Monday 26 April 2010

The Vow

There was a man named Brian Sloane, now Brian was a scientist much like Nathan except the experiments he did were twisted and he experimented on animals. He often went by the nickname Dr Madness.

He was always trying to beat Nathan at the science fair, sometimes cheating. He would also attempt to steal his inventions and claim them as his own.

He was saved one night from legal trouble by a mysterious shegrinch known as Grincherella, but she made him promise not to tell a single person about the existance of the closet monster gang.

Unfortunately he wasn't too good at keeping secrets and pretty soon he started to tell people about the closet monster gang's existance.

Then one night, Grincherella paid him a visit, and she didn't look happy.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO TELL!" She growled.

"I know, but it was too good a secret to keep to myself." He responded, scared.

"I made you promise not to tell anyone. But it looks you didn't keep that promise at all, did you?" She snarled.

"Uh...I didn't mean to I swear." He cried.

"You promised you'd never tell. You promised!" She yelled.

She then started to change, her eyes glowing an eerie yellowish colour, green fur sprouting all over her body, fingernails and toenails becoming long black claws, her eyebrows become bushy, her hair growing long and wild, her canines turning into fangs and her features slowly become grinch-like.

"You idiot! You promised you'd never tell." She snarled in a demonic sounding voice.

Her nose turned black and moved upwards as a more semi grinch-like muzzle formed on her face.

"I didn't mean to. Please don't hurt me!" Brian begged.

She grabbed Brian, and scratched him on the shoulder with her claws.

Brian felt very strange as he himself started to change, his eyes turning an eerie yellowish colour, green fur started to sprout all over his body, his fingernails and toenails growing into long black sharp claws..

"Oh no. I'm changing." He cried.

His hair started growing long and wild as his eyebrows went bushy, his canine teeth growing into fangs, and his features slowly becoming more grinch-like.

"No i'm turning into a grinch. Please stop." He begged.

His nose turned black and moved upwards as a more grinch-like muzzle formed on his face.

"No- no-no, stop. I don't want to be a grinch." He cried, his voice beginning to sound deep and more beast-like.

"You should have thought of that before you told everyone." She snarled.

Brian found himself becoming more grinch-like than human, his voice sounded a lot deeper and more beast-like. When the transformation was complete, he was a grinch just like Grincherella.

"What have you done to me?" He asked, his voice now deeper and more beast-like.

"I turned you into a grinch just like myself." Grincherella replied, smiling evilly.

"But why?" He responded.

"Simple, you didn't keep your promise." Grincherella told him. "That's what you get for not keeping your promise."

"I'm sorry, can you change me back now?" He said.

"Nope. Sorry. You deserve it. Enjoy your new form." She responded. "Goodbye. It's been real fun."

And with that she leaped out of the room with superhuman cat-like agility and laughed..."Bwahahaha!" as she left poor Brian stuck as a grinch.

Poor Brian was left stuck as a grinch for a long while after that.

So remember when you make a promise to someone especially a monster or other being with supernatural powers to keep that promise, not doing so would have dire consequences.

The end.

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