Tuesday 19 May 2009

Top ten reasons Blues Brothers 2000 sucked

The Blues Brothers is one of our favourite films, it's a classic. But the sequel really SUCKED. Here's our top ten reasons why:

  1. No John Belushi. You can't have the Blues Brothers without John Belushi. We like John Goodman as an actor and we liked him in Roseanne and in The Flinstones movie but we just didn't find his performance in this film to be believable at all. He's good but he's no John Belushi.
  2. The plot made no sense. The originally blues brothers movie had a great plot, but this one made no sense at all. First off they have this whole voodoo nonsense with the vodoo queen, she wants the band to play something carribean, they say it's not in their musical repotoir and she turns them into green skinned zombies who sing calpsyo songs. She also turns some guys into stone and a few russian guys into mice. That is just too weird. I mean even all of those cheepo horror movies Mike and the bots mocked in MST3K made more sense than this movie's plot. What were Landis and Akyroyd thinking when they made this?
  3. The addition of a little kid as the newest member of the group. So get this Elwood discovers this kid who's an orphan and the kid becomes a member of the group. We've all seen this type of thing before- the tagalong kid who later becomes known as The Scrappy (this trope gets it's name from Scrappy Doo)- like in Power Rangers Turbo they had that kid Justin as the blue ranger- okay he was kinda cute but he was totally outclassed by the other rangers because he's the youngest one of the group- he's about 12 years old. The kid is kinda out of place in the Blues Brothers band.
  4. The fact they never explained what happened to Jake. In the begining of the movie it is revealed that Jake Blues died. But they don't bother telling us how he died, where he died or what he died of. For all we know Jake could have gotten involved in some horrific car accident or something. They never bother to tell us what happened to Jake. They just mention that he died and that's it.
  5. It never really explains what happened to Cab Calloway's character. In the original film Cab Calloway's character Curtis is Jake and Elwood's mentor. He taught them everything he knows about music and the blues. Now in this movie Curtis is nowhere to be seen at all. And no one tells us where he went or what happened to him. Did he die or did he just run-away? Is he missing in action? No one knows. And they never tell us what happened to him.
  6. No John Candy. One of the reasons we loved the original movie was because of John Candy's character Burton Mercer. Who could forget his famous line "Who wants an orange whip? Orange whip? Orange whip? Orange whip? Three orange whips!" and who can forget the line "Hi, this is car 55, we're in a truck!"?. John was very funny. Sadly Burton Mercer is not seen in this movie for some reason. What happened to him? They didn't bother explaining that either. One can assume he is either dead or missing in action. But the Blues Brothers without their good friend Burton Mercer just aren't the same.
  7. The Blues Mobile being able to go underwater like a submarine. We know that the Blues Mobile is one awesome car- it's indestructible and can fly. In the original movie it gets put through all sorts of trouble including one hell of a car chase scene but yet remains completely unharmed as if nothing happened. In this movie however it's taken to a more ridiculous extreme when in one scene the town becomes flooded and the car is suddenly able to go underwater as if it were a submarine. Now this makes no sense. Since when did the Blues Mobile become amphibious? I'm telling you there is something really weird about that.
  8. The russian guys. Now in the original movie Jake and Elwood get put through all sorts of trouble while on a mission from god, including redneck country singers, nazis, annoying cops, and vengeful Carrie Fisher with a machine gun (who is apparently after Jake for something he did). Now in this movie we have these russian guys. We have no idea who they are or what they want- or why they have a grudge against the blues brothers. So what are they doing there in the first place? Nobody knows.
  9. The car chase isn't as fun as the one in the original one. The original Blues Brothers movie is famous for many things and the car chase scenes are just one of them. In the original movie there is this EPIC car chase scene where Jake and Elwood crash through the Dixie Square shopping mall- destroying almost EVERYTHING in their path and turning a cop car upside down. There's this huge one near the end where the cops, the nazis, the redneck singers, and some other guys are chasing after them- now that car chase was EPIC. In this movie however the car chase scenes are a lot more cartoony rather than epic meaning they're not as entertaining as the ones in the original. We liked the car chase in the original movie better.


10. Dan Akyroyd's acting isn't as good as it was in the original. Dan Akyroyd is one of our favourite funnymen. He's quite good at what he does. In the original Blues Brothers movie his performance as Elwood Blues was brilliant- almost as awesome as John Belushi's performance as Jake. Dan and John were best pals in real life too. Dan taught John all about the blues and John taught him all about heavy metal. But here in this movie, Dan's performance seems a little bit wooden. Without Belushi, Akyroyd lacked the charisma that he had in the original film. We liked Dan's performance in the original film more than this. John Landis is to blame for this too- because in the original movie his direction was perfect but in this movie it's not.

Blues Brothers 2000 is one of those movies we like to pretend that it never existed. This is called a Discontunity, other movies we like to count as Discontunities include all 3 High School Musical movies, American Werewolf In Paris, The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas, Splash Too (the sequel to Splash, which unlike the original had none of the original actors in it except for the actress who played Mrs Stimler in the original reprising her part), and the John Belushi autobiopic Wired (which is a travesty to John Belushi's legacy, the book was wrong on some many levels and only focused on the negative things about Belushi's life, and the movie just plain sucked)

If you have one or more of the Sims games on pc and are a fan of John Belushi, Dan Akyroyd, John Candy, the original Blues Brothers film or the band in general you'll love our Blues Brothers sims. We made some sim skins of Jake, Elwood, Burton Mercer, Mr Fabulous, the mystery woman, Curtis, Aretha Franklin's character, her husband, and the penguin (that's the nun who runs the orphanage) . We'll post a link here sometime so you can download them onto your sims game. We also have the Bluesmobile available as a custom car in all of the grand theft auto games. We'll give you some information on how to get this incredible car in the game- you can also get it as a custom car in Simpsons Hit and Run. You can also get the car from Uncle Buck as a custom car for those games too- we'll tell you how to get that car sometime too. Also available is the Animal House Deathmobile- it's a custom car we made in Grand Theft Auto Vice City. If you want to know how to get this car for you own collection in vice city, we'll be more than happy to tell you. You can also ask about the John Candy, John Belushi and Dan Akyroyd custom characters we created for The Movies game. We also have a John Belushi as Samurai Futaba custom character in Mortal Kombat Armageddon.

Also feel free to ask us for cheatcodes, hints and tips for the fighting game SNL VS SCTV which is kind of like Marvel VS Street Fighter but with settings and characters/cast members from sctv and snl. The enviroments are fully destructible and the graphics are in spectacular 3d. It's also kind of similar to Tekken Tag Tournament. Also there's a create a character mode where can make your own character. When we do multiplayer mode we have both snl and sctv characters on the same team. My team consists of Samurai Futaba, Jake Blues, Emily Litella, Mel from the Mel's Char Palace ads, the opera guy, Johnny LaRue, Bob and Doug,Bobby Bitman, and Count Floyd. My brother's team consists of Beldar Conehead, Elwood Blues, Matt Foley, Wayne Campbell from the Wayne's World skits, the cowbell guy (Will Ferell), King Tut (Steve Martin), Dr Tongue, Skip Bittman, Lola Heatherton,the Schmenge brothers, and Earl Camembert.

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