Wednesday 27 May 2009

Bad date signs

You know you are having a really bad date if...

1. Your boyfriend accidentally drops the car keys down the drain.
2. When your boyfriend/girlfriend starts turning into a monster.
3. Your girlfriend is actually a transvestite.
4. When your date turns out to br really unattractive.
5. You rip your pants and embarrass yourself.
6. The guy you're currently dating turns out to be a monster.
7. Your incredibly pretty girlfriend turns out to be a real b***h.
8. When your really handsome boyfriend turns out to be a real jerk.
9. When the guy you're dating is the one of the dorkiest guys in school.
10. When your girlfriend's parents show up.
11. When your boyfriend's parents show up.
12. When both of you bring weapons and pets.
13. When the guy you love turns out to be an evil maniac escaped from prison.
14. When your date is actually an alien.
15. When the teacher is watching.
16. When your arch nemesis tries to steal your boy/girlfriend from you.
17. When your parents happen to be there and they start yelling at you afterwards.
18. When your boyfriend/girlfriend cheats on you.
19. When pirates show up and kidnap your girlfriend.
20. When aliens arrive and abduct the both of you.
21. When the date turns out to be a vampire.
22. When your date brings her lawyer with her.
23. When it's live on the internet and everyone is watching.
24. When you discover nude photos of your girlfriend.
25. When your girlfriend/boyfriend is undead.
26. When people are spying on you.
27. When your boyfriend is a giant fly monster
28. When the guy/gal you're dating turns out to be the son/daughter of your work boss.
29. When the girl you're dating turns out to be the daughter of your nosey neighbour.
30. When papparazi jump out of the bush and start taking pictures of you and your girlfriend/boyfriend.
31. When your boyfriend/girlfriend takes off his/her face to reveal a disfigured monster with evil glowing snake eyes and a snout.
32. When your boyfriend/girlfriend just wants you for your money.
33. When the cops show up and arrest your boyfriend.
34. When your boyfriend/girlfriend forgets to show up.
35. When the restraunt is owned by an evil megalomanic who wants to rule the world.
36. When your girlfriend suddenly turns into a dog.
37. When some creepy looking maniac sneaks up behind you and tries to kill you.
38. When your girlfriend turns out to be part spider.
39. When it starts raining as soon as you get there.
and finally...
40. When everyone starts looking at you and your girlfriend with evil glowing eyes and wants to eat both of you up.

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