Tuesday 23 March 2010


As  I am typing this i can't help but wonder what adventures our good friend Andria is up to.   I hope that she is alright and that she isn't in any sort of danger.

After all she is our friend and i wouldn't want anything bad to happen to her.   No i'm not obssesed with her,   I like her yes but i don't have a crush on her.   She's already married.

But she always looks out for me and defends me and I'm doing the same for her.     I hope she hasn't been kidnapped or anything - because if she was -  i'd have immediantley had Rents of Slapstick Anarchy up on my list of suspects (because he's had a grudge against me and Andria ever since he published those "articles" about me on his blog).

But if she ever does get caught in any sort of danger....she'd probably know that there are quite a lot of superheroes in the city including Chinstar as well as a friendly gargoyle clan.   And she can trust Chinstar - because he's a superhero after all and is well known for being the ONLY good guy wereleno.

So wherever she is,  I hope that she is okay.

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