Friday 29 January 2010


You know at first I didn't get the movie Blues Brothers 2000.

Now I fully understand the movie in general. I may have made a few exxadurations about the movie.

I know that John Candy passed away - he died of a heart attack in his sleep on March 4th 1994 on the set of his last film Wagon's East. Hench why his name is mentioned in the "Dedicated To" bit that came up during the opening credits.

I also know that Cab Calloway died as well so that's why he's mentioned in the "Dedicated To" bit during the opening credits.

I'm not entirely sure about Jake's death though, while it may seem possible that he may have died of a drug overdose like his actor - I really don't think that it may have been the cause - i suspect something else must have happened. I know that Belushi is mentioned in the "Dedicated To" bit at the opening credit.

If Dan Akyroyd was to die - which I hope doesn't happen - he's doing quite well despite being around nearly the same age as Jay Leno - i'm not sure what Elwood's death would probably be caused by. If Elwood was to die, then there would be no more blues brothers - period. He's one of the only surviving members of the band.

Now I like Mighty Mack - for the main part he is an okay character - he's a good substitute for Jake.

The vooodoo queen Mousette did indeed turn the russian guys into mice as well as turning the band into zombies. Probably why her name is Mousette.

Now I know that the Bluesmobile is super and has a remote control and is able to survive through practically anything - the town flooded thus the bluesmobile converted to a submarine mode when it went underwater.

The kid was an orphan, I know that one. He was a very good addition to the band mind you.

I didn't find Dan's performance to be wooden in the movie at all, Dan is and always will be the best Elwood. I know in the original that Jake is the one that does all the talking while Elwood is the one who does all the driving. Elwood did give a pretty damm good speech though. I respect Dan as an actor, i like almost anything with him in it including Nothing But Trouble which is very underrated and certainly a LOT better than those so called movies Seltzer and Friedberg spew up. I also loved Earth VS The Spider which I thought was very cool and quite similar to The Fly - and had quite a few similiarities including the main character slowly mutating into a giant human/insect (or in this case arachnid) hybrid.

I quite enjoyed the music especially Aretha Franklin's song R.E.S.P.E.CT and James Brown's (r.i.p) number during the end credits. Funky Nassau was pretty infectious too.

I read about an early draft of the script that had John Belushi's younger brother Jim as a character named Zee Blues. Jim Belushi had to pull out during to scheluding conflict probably to do with his television show According To Jim (which i'm suprised is still running)

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