Thursday 8 October 2009

My art

I'm currently a Deviant on Deviantart, I do mainly fan-art and photomanips. I've been getting quite a lot of messages, about 36 to be exact. All of them were good except the two notes I got from the administrator saying that the photomanip titled Michael Going Grinch was a copyright violation. Okay I don't know who he thinks he is by making a bogus statement like that but let me tell brother and I got permission from Michael himself back in 2002 to copy it so there's technically nothing in the rules against it. I think they should make ban the rule of copyright on that site, because I do not want to be limited to just doing just boring old original work (most of my original drawings suck, okay, so DON'T EVEN ASK ME to do them) or stock imagery (we don't hire "models" or "take pictures of exciting places", sure we're rich because of all the cartoons and films we make but are we not that exciting).

Okay so maybe i'm not artist material, so maybe i'm not "Picasso" or even "Da Vinci", I'm not good at drawing, when I was a kid I never "coloured inside the lines" , I'm not what you would call a "prodigy" , I'm a real amuteur when it comes to drawing, my brother and I prefer to do it on the computer- seriously, my drawings are so bad they look like something the dog threw up. When I was a kid, I used to do drawings that creeped people out, even my brother was creeped out by them.

I do however have some friends on there, their names are Weremoose, werekatt, Fullmoonmaster, Grincha and Sleepy Hillhurst.

Anyway here's a link to my deviantart page, check out my gallery sometime.


  1. Guess who's back? That's right, ME!!! I'm glad to see you're still keeping this great blog going, and I just got new internet service today. I'm still my usual self, but Alan is at death's door now. He is suffering from multiple organ failure and blood poisoning for reasons that not even the doctors in the intensive-care unit know. All I know is that he sliced his hand open on the fan blade of his truck and then stirred a bucket of insecticide with his bare hands. I liked your art, by the way, and why aren't there any pictures of me there?
