Monday 13 April 2009

Teenage WereElvis other characters

You've already meet the Presley family in Teenage WereElvis, now meet some of their friends.

  • Lesslie

A classmate of and also a level 18 WereElvis and the female counterpart to my character. She's very intelligent, beautiful, stylish and spunky. She has a very beautiful voice, when she sings everyone around her joins in. Much like my character she is a WereElvis, not only that she possessess the beauty and grace of a real princess. She also knows a variety of martial arts and is very brave and heroic.

  • Cassie

Bubba Presley's human girlfriend, she is similar to Belle from Beauty And The Beast. Cassie is smart, sensible and sophisticated. She also loves to read, sing and dance. Jasie's brother Spike has his her on his mind and wants her to be his- the "relationship" between Cassie and Spike is a lot like the one between Belle and Gaston in Beauty And The Beast. Cassie believes that Bubba would never ever hurt anyone.

  • Jackie

My character's best friend. He is a wacky, goofy class clown with a great sense of humour. He and Billy are only ones who knows that the Presley family are WereElvises.

  • Billy

My character's other best friend. A smart, laid back techno geek with a great amount of knowledge. He and Jackie are the only ones who know of their friend Jasie's secret.

  • Cassandra

Lisa Marie's rival. Cassandra is a rich, spoiled heiress with an attitude as bad as her dress sense.

  • Amber and Rachelle.

Lisa Marie's two best friends. Amber is into sports and Rachelle is into art. Amber is the smart one while Rachelle is the ditz.

  • Leo

Lisa Marie's love interest, an extremely handsome guy with a great personality. He resembles actor Johnny Depp and is similar to a young Marlon Brando. Leo doesn't mind that Lisa Marie is a WereElvis, in fact he kind of likes it.

  • Princess Andria

A beautiful princess who comes from a Disney style fairy tale world. She has red hair, brown eyes and a greenish blue dress. She wears a tiara and is a composite of quite a few Disney princessess mainly Jasmin, Belle, Ariel and Cinderella.

  • Prince Alvin

A handsome prince who comes from a Disney style fairy tale world, he is Princess Andria's love interest, he is also a WereElvis. Prince Alvin is a very heroic prince. He wears a gold nobleman's outfit and is a composite of a few Disney heroes include Edward from Enchanted, Hercules, Phoebus and Prince Eric.


  1. Great set of characters there (especially Princess Andria!), but you got the prince all wrong if you take real life into consideration. My real significant other's name is Alan, not Alvin, and he is a rather odd soul who drinks alcohol in vast quantities and is rather similar to Dale from "King of the Hill" in that he always wears a baseball cap (albeit the same one since we met several years ago, it advertises Chevron Delo motor oil, smells bad, and he only takes it off to shower or occasionally before bed), dark glasses and camouflage, he drives a white Ford Aerostar van, he is a chain smoker, and he is highly critical of the government. However, he does vote and pay taxes, unlike Dale.

  2. Prince Alvin is actually based on a young Elvis to be precise Andria. Your character has a wicked stepmother modelled on Carmen Electra. Your husband sonds like a great guy though, our cousin has a boyfriend like him. His name is Trollse. BTW, I read your blog, you've got some good stuff there.

  3. I kind of figured it out from the start. I myself aren't married, my brother has 3 ex girlfriends though- one of them was a vampiress. She bit me and turned me into a vampire. I'll never forgive her for that.
