers and are the inventors of the Tanarax Dance. They are also rather strong.

  • Troll.

Monster type: World Of Warcraft species.

Alignment: Neutral.

No these are not the same as the "internet trolls" or the "fairy tale ones", these ones have red hair, tusks, blue skin, and Jamaican accents. Ya mon, I be liking that hair.

  • Loch Ness Monster

Monster type: Aquatic.

Alignment: Unknown.

Nessie is perhaps the second most mysterious monster ever. The Loch Ness Monster is sometimes described as an aquatic dinosaur-like creature who lives in the rivers of Scottland.

  • Genie

Monster type: Magical being.

Alignment: Good.

Be careful what you wish for. Genies are magical creatures that can grant wishes, but some tend to take them a little TOO literally. Be very careful what you wish for when you let one of these guys out of a bottle or lamp.

  • Audrey II plant

Monster type: Bloodsucker/alien plant.

Alignment: Evil.

Feeeed me. Feeeed me! The Audrey II plant may look like an ordinary venus fly trap but this one doesn't want flies- no- this one wants blood. This plant craves blood, and can also talk and sing.

  • Phasm (magic ghost)

Monster type: Magical being.

Alignment: Good.

Phasms are kind of a cross between a ghost and a genie. Flabber from Saban's Big Bad Beetleborgs is one of these. They have all sorts of magic powers and make great advisors. And yes much like some genies, they do tend to take somethings literally.

  • Beast (X-Men)

Monster type: Genius super mutant.

Alignment: Good.

This super intelligent creature is Beast. Not to be confused with the one from Disney's Beauty And The Beast, Hank "Beast" McCoy is an extremely intelligent blue furry creature with a big heart and a genius IQ.

  • Venom (Spiderman)

Monster type: Alien symbiote.

Alignment: Evil.

Venom is one of Spidey's greatest enemies. Eddie Brock turned into this after being possessed by the alien symbiote. Venom is a very dangerous and not to mention powerful foe.

  • Carnage (also from Spiderman)

Monster type: Alien symbiote.

Alignment: Evil.

(Evil cackling) What colours do you bleed? Carnage is just like Venom except he's red and he's completely insane. Cletus Cassidy turned into him after being possessed by the Symbiote.

  • Igor

Monster type: Hunchback.

Alignment: Good.

Every mad scientist has one of these as a sidekick/assistant. An Igor is a cute little hunchback that serves as the sidekick/assistant to a mad scientist type. Known for saying "Yes master" and bearing some similarites to Peter Lorre.

  • Shrek

Monster type: Ogre.

Alignment: Good.

Shrek is the big, green lovable ogre from the Shrek movies. Although he prefers to be left alone, he is really a big softy. He has a Scottish accent and he also lives in a swamp. He is friends with Donkey, Puss In Boots and Artie (that's King Arthur) and is married to Princess Fiona.

  • Super Ghoul (Michael Jackson's Ghosts)

Monster type: Morlockian.

Alignment: Good.

This creature is a Superghoul, it is also one of the 5 characters that Michael Jackson played in the short film Ghosts directed by sfx wizard Stan Winston. This creature is remarkably powerful and at the same time scary. Has various supernatural powers including the power to possess people by flying into them- can also turn said person into a "Ghoul" just like it. Are you scared yet?
In case you were wondering this is what the Superghoul looks like:

Brain Eating Rock (Billy and Mandy)

Monster type: Alien plant.

Alignment: Evil.

The brain eating rock is a lot like Audrey ii from Little Shop Of Horrors except it doesn't want blood- it wants brains. This creature often tricks people into doing it's bidding by befriending them.

  • Chimera (Bloody Roar Primal Fury)

Monster type: Mix and match critter.

Alignment: Unknown.

The Chimera is a large beast that looks like a big demonic looking bull with spikes, glowing red markings and sharp teeth and claws. It's very monstrous. In Bloody Roar primal fury this is what the character of Uranus has as her beast form.

So there you have it, all the monster forms that the Monster morpher has to offer.

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