Tuesday 26 May 2009

The Day Amiright Jumped The Shark

I used to be a parodist on Amiright, i'm sure you all know that. It used to be a decent site until people started posting political parodies. Now I just can't stand politics and politicians in general- politicians have got a reputation recently for being two-faced liars who stab you in the back. My friend Andria used to be a nice woman until.... the problem was that they bribed her and tempted her with promises that they didn't keep- the tempted her with cds and all the beer she could drink. They made her an offer she couldn't refuse. She should have turned them down when she had the chance. They promised her unlimited power and freedom-she was given the power but not the freedom. She's quite a nice person really, but all that power turned her into a power-mad monstrosity. she went the way almost every Disney villain goes- she became a Complete Monster. I became very worried and concerned about her, I tried calling out to her but there was no reply,she wasn't there, it was like she were dead or something. Oh how I wanted to help her get back to the way she used to be before Amiright made her their tool. I tried telling ChuckyG and his cohorts to turn her back to normal and to let her go but they didn't listen. I tried numerous ways to turn her back into her normal not monstrous self but nothing seemed to work and I was forced to watch as her rein of terror continued further. She really hit rock bottom when she got me banned from the site. She was given all the power in the world, she could have used it for good but sadly....she had to use it for evil. That site jumped the shark several months after I left. She did something that she should have known was wrong, and you broke my heart. Having unlimited power is a great thing, but with great power comes great responsibilty. She should have used that power responsibily. I forgive her for it though- and luckily I know of a few ways that she can redeem herself. Our close friend the Master Of Oz has a new self help book out titled The Path To Discovery,

I myself had a situation like that one happen to me. Now I don't usually reveal to this anyone, but when we making the film version of our hit production Leno- I developed an allergic reaction to the makeup I had to wear when I was playing the part of Jay-and mind you this was not like any normal allergic reaction where you swell up or get itchy- oh no, this was much worse. This allergic reaction to said makeup caused me to turn into an evil wereleno and this is what I looked like as one:
Now Chinstar is also a Wereleno but he is a heroic one, he's been one for a really long time.
My transformations into one were very painful, nightmarish and almost took 3 hours to complete. Did I mention how painful the chin growing part was? The part where my chin elongated and stretched out to become Jay's chin was very painful. The chin had a mind of it's own too. Everytime I returned back to my human form the chin didn't want to go back to normal- so at completely innoputune moments that chin would grow back on my face again afterwards- and that was really painful. Unlike Chinstar, when I was a wereleno I was an evil one- unfortunately. This caused me and Chinstar to fall out and become arch enemies. We had to fight each other. I had no control of my actions or my powers when in wereleno form because unlike Chinstar- I was evil. It's like that Three Days Grace song Animal I've Become. Although scarily enough, that wereleno still manifests himself in my nightmares. My most frequent one is where I'm looking in the mirror in the bathroom or a similar reflective object and see that lantern jawed monstrosity the wereleno starring back at me. Horrified at what I see, I smash the mirror with a baseball bat in a fit of rage against the reflection. And that is also why I have an aversion to mirrors or any other reflective object.
I'm not a wereleno anymore thank goodness, but I still have that nasty chinshaped mark on my left shoulder from the time Jay rammed me really hard with his chin. This was also another cause of me becoming an evil wereleno. The mark would always glow when the painful transformation was taking place or just about to start. But these days it hardly glows- the reason why...i'm not a wereleno anymore. I just cover the mark up with skin tone makeup. This is because the damm thing just won't come off- I've tried washing it off but that didn't work and i've tried numerous other ways but those ones didn't work either.


  1. I'm glad to hear that Andria. You have learned well from your mistakes. I'm proud of you. I knew there was some good in you. Not everyone has a heart of stone.

  2. And in case you were wondering where I was, Amiright did not kidnap me or hold me hostage. I was hospitalized after having many mysterious ailments, my appendix burst when Alan was driving me to the emergency room, and I ended up nearly dying from sepsis, liver failure and peritonitis. I also had a liver transplant from a deceased French wine connoisseur, which seemed to make me more tolerant of alcohol. (Go to Wikipedia or WebMD if you don't know what peritonitis and sepsis are.) I was away from the internet for nearly a year, and I am doing great now but am drinking even more alcohol now. I am working on a liter of Old Grand-Dad Kentucky bourbon as I write this.

  3. I'm so glad you're better Andria. And I know what sepis and peritonitis are.
