Monday 19 July 2010

Imagine Casting

I discovered this site called Imagine Casting where you can make up your movie casts for movies and tv series.     I've already done quite a lot on there.

Here's a link to my Imaginography page:

Here is my Imagine Casting cast for a movie based on the adventures of me and my fellow troll-slaying deviantartists:

The cast includes Jim Carrey as me in my human form and my weregrinch form,   Kevin James as Sam in his human form and his dog monster form,  Michelle Pffieffer as Andria Kilgore in both human and werecat form,   Bill Murray as Alder-Sketch,    Jonathan Frakes as Werekatt (because Werekatt kind of does resemble him),   Michael Keaton as Fullmoonmaster,   Kevin Sorbo as my brother Sampson,   Eliza Dushku as Candicegirl,  Mark Hamil as Blackrat,  Tobey Maguire as GarudaX,  Jessica Alba as Pauline, Hugh Jackma as Lance aka Weremoose, and Kirsten Dunst as Rebbecachu.

As for the monsters I have Eddie Murphy as the voice of Moe of Sam's monster gang,   Robin Williams as Presto of my monster gang,   Bruce Campbell as Bruce the demigod,  Johnny Depp as Edgar, Owen Wilson as Zombo,  Sarah Michelle Gellar as Sarah the undead bride,   Carmen Electra as Grincherella the Shegrinch,    Robert Englund as Ted,  Kane Hodder as Jasey,    Gerald Butler as Sebastian the demon, Jack Nicholson as Jack the Werewolf,  Brad Douriff as the voice of Scare Bear,    Eddie Izzard as the voice of Bunyip,   and  Christopher Plummer as the voice of Chancellor the owl-like monster of Sam's crawlspace monster gang.

The main villains in are the evil Metokurians,  lead by Mr Habermann (since I think of him as someone with a Napoloeon complex,   I've decided to cast Danny Devito as him),  Tori Spelling as Anon,   Andy Dick as Eyesglowyellow,    Jim Belushi as Anonymous,   Johnny Knoxvile as Rents,   Bobcat Goldthwait as H-Bomb/Homberguy,   and DG would be portrayed as a CGI goat with devil horns and bat-like wings and Seth McFarlane would be voicing him (using a slightly demonic sounding version of his Brian Griffin voice which happens to also be his normal voice).

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