Thursday 15 October 2009

Monster factfile episode 1: Weregrinch.

Today on Monster factfile we'll tell you about one of the most rare and elusive of lycanthropes, the Weregrinch.Description:Weregrinches (latin name: Lycanthius grinchus) are a very rare and unique species of lycanthrope that mainly appear around Christmas time but sometimes appear before and after xmas as well.

Weregrinches are covered in thick green fur, have pointed ears, small vampirish fangs, glowing eyes, long black clawed fingernails/toenails, a long mane, bushy eyebrows, and a grinch-like muzzle. Females tend to have a much longer mane, slitted eyes, shorter claws and darker lips.

Behaviour traits:
Most weregrinches have various grinch-like traits and characteristics such as super keen senses and amazing super agility, stealth and strength. They also tend to growl at their enemies. Weregrinches are also very mysterious and elusive.

Weregrinches are not good or evil but are in fact neutral. Weregrinches are often misunderstood because of their rather bad reputation. Weregrinches are sometimes feared by humans especially around Christmas time.

Examples of weregrinches :
Jim Carrey
Darwin "Captain Comedy" Chance.
All members of the Green Claw Society from our Beauty And The Beast sitcom.
The Weregrinch who stole Christmas.
Crawler from our superhero show Mangrinch.
Grincherella (she's Tyrone The Terrible's new assistant)

Weregrinches are very excellent fighters and are also very stealthy and clever. They make great ninjas too. They are also very deadly especially when under emotional stress and they transform whenever they're angry just like Bruce Banner aka the Incredible Hulk. Weregrinches have a variety of powerful attacks including their claw and bite attacks.

The metamorphosis:
With most lycanthrope transformations in movies the transformation process is either depicted as scary or painful. But with weregrinch transformations the proccess isn't anything like that except for the first time it happens and that's because it's an affectionate parody of a typical horror movie transformation scene. It usually starts with the person developing grinch-like traits such as glowing yellow eyes, super keen senses, and superhuman agility, stealth and strength as well as a Jack Nicholsonish Cheshire Cat smile and growling a little. Then green fur starts to sprout all over that person's body and his/her fingernails and toenails grow into long, black sharp claws, and they slowly become more and more grinch-like throughout the process. The green fur growth kind of itches at first but he/she gets used to it over time. Then their features become more and more grinch-like as the green fur starts sprouting on their face, they also develop more grinch-like features including bushy eyebrows and a grinch-like muzzle. Unlike with most werecreature transformations where the face pushes out and becomes a snout, with weregrinch transformations the person's nose turns black and then moves upward because a grinch's nose is a lot higher up on the face than a human's is. And their hair grows longer and longer, they then develop pointed ears and small vampire-like fangs. When the final part of a weregrinch transformation takes place, they become more grinch-like as their hair grows into a mane while the grinch-like muzzle finishes developing and when the transformation is complete they are now a fully transformed weregrinch. Raaawr!

Weregrinches transform whenever they are under emotional stress especially if they are angry. They become particularly grinch-like around the Christmas season.

Transferring the curse:
There are two ways a weregrinch can turn another person into one of it's kind, one way is by bitting them and the other is by scratching them.

Becoming a weregrinch:
There are several ways a person can be transformed into a weregrinch, being bitten or scratched by one is the most common and basic way of doing it, but are also there are tons of other ways to do it as well. Santa sometimes gives people the curse of weregrinch as an alternative to giving them coal if they've been bad, and sometimes he gives it to them as a special bonus reward if they've been nice or good all year. Our friend Captain Comedy got bitten by Jim Carrey (the original weregrinch) while with me it comes with having Jim as my alternate personality.

Grinchy facts:

  • A female weregrinch is sometimes refered to as a shegrinch. They look almost EXACTLY the same as a male weregrinch except they have a much longer mane, their eyes are kind of slitted like a cats (but they still retain the exact same colour the males have) and their lips are darker.
  • Weregrinches do not howl like werewolves do but they do roar, growl or on some occassions hiss like a vampire or werecat.
  • Most weregrinches are garbage gormands which means they eat trash, glass bottles and anything else that can be found at the dump- but this only applies to the more wild subtype. The more domesticated kind are quite fond of human food.
  • There are more than one species of grinch, there are other 10 different subspecies including weregrinch, vampire grinch, and even God Grinch.
  • Grinches in general are not good or evil but they are in fact neutral.
  • Contrary to what people believe, grinches are not at all stingy, mean or evil...they are actually quite charming, caring and likable.
  • Also contrary to what people believe, grinches are not all vicious or monster-like neither do they eat the flesh of innocent Whos or humans, they also don't have termite infested teeth nor do they do hate Christmas or any other holiday for that matter. Those are just rumours made up to scare people.
  • Grinches belong to the same family as the Yeti or Sasquatch. They also have a lot in common.
  • Although the most common place for most grinches to be spotted is usually in a cave up on a mountain, some more domesticated ones live in a forest or city.
  • Wild grinches also tend to be Chaotic Evil while the more domesticated ones are neutral but most of the time lawful good.

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