Wednesday 20 January 2010


Someone suggested that i parade around town in a fat furry suit to prove i'm a werejohncandy. A noble gesture but nonetheless a costume like that would take a very long time to make.

Plus it would be very hard finding someone to do makeup like that, seeing as i don't know Rick Baker, Stan Winston or Tom Savini.

I've experimented with a few makeups though but mainly animal, alien, monster, and characters - i've never done likenessess.

I rarely use the fatsuit approach, the one I wore when i went as jc for halloween in 2007 was a highly advanced one that was kind of inflatable like the one Weird Al wore in the video "Fat".

I assume a lot of prosphetics would be involved.

I don't know about the glowing eyes, i don't know how i could achieve that - because from what i've seen in movies and tv it's usually either done by computers or the person is wearing contact lenses.

I've never tried making myself more John Candy-like before, let alone trying to LOOK like him. I am 5'7 170lbs, how i am ever gonna to make myself 6'2 300lbs?

The fangs would be a challenge because it would have to be a pair of dentures that would actually fit in my mouth, ones that you could wear all the time and still be able to talk, eat and drink with - some of the ones i see in movies make the actor wearing them talk in a funny voice - for example the ones Jim Carrey for the grinch made him sound like Sean Connery.

As for the ears well a pair of elf ears should do the trick..

For the mane part i'd either have to grow my hair long or wear hair extensions...

I'm not sure what to do for the hands and feet though so feel free to give me some suggestions.

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