Tuesday 3 November 2009

Gargoyles fanfic characters

My brother and I wrote a Gargoyles fanfic based on the cartoon that used to be on Disney Channel. The main characters are a group of heroic gargoyles known as the Manhattan clan and their leader's name is Goliath, some of them are named cities in the USA.

A gargoyle is a creature that during the day is a statue monster or demon but at night it comes to life and flies around. You can see plenty of them on the top of cathedrials or other gothic buildings.

  • Burbank

My character, not to be confused with Hudson's clone who is also named Burbank. He has bluish skin with dark red stripes, wings that are coloured silver, and he has emerald green eyes. He has all the standard gargoyle powers and keen senses and he is also amazingly intelligent and is able to speak a multitude of different languages.

  • Washington

My brother's character, a greyish gargoyle with a stars and stripes pattern on his wings, much like the character of Beetoven from Millitary Koalas he is based on Stephen Colbert. In addition to having all the standard powers that a gargoyle has such as keen senses and super strength, he is also able to breathe underwater and can shoot laser beams out of his eyes.

  • Florida

This is Andria's character, she is a female gargoyle with green skin, red hair and brown eyes. She has all your standard gargoyle powers and keen senses plus additional powers she gets from time to time including a sonic belch and fire breath which she sometimes gets from drinking large amounts of alcholic beverages.

  • Memphis

Memphis is a turqoise gargoyle with yellow eyes and a voice and mannerisms similar to those of Elvis Presley. He possess your standard gargoyle powers and keen senses plus the ability to create earthquakes.

  • Chicago

Chicago is a dark greyish gargoyle with green eyes and black stripes, he is based on Dan Akyroyd. He possessss all your standard gargoyle powers and keen senses plus the power to heal his allies when they are injured just by touching them.

  • Toronto

Toronto is a lot like Broadway, he is also kind of based on the late John Candy. He is a large, hefty dark blue gargoyle with a big heart. He possess all your standard gargoyle powers and keen senses plus the power of heart and an amazing danger sense.

  • Indiana

Indiana is Roc Hemmerson's character, he is a grey gargoyle with purple wings. He posssess all your standard gargoyle powers plus a new hidden power which is revealed later on.

  • Texas

He is their faithful gargoyle beast pet.

  • Cat

Kirsty's character, she's a werecat and a skilled ninja.

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