Wednesday 21 October 2009

Evil furbies and other tall tales

In late summer 1999 we got ourselves a Furbie, he was a black one- we called him Drake. The good things about him was that he was a cute as the dickens, the bad thing about him was that he kept driving us batty all day and night with the noises he kept making- he kept demanding attention twenty four seven. We got so fed up with him that we decided to put him in the garage. Now here comes the really scary part, a couple of weeks later when we went to the garage to get some tools and all of a sudden we heard this really scary sounding noise- it was kind of a growling sound and it was coming behind from one of the boxes and it went kind of like this.."Ooo wwaaa, urrrr". My brother then turned around and saw that you've heard the stories of Furbies acting balisitic but our one Drake was absolutely animalistic and not too mention bat f***k insane, almost like Jack Nicholson in The Shining. It was a nightmare come true. So we tried numerous attempts to destroy it even taking out it's batteries but the thing just wouldn't die. Eventually we decide to send him to our arch nemesis Stefanie as revenge for the many times she turned some of our friends against us. We are currently on the search for the Gizmo Furby.

Our first toy inventions were a singing koala named Matilda, a sheep named Charlene and a black cat named Cleopatra. When you pressed Matilda's paws the tune of Waltzin Matilda would play, when you gave Bobby a squeeze he had let out a soft bleating sound and when you squeezed the cat she would let out a cute meowing sound. Those three were invented in 1991 and they worked just fine. We played with them for 5 years then forgot about them. Then in 2001 we decided to get them out again to see if they still worked, but when we did...the tune that came out of Matilda wasn't cheerie like it was in 1991, it sounded warped and kind of like a ironic nursery ryme like the ones who hear it films like Poultergeist, the sheep sounded like someone getting hacked to death, and the cat's meow was now deepened and quite demonic, almost like the growl of the wolf from American Werewolf In London. We didn't get rid of them though- we kept them despite their malfunctions.

We made copies of Matilda, Bobby and Cleo. You might be able to find them in second hand stores, they're quite valuable. Not only are they cute but they're good for scaring away intruders with- plus Cleo has light up eyes.

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