Tuesday 23 June 2009


We're going to tell you about a few superstitions we know of:

  1. It's bad luck to open an umbrella indoors

This one is true in some cases such as the time our accident prone cousin Natalia.

2. Step on a crack, break your mother's back.

This may or may not be true, there's a possibility it might be because my mother sometimes gets a bad back.

3. The number 7 will give you good fortune

This is true, my brother was number 7 in the high school football team, I won 7,00000$ dollars in an art contest, and our musical Leno premiered on the 7th of July 2007.

4. If a black cat crossess your path it's bad luck for the rest of the week

For us this one is very true, especially as Kirsty's creepy cousin Tasmin has one as a pet- and believe me that cat acts exactly like she does. That evil feline scratched my brother's leg twice and it tried to attack me. That cat is evil I tells ya, evil, eeeeevil!

5. Thirteen is an unlucky number

Unfortunately this one is true for us as well. Some months start with a Sunday and those months all have a friday the 13th. My brother got involved in a horrible accident on 13th of April 2007, the number of times we've fallen victim to Tasmin's various pranks is 13, and top it off- Friday the 13th is the time of year when she's at her absolute worst. There also 13 books in the Lemony Snicket's A Series Of Unfortunate Events series. Although it was pretty lucky for us on one occassion, we got the dvd of Lemony Snicket's A Series Of Unfortunate Events on Friday the 13th of June 2005.

6. If you make a face for long enough it will stay that way

To some this may or not be true, but it depends on who you tell it to. Our dad used to try and scare us with that one. In Liar Liar there's a scene where the little kid asks..."If I keep making this face will it stuck this way?" , Jim Carrey's character responds..."Uh uh, in fact some people made a good living that way." Now try telling Jim Carrey that.

7. A bird in the house is a sign of death.

Now this is why our mother has an extreme dislike of birds. This is also why we DON'T do bird transformations (plus the growing a beak part would be reallly horrible to watch). My mother has got a vendetta against that annoying bird who squawked at her on one summer's day.

8. A broken mirror is 7 years bad luck.

This happened to us once, okay it was Chumsley's fault but he did it by accident.

9. If you swallow a watermeleon seed you will grow a watermelon in your stomach.

This one isn't true fortunately, but we've been trying to figure out why this one keeps being mentioned.

10. Wear the same shirt and it will bring you good luck.

This one is most certainly true for me and my brother. My brother wore the same football jersey for more than a few weeks and he got lots of good luck afterwards. It also kind of helps that we look the same and dress the same- we're twins after all- and you know what they say, two heads are better than one.

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