Saturday 4 April 2009

Jay: A True Hero

Jay Leno will be leaving the Tonight Show next month and I for one am going to be very very sad and so is my brother. We are going to miss him so much. Jay's funny, charming and cool. We don't think the Tonight Show will ever be the same when Conan O Brian takes over. I hope NBC decides to keep Jay. It's going to be such sweet sorrow seeing him leave. He's a good friend of ours. Despite the numerous criticism people have been saying about him- he is a very nice guy. I had a blast playing him in Leno. It will be sad to see him go. There's no comic half as funny, perfect, he's a pure paragon. You can ask any Tom, Dick or Stanley and they'll tell you whose show they would rather be on. Jay's probably one of the only guys who has a swell cleft in his chin like Gaston (except for Bruce Campbell). Jay's our hero. Our good friend Sam Leno/Chinstar is a relative of his. Jay is the best, we love him. Everyone in my family loves him. If it wasn't for him our friend Chinstar wouldn't be the superhero he is today. Why, it was because of Jay that Chinstar got his powers. It happened in mid summer 2001, he was still known back then as reporter Sam Leno of our magazine The Weekly Scoop, he made an appearance on The Tonight Show one night, and he accidentally said something to offend Jay, Jay got mad and rammed him in the shoulder with his chin. Two days after that, Sam developed superpowers including some chin based ones and became the lantern jawed hero Chinstar. True story.

Jay may be leaving the show, but our cuddly wuddly pal Little Jay will be staying with us for a really long time. We're thinking of doing a second Little Jay toy sometime. This one will be the Wereleno version that roars and has light up eyes.


  1. Jay Leno is going to have a new show, albeit more of a talk show and on at 11pm Mt. Time in the United States, but I can't remember if it will be on NBC. By the way, the mushabelly version of me didn't work out, but I stocked up on Beanie Boppers and am working on more iterations of Little Andria, including an angel, a mermaid, a palinandriazombie (inspired by my Halloween costume in which I dressed up as a cross between would-be vice president Sarah Palin and a decomposing corpse but failed to fool anyone thanks to my hair being extremely difficult to disguise by way of color or straightening, and I was found out immediately), a werejesse (a combination of me and Jesse from Pokemon's infamous Team Rocket), and me in several different outfits. I am also working on a smaller version based on the smaller Beanie Bopper dolls that can be used as a keychain, an ornament, a voodoo doll, or many other things.

  2. We've worked on a voodoo doll, one of our old arch nemesis Stephanie from jr high school. We figured it was about time to get some payback for the times she's turned our friends against us.
