Sunday 1 November 2009

The Power Of Heart

Chumsley the werejohncandy is the most reknown member of our team. His real name is Charles Huggington Jr but he prefers to be called Chumsley.

He is probably the most powerful member of our team too even though some people don't realise it.

He is a composite of some of John Candy's best characters, he is also kind of like one of the imaginary friends my brother and I have - we once had a big bunny-like creature called Bunyip and he was really strong but he had a big heart.

Now Chumsley has a lot of superpowers but his most effective one is the power of heart, some people think that the power of heart is lame but that's only because of the one kid from Captain Planet who possessed that power. Because of his power of heart, Chumsley is considered to not only be a great warrior but a true friend as well. He always looks out for his friends and family, he has 27 cousins and he loves them all so much even though they are a bit of a handful.

Chumsley and his family are probably the only werejohncandys around our neighbourhood as the werejohncandy is official labeled as endangered just like the giant panda. His home is in danger of being destroyed and we're going to help him by doing all we can to protect it. He's done so much for us and now we're going to return the favour.

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