Sunday 2 May 2010

Differences between Bruce Campbell and Jim Carrey

In today's post i'm going to tell you the differences between Bruce Campbell and Jim Carrey. Now it is said they do look a like, but there are some differences - one being that Bruce has an l shaped scar on the left side of his chin as mentioned in his autobiography If Chins Could Kill. And even though both of them were in The Majestic I assure you that they are complete different.

Bruce comes from Oregon, while Jim hails from Ontario, Canada.

Bruce is a b movie actor and Jim is a comedian who on occassion does serious roles.

Bruce has black hair and almost Elvis style sideburns, Jim has brown hair.

Bruce is usually seen playing hero type roles while Jim sometimes plays a trickster type role.

Bruce is god-like all year long, Jim only got to be god-like for a day.

Also another major difference is that they act completely different while Bruce has a more than a few moments of comedy moments in Evil Dead II and Army Of Darkness as well as in a few other works of his including My Name Is Bruce, Jim has several comedy moments in almost all of his movies.

I conclude that even though they kind of look the same, they act complete different. But you gotta love all the silly moments in Army Of Darkness such as the scene with the mini ashes and the scene where he first spawns out Bad Ash.

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