Saturday 13 June 2009

Mel's Ex Boyfriend list

This is Mel the koala. She is one half of the duo known as Mel and Eucalpytus. Ironically the original ty beanie of this koala is a male and is named after Mel Gibson. She likes romance. She watches a lot of chick flicks. Unfortunately for her it's nothing like it is in the movies. Mel's had 15 boyfriends so far and ended up breaking up with each and every one of them.

    Here's the list of all her ex-boyfriends. Each comes with an explaination that tells us why she dumped them.

    1. Stinger the Scorpion. Reason she dumped him: He came across as too overprotective.

    2. Rainbow the Chamelon. Reason she dumped him: She thought he was too geeky.

    3. Howl the Werewolf. Reason she dumped him: Came across as a jerk.

    4. Ratty the zodiac rat. Reason she dumped him: He had too many problems.

    5. Simon the zodiac snake. Reason she dumped him: He insulted her fashional sense.

    6. Creepers the skeleton. Reason she dumped him: She thought he was too dead-like.

    7. Count the vampire bear. Reason she dumped him: He was a pain in the neck (literally).

    8. Rocket the blue jay. Reason she dumped him: He was always late.

    9. Ringo the racoon. Reason she dumped him: He kept using her.

    10. Gizmo the lemur. Reason she dumped him: Came across as too obssessive.

    11. Slayer the thrill necked lizard. Reason she dumped him: Came across as too annoying.

    12. Roary the lion. Reason she dumped him: He wasn't her type.

    13. Garfield the cat. Reason she dumped him: He was too lazy to pay the bill when they had dinner dates.

    14. Cupid the dog. Reason she dumped him: He never bothered to shower before their date.

    15. Zip the cat. Reason she dumped him: He called her fat even though she isn't.

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