Saturday 24 April 2010

Aliens among us

Today we are going to delve into the realm of science fiction and discover some things about aliens that live among us.


These are the brain eater variety - often disguised as humans. Now for those who don't know, Hulu is a website which enables you to watch tv shows and movies for free. But if you have seen the adverts you'll know that is a deep dark secret behind this. Most famous examples of this species include Alec Baldwin, Dennis Leary, Family Guy creator Seth McFarlane, and Elisa Dushku. Now those afforementioned ones are featured in the adverts - and did indeed reveal that Hulu is indeed a plot to destroy the world - and how...well they intend on using the website to slowly turn our brains into mush so that they may drink them like a squishee. Luckily if you live in Canada, New Zealand, or anywhere in Europe than there is no chance of you falling victim to this - also it helps if you have a high resistance level or have a brain that's too smart to be effected by such methods. The true form of a Huluian is actually rather disgusting to look at - almost lovecraftian.


These rather peaceful cat-like creatures live on the planet Pandora but you also might be able to find some on in jungles like the Amazon Rainforest. They are about 10 feet tall, have blue skin, pointed ears, cat-like fangs, tails, slightly dark purplish nose and lips, big yellow eyes and some have stripes like a tiger. Na'vi are somewhat like Native American indians in some way because they work in groups called tribes and some have war paint. They are faster and stronger than humans are - and have almost cat-like reflexes.


For years people have believed that there is life on mars. Now depending on what your views are - martians may appear in more than a few different forms. One of the most common is the "Little Green Men" type, others is the "Greys" stereotype, while one of the most recent is the "Martian mouse" breed as seen in the cartoon series Biker Mice From Mars. Martians for the main part are freedom fighters and are on the side of good.


Another alien species that originated in the tv series Biker Mice From Mars, these aliens are smelly and fish-like in appearance, and sometimes disguise themselves as humans much like the bad guy from the original Biker Mice series. It has been said that there are quite a few plutarkians living on earth. And for sometime now I have been suspecting that my arch nemesis Rents of Slapstick Anarchy is one, for example I can smell him from a mile away and the smell is horendous, like really old cheese - and also note how his name is two letters short of the word rennet as Andria pointed out which is the name of an emzyme used for products such as cheese, which could mean that his actual name is Ricardo Rennet - which could possibly mean he's a plutarkian. I've seen this up close, i've seen that human mask of his on a table - and i've seen what he looks like without his mask off and believe me it is not a pretty sight.


For those familar with old school SNL, The coneheads are a family of aliens with odly cone shaped heads. They commuincate telepathically.

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