Saturday 23 May 2009

Top 10 ten lists

We're got some really funny top ten lists.

Top 10 annoying questions to ask at a funeral:

10. "How long does it take for the body to decompose?"

9, "What would you do if the body got up?"

8. "Are you done yet?" - to the person delivering the euology.

7. "You know that photo of Elvis Presley in his coffin. Is it really Elvis in there or is just some wax dummy?"

6. "Has anyone tried stealing the body?"

5. " Where's the pet cementary?"

4. "Is there a bathroom in this place? I need to go really badly!"

3. "I'm hungry. Anyone got a sandwich?"

2. "I'm thirsty. Anyone got any beer?"

1. "Is it done yet?"

Top ten annoying questions to ask at a wedding:

10. "How much for the women? The women, the women. I want to buy the bride. How much for the bridesmaid?"

9. "How much for the bridesmaids? I want to buy them. Name your price. How much for the bridesmaids?"

8. "Are you done yet?" - to the minister.

7. "Can I have a slice of that cake? Pretty please?"

6. "Is this the part where we get drunk? Because if it is...then I'm already halfway there. So, is it time to get drunk yet?".

5. "Is it me or has she put on weight recently?"

4. "Where's the bathroom in this place?"

3. "When do we get to the free food?"

2. "When do we get drunk?"

1. "Is it done yet?"

Top ten annoying questions to ask on the tonight show with Jay Leno:

10. "Is that chin real?"

9. "Can I touch it? Pretty please?"

8. "Are you done yet?" - during the interview.

7. "Why do your monologues take up so much time?"

6. "Do you ALWAYS have to interrupt the guest?"

5. "Why do you eat meat so much?"

4. "Why are the people on Jaywalking so stupid?"

3. "Are those newspaper headlines real or did you just make them up?"

2. "Where's the bathroom?"

1. "Is this interview done yet?"

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