Sunday 6 June 2010

The cable guy

I've been workin on a spin-off of the movie the Cable Guy - no not Larry,  the one with Jim Carrey in it.   The characters from the movie are in it as well as some OCs played by me, my brother,  and Andria.


He is the character played by Matthew Broderick in the movie, he is also unfortunately one of the few people that Jim's character Chip "befriends" and later stalks.

Steven's ex girlfriend.

Ollie (my OC)
Ollie is a techno geek who is one of Steven's best friends, he doesn't at all get a long well with Chip - in fact he often suspects him of being a weregrinch.

Matt (my brother's OC)
Matt is a computer graphic designer and gamer who is frequently seen at the mall or on his computer. Unfortunately sometimes Chip hacks into his computer mainframe or sometimes unleashes a virus on there.


Jack Black's character and one of the only sane people. He is Rick's closest friend and an expert in the fields of technology, he also is a great singer and loves rock music especially heavy metal - he can be seen with his co partner who is Kyle Gass's character (Kyle Gass is Jack Black's friend and bandmate). He also works for the cable company.

Cathrine (Andria's OC)

Cathrine is another cable company employee, she is also a real wiz with computers and has software that can track down the IP address and phsyical location of just about anyone including Chip.

Chip Douglas

Jim Carrey's character and the main antagonist. He is a cable installation specialist who is sometimes insane with stalker tendencies. He's lonely as well and just wants a friend....but sometimes his attempts at "befriending" people take turns for the worst. He speaks with a lisp which isn't really explained that much but it kind of adds to the creep factor. Steven's other friends don't get along well with him at all. He's been fired from the cable company for stalking his customers. Heavily suspected of being a weregrinch by Ollie and heavily suspected of being a menace to society by Rick, Matt, and Cathrine. He is great at basketball and also at karaoke.

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