Friday 30 October 2009


We're going to show you some art that we've done.

This first one is a rather sexy take on the tale of Puss In Boots. We based a little bit of her on Carmen Electra and she is a comic book character featured in one of our graphic novels. Inspired by the film Heavy Metal (you should get that one out, it's awesome and the music is super cool).

This is Jay Leno as a Jekyll and Hyde type character.

This is the potrait of Andria which is in the book Doc's Sketchbook, it's done in the style of director Tim Burton.

This is a very early photomanip of MJ turning into a weregrinch.


  1. Your pictures were very good, and I thought the one of me looked exactly like something out of Tim Burton's sketchbooks.

  2. Thanks.

    We did a Tim Burtonesque animated adaptation of The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe and we modelled Lenore on you with a bit of Sally from the Nightmare Before Christmas thrown in. You should see it.

    My brother and I did some concept art of a darker, edgier animated Blackadder series called Blackadder 5. We've done about 7 different designs of what the new Edmund BA should look like, one of them was kind of inspired by Count Olaf, one of them was inspired by Sweeney Tood and the one my brother did was inspired by the Joker.
