Friday 30 October 2009

Old enemies


He was unattractive, mean, arrogant, rude, and absolutely beastly. He hated everyone's guts especially ours, he hated us because we were different. He had a face only a blind mother could love and the heart of a monster. He had no sense of humour and would always order the other kids around and tell them to "shut up" for no reason. He would also beat up anyone who questioned his methods in a rather brutal manner. Me and my brother were always on his list of "victims". He hurt me pretty bad one time. Eventually we got pretty sick of his behaviour and I decided to stand up to him- I said "Keith, I've had enough of your monstrous behaviou. You may think that you are all that but you are NOT all that. You are an arrogant, selfish bully who gets his kicks from picking on innocent studens like me. I will not bother to fight you, because I am better than that. Your evil rein of terror must come to an end. I may not be strong enough to stop you alone, but with my brother by my side I am more than a match for you. So give up your bully lifestyle and leave for the good of all mankind." And years later that hellspawn Keith was sent to a boarding school- and he he was never seen again. Unfortunately he still appears in my nightmares. He was often seen with his cronie Jason who thanks to us later did a face heel turn and decided to join the side of good.


She's what I would like to call the bastard offspring of She-Hulk and Rocky Dennis. Aggressive, controlling, vicious, cold hearted and not to mention bitter. She was ALWAYS angry and she liked to CRUSH anything or anyone that got in the way.


This guy was 10 times worse than Keith even though he was disabled and also to some extent retarded in some sense. He was like a paraclegic Hulk. He was strong but extremely slow and dimwitted and the slow part is a good thing because that way his so called victims could run away from him easily without worrying about him catching up. He also appears in my nightmares but my brother usually stops him with his incredible brain power.


Named after and looks like the pink haired girl from Lazytown except she's nothing like her. She liked sports quite a bit and was a real downright b***h. She served as our other arch enemy in school. She had a crush on Tom, the captain of the sports team. She also had a nasty habit of turning friends against each other. She also manipulated others into doing her dirty. Our first and only friend feud was because of her. We got revenge on her though by making a voodoo doll of her using the Custom Voodoo Doll kit that Tyrone sent us.

All of the teachers and staff at all our old schools except for Heather, Myrtle, Penny, Sam and to some extent Helen (a good friend of ours who is a fan of John Candy):

Most if not all of the teachers and staff at the schools we went to were either a complete pain in the ass, insane or just pure evil. We already mentioned all of them in one of our posts. The only ones we recall that were nice were Heather (an artist, looked a lot like Andria), Myrtle (also an artist), Penny, Sam (Johnny Depp fan and Beanie baby collector extraordinare) and Helen (John Candy fan and mother of two sons who are named after John and James Belushi). If I was given a choice between that dunderhead Mr Cope, that wicked witch Mrs Brook or that absolute tyrant Mrs Margaret Zupsitch, and a seasick crocodile...I'd pick the crocodile.


The boy Stephanie always had a crush on, he was a lot like Gaston from Beauty And The Beast. He was captain of the football team and he was a real jerk.

Brian "Dr Madness" Sloane:

My arch nemesis/evil counterpart. A mad scientist who is more than a little insane and often thinks up plots to take over the world. He is also a coniving manipulative bastard with the power to shapeshift. He likes to do really horrible things to people in his top secret evil laboratory and often experiments on animals turning them into mutants. He has a brother named Dr Chaos who is my brother's evil counterpart.


The werejohncandy with the unibrow and the Russian accent. Chumsley's evil counterpart/arch nemesis. Serves as Dr Madness's henchman at times. He's the complete opposite of what Chumsley is like.

The Sinistra Sisters:

5 rather creepy and twisted girls who have supernatural powers, one of them is a lot like EmiLoca.


  1. That's funny you had a teacher who thought highly of you, and named Helen. I had a teacher by that name who really liked me A LOT, and we are still in touch from time to time. She once saw a werejohncandy raiding her trash can next to her camper while vacationing in Alberta, Canada, and she thought it was a bear or possibly Bigfoot. Thank god she didn't shoot it!

  2. Really? That's interesting because Chumsley's relatives like to go around and explore.
