Tuesday 26 May 2009

I Was A Villainous WereLeno

Here's a little something you didn't know about me. I used to be an evil wereleno. This is what I looked like as one.

Concidentally my best friend Sam Leno aka Chinstar is one of these but he's a heroic one. There are many causes for how I became one.

  • During one tonight show appearance of ours, I accidentally said something which offended Jay and he rammed me really hard with his chin. Leaving a rather nasty, red chinshaped mark on my left shoulder. It used to glow when my traumatic transformations into a wereleno usually took place. I still have that chinshaped mark on my left shoulder except it doesn't glow anymore because i'm not a wereleno anymore.

  • One of the Jay Leno Playtime Friend prototypes got mad when I refused to play with it so it went all evil on me and then zapped me with a special laser blast from it's eyes- resulting in me becoming the wereleno.

  • A lab experiment gone wrong ala Jeff Goldblum in The Fly. I recall that I was testing out that new machine that gives you superpowers. I wanted to have the same superpowers as Chinstar- I kind of did, but something went wrong. Instead of becoming a good wereleno like Chinstar is, I became an evil one- the computer must have misinterpeted one of my instructions.

  • Some kind of strange new medical condition. I may have caught it from Chinstar's evil twin brother.

  • Some kind of bizzare allergic reaction to the makeup I wore when I played Jay in Leno.

Let me tell you, my transformations INTO a wereleno were quite painful, traumatic and nightmarish. It also took almost 3 hours to complete. It was the most tortorous thing that had ever happened to me. Somehow I lived through it and I kind of got used to it. Unfortunately because I was an evil wereleno and not a hero like Chinstar, I had no control of my actions while I was in this state- it's like that song Animal I've Become by Three Days Grace. And also sadly, me and Chinstar fell out became enemies because of this- he's a hero wereleno and I was an evil one so we became bitter enemies. We had to fight eachother. Mind you, Chinstar's transformations are a LOT more pleasant than mine ever were. Well Chinstar is a professional superhero and he's had worse happen to him. I couldn't handle a second of it. Having Chinstar's powers was cool but it just couldn't handle the wereleno transformation proccess. Why is it that good guy werelenos have their transformations nice and easy while the bad guy ones are always painful, horrifying and scary?

Oh thank god, i'm not a wereleno anymore. Hmmm...I wonder how I got turned back into my reguglar self again.

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