Wednesday 4 November 2009

Song parodies

Now a lot of people on amiright think we wrote these, but in actuality we didn't, even though we did kind of produce the huttese song with Darth Rangoon's brother and did some of the research for it as well. It's true we do know how to speak Huttese, and Jabba happens to be one of our favourite star wars aliens- we also happen to have a Star wars backpack buddy of Rotta the Hutlet from the Clone Wars which by the way is adorable.

Circus Of Fear
Darth Rangoon wrote this one as a parody of Come Sail Away by Styx. The title refers to a horror circus and the lyrics mention various acts in this particular circus including monster clowns, an acrobat duo consisting of a vampire and a werecat, and a menagerie of creepy crawly creatures. In real life Darth Rangoons runs a circus just like this.

Nightmare Fuel
Written by Werejoshpeckprince and the TV Tropers, this song is a parody of the song Toxic Love from Ferngully and is about the Nightmare Fuel/High Octane Nightmare Fuel trope entry on, it mentions all the different categories including Western Animation, Real Life, Folklore, Film, Live Action TV, Disney movies, Toys, and Books as well as music videos. It has a number of pop culture references. The trope name Nightmare Fuel comes from Mystery Science Theatre 3000- in which the b grade sci fi/horror films they were forced to watch were anything but scary but the kiddie ones like Merlin's Shop Of Mystical Wonders on the other hand were very frightening indeed. Also it makes some mention of Transformation Traumas which is a horrific transformation into some kind of horrible monstrosity, Body Horror refers to grotesque and utterly disgusting mutations happening to someone's body as demonstrated in David Cronenberg's movies, the Demonic Toys part is a nod to movies like Child's Play, and the And I Must Scream trope that is mention get it's name from a book called I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream- to get a better understanding of what this bit is about- imagine what would it be like to be turned to stone or even frozen in carbonite like Han Solo. Nightmare Fuel refers to something that was unintentional scary and made for kids while High Octane Nightmare Fuel refers to anything that was intentionally made to be scary.

Fetish Fuel
The second parody of Toxic Love, this one was published on Whatfreaks by Werejoshpeckprince and the tv tropers. This one is the opposite of Nightmare Fuel. While Nightmare Fuel is unintentionally made to scare, Fetish Fuel is intentionally made to turn people on. I would list examples of this but some are just too dirty and sick to be mentioned.

Tim Curry
This parody of Valerie is about actor Tim Curry- there are two versions of this, the Amiright version has "Ham it up' in the chorus while the Whatfreaks version has "sex it up" .

Squick which is a parody of Swim by Madonna is a song about the kind of gross, disgusting and just plain icky stuff you see in pop culture. Now any movie by David Cronenberg is bound to have a LOT of this stuff in it.

Mr Marlon Brando
Ian Handsome's tribute to Marlon and a parody of Rock Me Amadeus.

Master Eddie Izzard
Master Of Oz's homage to his favourite actor Eddie Izzard, another Rock Me Amadeus parody.
Uncle Buck
A parody of Iron Man by Black Sabbath and a homage to the late John Candy.

Jabba (The Hutt Song)
This is one Darth Rangoon's brother did, it's a parody of the Banana Boat song and is an instructional song on how to learn Huttese. It contains various words in Huttese and English. To learn about this language your self try searching for Star Wars alien languages on google. A good site to learn Huttese at is a Complete Wermo's Guide- you can also learn Ewokese as well.

We kind of helped produce the Hutt one but we didn't actually write it.

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