Monday 1 June 2009

Troulbe in paradise

Here is a shocking news bulletin, Mel the koala has broken up with yet another one of her boyfriends. The boyfriend she dumped this time is a cat by the name of Zip- the two had been dating for two weeks. When asked why she responded..."He called me fat" Mel has dumped 15 boyfriends in general.

List of Mel's previous boyfriends:
  1. Stinger the Scorpion. Reason she dumped him: He came across as too overprotective.
  2. Rainbow the Chamelon. Reason she dumped him: She thought he was too geeky.
  3. Howl the Werewolf. Reason she dumped him: Came across as a jerk.
  4. Ratty the zodiac rat. Reason she dumped him: He had too many problems.
  5. Simon the zodiac snake. Reason she dumped him: He insulted her fashional sense.
  6. Creepers the skeleton. Reason she dumped him: She thought he was too dead-like.
  7. Count the vampire bear. Reason she dumped him: He was a pain in the neck (literally).
  8. Rocket the blue jay. Reason she dumped him: He was always late.
  9. Ringo the racoon. Reason she dumped him: He kept using her.
  10. Gizmo the lemur. Reason she dumped him: Came across as too obssessive.
  11. Slayer the thrill necked lizard. Reason she dumped him: Came across as too annoying.
  12. Roary the lion. Reason she dumped him: He wasn't her type.
  13. Garfield the cat. Reason she dumped him: He was too lazy to pay the bill when they had dinner dates.
  14. Cupid the dog. Reason she dumped him: He never bothered to shower before their date.
  15. Zip the cat. Reason she dumped him: He called her fat even though she isn't.

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