Sunday 28 June 2009

Everything's Out To Get Me

I don't know why but somehow everyone is out to get us. The guys at the Blues Brothers central message board are CONSTANTLY stalking me,they've got my IP adress and every thing, but I didn't do anything wrong. There's nothing they can prove. I'm innocent. For a while when I was on Amiright I suspected that some of the other parodists were also out to get me too- well except for Andria that is. Call me paranoid but I think someone/something might be watching me. Someone's trying to mess with my head. This reminds all too well of that film The Cable Guy. That movie where Jim Carrey plays a lonely and disturbed cable guy in need of a friend, unfortunately his chosen friend (played by Matthew Broderick) isn't too sure about this, at first the two become very close pals but Jim's character begins to take over his whole life.

The information contained on this following post from BBCentral is disgusting and false. I have done absolutely nothing wrong, they are just trying to mess with my head. But they went a bit too far by invading my privacy. They know absolutely nothing about me and would even sell their souls just to get a story sold. They are creeping me out with the way they are behaving. Stalking is wrong and in some states it is considered illegal.

So from today, I am issuing a new rule....NO ONE from Blues Brothers Central is allowed to come and see my blog. Only family members and friends of mine are allowed to see it.

Also if this is Takkuneg or BBCentral- GET OUT OF MY LIFE! You don't see me meddling in whatever buisness YOU are doing. So leave me alone.

And also if this is Dr Madness....DO NOT steal any of my inventions, enter them in some sort of contest and then claim them as your own.


  1. I tend to stay away from internet forums, considering that they are largely inhabited by insane people who lie about anything and everything. I have had experience with those kinds of people firsthand, namely the treehugging, Communist ecoterrorism types who protested Alan's project of clearing an abandoned farm allegedly inhabited by endangered insects and plants (they were really just pests and weeds as far as Alan and I are concerned) so that a subdivision and a shopping center could go there. They tried to make up fake child-molestation charges for Alan and I, and they spread lies about us. The people on Amiright probably weren't out to get you, at least not Chucky G, Agrimorfee and Red Ant and I. Emiloca, Guy, Jason and possibly Christie Marie M. were, though. However, I'm sure that everyone on Inthe00s was out to get me. I still get threatening letters and fake ransom notes about my dogs, some of my antiques and cars and my gun collection from time to time.

  2. That's good to know, I don't trust people on forums and chat rooms either. A couple of my brother's ex girlfriends were ones he met on a dating site, turns out none of them were actually human at all. One of them was a vampiress.
