Wednesday 20 January 2010


Even though i have written a lot of werejohncandy tf stories and happen to be myself. Let me assure you all that I am not into "furries" or gay subculture. I am not a fat fetishist or anything - my john candy tf stories have nothing to do with that.

I'm not gay either, i am straight - most of the girls i date turn out to be something than human.

The recent article that SlApstick Anarchy wrote about me is quite demeaning....

I want to tell my side of the story..

My kind are a peaceful race, we don't harm people, we help them...

The werejohncandy is no menace to society, he is the opposite.

The werejohncandy species in general is jolly and peaceful, they like to make people happy. They like hugs and are very friendly.

I'm not trying to start a subculture and i'm not trying to turn everyone gay or anything - and i'm not into the whole wearing another person as a suit idea that Buffalo Bill used in Silence Of The Lambs - that idea as well as the film itself creeps me out.

My friend Andria once mentioned that one of her sisters got hacked into pieces and eaten by an expy of the infamous Hannibal Lector, it was very very horrible.

Us werejohncandies are not frightening, we are carefree and lovable. The chances of a werejohncandy dying of a cardiac arrest when it's a full moon are 0 because like i said.... werejohncandies are immortal and invulnerable - they can't age or die for that matter.

We don't transform whenever we see a cripsy creme ad on tv either, neither do we do it at every full moon..

I can transform at will, i do it whenever i want to....

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