Tuesday 24 March 2009

Millitary Koalas The Movie: Bad Guy info.

A while back we asked fans of our show Military Koalas which bad guy they would love to see in a full length movie of the show. We asked them to vote for the bad guy of their choice, the bad guy choices were: Dingo Dan, Manogator (the half man half aligator), Draco the Lizard Man, or Morlock the Dropbear. And the bad guy who got the most votes was....Morlock the dropbear.

This is Morlock. He is a dropbear. Dropbears are basically vampire-like koalas that the Australians use as tall tales to scare tourists. Morlock the dropbear's voice is done by the great Tim Curry (who played Darkness in Legend). Morlock first appeared in the special rock opera episode of the show. Our good friend Tyrone The Terrible is a Tim Curry fan and a specialist in the art of writing villain songs (he wrote the Vizini villain song Inconcievable and many more villain songs including his own villain song, last August he and I worked on a villain song duet), he wrote the lyrics to Morlock's villain song from the rock opera special. In a musical, the villain song is a special song that is sung by the villain- sometimes it's about themselves and sometimes it's about their evil plan. . We dug deep into the dank, dark and spooky depts of the Nightmare Fuel and High Octane Nightmare Fuel pages to get inspirations for the dark dimension Morlock lives in known as the Down Under Underworld. Millitary Koalas: The Movie will be released in cinemas this weekend.

For examples of villain songs, head over to the tv tropes villain song page via this link: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/VillainSong

We also advice that you must NOT under any circumstances, visit the Nightmare Fuel and High Octane Nightmare Fuel pages before bed- it will give you non-stop nightmares.

Also be warned: TV Tropes will ruin your life. (I'm just kiding, that site is awesome).


  1. Great job there, and I like Morlock, too. I finally got my hands on some of your work from a garage sale, namely, "Leno" on DVD, assorted Doizee Club and Doizee's Fairytale Adventures VHS tapes, a Transformers-style toy (maybe not yours, but stamped underneath with "Copyright 2007, Doc M Productions, Burbank, CA" that turned from George W. Bush into an oil well, and an unopened Jay Leno Playtime Friend. I got all that for $6.50, and "Little Jay" warmed right up to me. He is now next to Little Andria on the shelf above my TV set, and I was roused out of bed this morning by the two of them, Jay starting off in Playtime mode and Little Andria reciting George Carlin's "Seven Dirty Words" routine in its entirety and uncensored and also asking for grain alcohol.

  2. No I didn't pick one of those up, and I just found and purchased a 16"-high animatronic plush toy that strongly resembled a werejohncandy today at a Goodwill thrift store. It had on a light blue T-shirt, appeared to have arms, legs and neck that moved as well as blinking eyes and a moving mouth, and resembled a large man with a hairy body and claws on both hands and both feet. However, I could not get it to work and will bring it to a friend of mine who designed the light-up eyes, voice and motion detectors and voice box that went inside Little Andria. Did your company ever produce anything like that, or could it be a motorized Bigfoot or Beast?

  3. Why yes we did. And we're glad you like Morlock, because we aimed to make him a powerful and at the same time likable villain- we wanted him to be scary and charming.

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