Monday 31 August 2009

Suspicious Activity

I'm using this other computer to update my blog because the one I usually use won't let me access the sign in page for some reason. And also it's been frequently acting up because of something called the Windows Protection Suite it's a piece of spyware that pretends to be an anti virus program and it has the ever so ann0ying habbit of popping up when it's not wanted. It makes this really freaky sound that sounds like a pig squealing in pain. I managed to find a few ways to get past it through. I have no idea how it got there but I can probably find out.

I have a long list of suspects who might have something to do with it. Note that none of the people on Amiright are on it and that's because I know Chucky G and all the others are innocent well except for EmiLoca and that's because she's kind of a Stalker With A Crush, I think it may be my so called rival on that site who calls himself Dr Lose It- I thought there was something very suspicious about him. I know Andria is innocent and her husband seems like a nice person, so it must be either Dr Madness or Airdna.

I'll get to the bottom of this somehow.

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