Thursday 26 March 2009

Greatest Werewolf film ever

There have been many great werewolf films. But the best one has to be American Werewolf In London. There are many things we love about this great werewolf flick from the 80's such as the man memorable lines ("Have you tried talking to a corpse? It's boring!", "I can assure you that this is not the least bit amusing.") the lovely London scenary, the perfect blend of horror and comedy, and the great makeup effects of mr Rick Baker. The things we love the most about it are the famous transformation scene and the makeup effects. We love the scene where Griffin Dune's character (who was killed) comes back from the dead to warn his friend (David Naughton) of the horrible things that are going to happen- we especially love how he gets more and more dead-like throughout the movie- although they replaced him with a skeletal puppet for the porno theatre scene.

Our favourite "Not-Quite-Dead" look of Griffin Dune's character is this one here: Now a lot of people tend to focus the red, dangly bit of flesh hanging from his neck rather than his performance- but me and my brother are an exception. We focused on his performance and what was going on rather then the red piece of flesh hanging from his neck.

American Werewolf In London is famous for it's transformation scene- which was done by the brilliant makeup artist Rick Baker (he's one of our heroes) who is one of the greatest makeup artists ever. American Werewolf In London's transformation scene was like no other, it was an excruciatingly painful process. AmericanWerewolf In London is one of our favourite horror films, our other favourite werewolf horror movies are the Howling series, we also like Teen Wolf.

My brother has this friend who works in the makeup buisness- he knows all about how makeup and other effects for some movies were done- he has plenty of makeup secrets to share too. He once told us the secret of how they did the Chestbuster scene from Alien. John Landis directed American Werewolf In London- but before that he directed Blues Brothers and Animal House. We've done quite a few homages to American Werewolf In London in our many tv shows, movies and animated series. For example- the story of how my character in Animal House Chronicles first became a werebelushi is exactly like what happened in the movie and his first transformation into one is a direct satire of the famous wolf transformation scene from that film. We also have a zombie student in our Animal House thing who is a lot similar to Griffin Dune's character from the film. Our horror comedy National Lampoon's Curse Of The Werebelushi pays homage to this film and Animal House at the same time. We'll be paying another homage to American Werewolf In London in one of our latest works, one titled An American Gastonian in Florida. In it my character is a Gaston fan who gets chosen to play the part of Gaston in a stage version of Beauty And The Beast, unfortunately he gets a little too into the part and ends up slowly turning into the character in a homage to the famous transformation scene from American Werewolf In London. It's one of the first movies we've done that features me turning into a cartoon character. The transformation scene is going to be a direct satire of David Naughton's werewolf transformation from the movie.

American Werewolf In London is and always will be the greatest werewolf film ever made in our eyes. It's one of our all time favourite movies with transformation scenes in them, we also love the work of Canadian director David Cronenberg (especially The Fly, Scanners, Videodrome, The Brood, Crash, Dead Zone and ExistenZ).


  1. The picture of the dude with exposed hanging flesh was a bit sickening, but your new Gaston-themed movie sounds like a blast. David Cronenberg is a pretty good director, but the Alien film with the chestbuster scene is pretty cool.

  2. I know. And American Werewolf In Paris...that was lame. Absolutely NOTHING like the first movie at all. CGI werewolf transformations are not as good as the ones they had back in the 80's. I also like Willow for the pig transformation scene. My older brother got made up as the not-quite-dead Griffin Dune for our halloween special last year. I got made up as Chucky from Child's Play.
