Tuesday 24 November 2009

Bad dreams

I've had some quite Squicky nightmares, most of which are set in the setting of my own neighbourhood (usually at my old house or school) and involve a shadow-like shapeshifting monster. One particular nightmare was influenced by Disneyland's haunted mansion ride and was kind of like both the ride and the movie. Then there's the frequent ones I have where the shapeshifting beast appears in the form of a shadowy flying cow and tries to get me to come to the place where it lives which is a dark dimension with a city in it. The worst part being that I am completely unable to speak or do anything about it, and if I refuse to do it...the creature punishes me by making me undergo a horrible transformation into something I'd really hate to be turned into like a cow, tree, a bird of some kind, or a demon dog thing on some occassions. In some other ones various creepy crawlies like spiders, scorpions and mosquitos are featured- usually they start off as relatively small numbers but then more and more of them appear- one most recent one featured the Human Botfly as the Special Guest bug. There's quite a few ones where i'm in a pet store or aquarium that has all sorts of fish in it and I freak out whenever I get to a certain part of the store or aquarium that one being a room which suprisingly had a tank with pirahnas in it (which is kind of ironic since in real life Piranhas are illegal to buy as pets) and the piranhas leap out of the water sometimes and try to eat several of my friends, on occassion in these ones i've been bitten by one and had the misfortune of changing into one. In most of the pet shop or zoo related ones is usually a case of Attack Of The 50ft Whatever where one of the animals is mutated into a giant creature and rampages through the city ala King Kong. In most of my school related ones, the teacher (or sometimes the school principal) usually comes across as quite nice and calm but goes all Large Marge when they're mad or upset- and when they're in this state they look like the crazy Demon Head vampric version of Amanda Bearse in Fright Night. My most memorable ones being the ones where i'm in my old bedroom and the shadow-like shapeshifting beast uses his shadow powers to turn the room into a dark Tim Burton-esque nightmare room, I get out of bed, go up to the door- turn the nob, open the door and run like heck out of the room and into my parent's room.

Most of my nightmares have transformation scenes in them. One of which was kind of a combined spoof of The Exorcist and Ghostbusters, in it I recall being in a movie theatre watching some sort of really bad horror movie just like in Mystery Science Theatre 3000 including sitting right next to Mike and the bots, halfway through the movie I notice that there's a guy that looks, acts and sounds suspiciously like the late great comedian John Candy and has a weird bluey green glow around him- turns out that he IS John Candy- it was him in ghost form, so I go up to John's ghost and confront him, but then John's ghost flies around the entire theatre causing mischief and it's up to him, Mike and the bots to stop him. We go ghost hunting, and for a while it turns out okay but then John's ghost possessess me which causes me to slowly change into John Candy myself- which is weird but kinda cool. Then there's one part at the beginning that has a black symbiote-like blob crawling along the wall. The blob then transforms into a snakemonster and almost tries to eat Crow and Tom Servo.

Here's a story about a weird Acid Reflux nightmare I had once:
One time when I was really sick, my mother thought it would be a "good idea" to have a slice of orange before bed because it would kind of cure the sour throat I had at the time. Immediantley after I ate that slice of orange I had a weird Tim Burton-esque nightmare which was set in a shopping mall at xmas time, there was a path leading directly to Santa's workshop, I follow the path and end up on a conveyor belt of some kind heading for some sort of machine that turns people into living plush toys. And unfortunately i'm one of those people on the conveyor belt. I end up undergoing a rather gruesome transformation into a living, talking, plush bat of some kind. It also probably didn't help that the plush bat form I ended up morphing into was a walking, talking Peter Lorre Expy. Obviously my mother wasn't too bright (she's The Ditz in my family you know).

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