Sunday 2 August 2009

Canadian Weregrinch In Burbank

We're going to tell you about this dream we had last night. It was kind of like the beginning of Michael Jackson's Thriller video. It starts off with me and my brother and some friends hanging out with Jim Carrey at a party. We joke around a bit and Jim tells us that he hopes he likes us just like we like him- we tell him yes, he gives us a big hug and then says..."There's something I want to tell you guys". We then say "Yes, Jim?" , Jim then tell us..."I'm not like other guys" , my brother goes "Of course not, you're Jim Carrey and that's why we like you!", Jim then says..."I mean i'm different", my brother asks him..."What are you talking about?". Then the full moon comes out from behind a cloud and Jim doubles over in pain. I ask him "Are you alright, Jim? Is this one of our jokes?", Jim jumps up with yellow grinch eyes and growls......."GET AWAY!!!", he then slowly changes into the grinch (his transformation being a lot like Mj's werecat transformation from the video) but unlike the girl in the Thriller music video my brother, friends and I decide to run as quickly as possible. But Jim-Grinch catches up with us. Grinch-Jim then bites me. Then much later I start to transform too, I sprout green fur all over my body, my facial features become very grinch-like, my eyes glow yellow, I develop cute little fangs, sharp claws, and become more and more grinch-like, in other words I turn into a weregrinch.

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