Sunday 18 October 2009

Cable Guy

My brother and I watched the Cable Guy on tv once, it's a very good film because it's not only very funny but it's also kind of creepy and chilling. Jim was great as usual and his character was the perfect blend of fun and terror. We have several favourite scenes from this movie but we like the nightmare Matthew Broderick's character has about the cable guy breaking into his house- especially the spooky eyes the cable guy has and when he says...."I JUST WANNA HANG OUT! NO BIG DEAL!" . And the way he chases Matthew Broderick in that nightmare is just like in Wolf when Jack Nicholson chases James Spader through the woods while they're transforming.

Now believe it or not I had a dream just like the movie, except with a little twist- it turns out that Chip is a weregrinch. It also kind of pays homage to Michael Jackson's Thriller music video. My brother and me as well as Rick (Jack Black) and Steven (Matthew Broderick)- and Chip (Jim Carrey) are going to the movies, but on the way the car runs out of gas, Rick says.."Aaw man, looks like we're out of gas", my brother then asks...."So what are we gonna do now?", so the five of us end up walking through the woods. Steven says to my brother..."I'm sorry I didn't believe you about Chip" , my brother tells him..."Ah, that's okay." , Chip then says..."Can I ask you guys something?" , we reply..."Sure!", he then says..."You know you like me and I like you guys, right? I was wondering if you would be my friends." and gives us some cool present. We go..."Wow! Thanks. It's awesome!", he then says.."Now it's official." He then looks at us and announces..."I have something I want to tell you." , Rick responds.."Yes, Chip?", he then tells us..."I'm not like other cable guys" , Steven and I respond with "Of course you're not, Chip, that's why we like you", he then tells us..."I mean I'm different!", Rick raises an eyebrow and quips.."What are you talking about?", the full moon comes out from behind a cloud and Chip doubles over in pain, "Are you alright?" asks my brother, Chip jumps up with yellow grinch eyes and fangs and growls...."BACK OFF!", he then changes into a weregrinch, Rick, my brother, Steven and I are terrified and we run away as quickly as possible, weregrinch Chip roars and then chases after us. When we think we've lost him, weregrinch Chip unfortunately catches us and tries to attack us. Then it's revealed it's a horror movie we're watching in the movie theatre, a voice on the screen shouts..."My god what is that thing?" some other voice shouts..."Look out!", while one voice says..."The creature went that way sherrif", all of the people watching it are scared out of their wits and that includes me, my brother, Steven and Rick but Chip is enjoying it. "Man this movie is frightening. " My brother says, "Yeah let's get out of here." Rick adds. "Aaaw, but i'm enjoying it and we haven't even seen the really good part yet." Chip quips. "We're out of here!" Rick, Steven, my brother, Rick and I walk out of the theatre. Chip comes out of the theatre and says..."It's only a movie!" , my brother says..."Chip, it's not funny" , he then goes...."Oh, you were scared weren't you?", my brother responds..."What!!? We weren't scared!", Chip then quips..."Admit it, you were scared." Chip then starts singing a cover of Thriller by Michael Jackson as a montage of scenes from the movie with me and my brother added in appears. Then half way through the song special guest Tyrone DeSoto aka Tyrone The Terrible does a Vincent Price style rap. In this next part Chip does the Thriller dance with a horde of monsters and the next part is just like the nightmare scene from the film, Steven, Rick, my brother and I get scared and freak out, we then head off to Rick's house to hide, Chip then says..."Aaaw, don't run away. Come back. I didn't mean to scare you!" and then chases after us While Rick, Steven, my brother and me are at his house hiding, all is well until Chip (in his demoneyed nightmare form from the film) bursts through the door and snarls..."I JUST WANNA HANG OUT. NO BIG DEAAAAL!" and closes in on us- we get really scared and scream in terror. Chip then taps us on the shoulder and says..."What's the problem? Come on i'll take you guys home" but as Chip turns to the camera he smiles and flashes his yellow grinch eyes - turns out it was all just a dream within a dream....or was it?

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